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Fortitude Save
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/21 (Comics)
Welcome to Anti-Heroes! If you're joining us for the first time, then I suggest you check out the "About" page to get an idea of what all this is about. If you're too lazy to go there, then here's the abridged version.
Anti-Heroes is a webcomic, based in the same art style as Rich Burlew's "Order of the Stick." As with OotS, the story takes place within a world that is more-or-less governed by the rules set out by Dungeons and Dragons. However, the characters aren't exactly the kinds of people you'd expect to see as protagonists in a campaign. As already mentioned, more details can be found on other parts of the site, so I'll just leave it there.
Now, with the formalities out of the way, let's get on with the comic, and I hope you enjoy it.

The Fairest of Them All
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/21 (Comics)
How do Vampires comb their hair? Or do any self maintenance for that matter? I mean, did you see Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire? I don't care who you are, no one can just wake up like that every day.

Double D
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/21 (Comics)
In the Dungeons and Dragons universe, becoming a Vampire has a pretty huge effect on a character. You completely lose your Constitution score (all undead do), but you gain bonuses to pretty much everything else, not to mention gaining an almost ridiculous amount of special powers and abilities. One of these said bonuses is a +4 boost to your Charisma score, which is supposed to represent basically how attractive your character is. So having a vampiric character gaining a bust size makes sense when you think about it.

They're Answers, Aren't They?
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
I think if I ever saw a ghost like that, I'd challenge him to a duel. Just for the novelty of being able to say I duked it out with some ectoplasm. Then I could go around introducing myself as a "ghostbuster" and women would flock to my side.
Assuming, of course, I live. But really, how hard could it be to beat a ghost?

She Became the Mascot
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Remember, when all else fails, blame it on the undead guy.

Elven Negotiations
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
It's not uncommon for players to put their foot in their mouth when dealing with NPCs, which is more or less what I tried conveying here in this comic. The sad part is that some players tend to do it without any regret and basically say whatever they please to any NPC they encounter. Unfortunately for Andil here, Lana happens to be a bit more vengeful than your average NPC.

Revenge is Best Served With a Side of Ranger
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
A little bit of trivia on the team of "heroes" we see here. Before I created Anti-Heroes, I had another comic idea I was playing with, but ultimately didn't bother continuing with it. The main characters of the original comic are the characters you see here (other than Lana, there was another rogue in her place). Xavier went from being a main character to cannon fodder in a very short amount of time, as you can see. I kinda feel sorry for him, but then I remember that I never really liked him to begin with. And it makes everything better.

Contractual Dispute
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
I've always wanted to try a stunt like this one on a player in a D&D game, but I've yet to have a chance. Especially if it was the big-bad guy who did it. The players would have a life-long vendetta against him for that one. Or against me, but I'm willing to take that risk.

He Had It Coming
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
This was a fun comic to make, simply because it was really the first time I got to show off a bunch of different spell effects on the same page. Some of the spells in D&D can be pretty interesting, and coming up with the proper way to show them off is one of the fun parts of making a comic.

Answers At Last!
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Aha! What's this? Something that resembles a plot? It is indeed! And it revolves around... a petty debt.
Hey, it's something.

Extra Crispy
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Is it strange that a fantasy setting which was pretty much founded by Tolkien and his books has never heard of them? Probably no more strange than that goblin trying to borrow sugar. One has to wonder just what a goblin would be baking, especially underground.

The Many Faces of Lana
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
I really liked drawing this comic, mostly because of Lana's different costumes. Out of them all, I still think her Bard outfit turned out the best, if only because of the little high-heel boots.
It's also amazing how players can be two completely different people before and after a new level in D&D. Multi-classing especially brings this into a new light, being that pretty much anyone can take a level from any other class they qualify for, even if the two classes are completely incompatible. It's a strange system. And before anyone complains about Lana's bad multi-classing, there is good reason for it in the future.

Fashion Statement
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
I've always wondered just where these little starting supplies come from when a character takes a new class in the middle of a campaign, especially for people like Wizards, since they get their trusty spellbook at level 1. I mean, if the characters are in-town or something, then it's fine, but what if they're stuck inside some horrible dungeon? Does the Character Class Fairy bring them this stuff in their sleep?

posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Once again, I've delved into the realm of the unknown with goblins. What is this assignment? Who is this guy's boss? Is his rash an allergic reaction or just a bacterial infection?
So many questions...

Someone's Watching
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Gasp! Another serving of plot? Well, well, this should be getting interesting.
I also wonder who cans all that blood...

Dun Dun DUNN!!!
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
So that's where Andil and Laldera went! And it doesn't look like she's put any ranks in spot yet, either.
And who is this mysterious bounty hunter? Well, if you've been to the cast page, then you probably already know, but if you haven't, then feel the suspense!

Who Ya' Gonna Call
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
There seemed to be some debate over whether Egon had brown or blond hair. I picked brown, since it looks that way in the movies, but in all the cartoons his hair was blond, so I'm not sure what to think anymore.
Oh, and representing Bill Murray in this art style is harder than it looks.

Poor Planning
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Frat-boy ghosts? That's right, people. Just because they're dead doesn't mean they can't be lively, right? Well, I guess yes, it does, but... You know what I mean!

But Really, What Kind of Haircut is That?
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Dwarven clerics are pretty common, simply because they just seem to go together so well. As for the hair, well, I drew that roughly and worried about fixing it after. The longer I saw it, the more I realized that it just worked for him. Well, no, it didn't, but that's what was so great about it. And so another joke was born.

She Didn't Break Any Skylights, Though
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
This is one of the abilities that vampires characters can use, as I mentioned way back on comic #3. They can summon rats, bats or wolves once per day. This is pretty much the way I pictured it happening, too. It was only after I had already made half of this comic before I realized that the whole summoning bats thing was reminding me of Batman.
In fact, now that I mention it, I'd like to see Batman go up against a D&D vampire, just to see who would win. Whoever came out on top could be crowned the true king of the night!

The Plot Thickens... Like Pea Soup
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
One thing that always bothered me about this comic was that it seemed like the little bit of story I mentioned back in comic #10 was something thought of on the spot, and was replaced by this. Well, to make a long story short, no, that's not what I intended. I haven't forgotten about what was said in issue #10 and it will come back at some point.
But for now, mull this stuff over.

It Had to Happen Sooner or Later
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
At some point in this comic, I said to myself, "Wow, there's enough undead here to star in a Michael Jackson video." And then it hit me. Why don't they?

He's Bad!
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
I really don't know what kind of stuff Michael Jackson could really do if he was in D&D, but judging from the moves he pulled in his videos, this stuff seems pretty likely.

A Brand New Car?
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
As you can probably see, I like mysteries.

The Plan in Action
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
There's a lot of spells in D&D that... just don't do anything useful. Hold Portal is widely considered as one such spell. And if there's anything I like doing, it's putting useless things to... use. I mean, given the right circumstance, a lot of seemingly useless spells can really come in handy.
Except for that Secret Chest spell. That one still doesn't make any sense to me.

Frat-Sense, Tingling
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Such are the things learned in college.

I Don't Think Combat Reflexes Work Like That
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
A ranger's spell list doesn't particularly come in handy when underground, but the rulebook doesn't say anything about improvising, now does it?

He Never Asked
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
This was the first time we really see Kaal's incompetence so blatently, and it kind of developed into a recurring theme throughout the comic.
This also marks the last time we actually see Michael Jackson in the comic. His cameo lasted longer than I expected, but there was a lot more comedy potential with him that I originally realized, so he stuck around. Does this mean he'll be coming back for an encore performance? I dunno, but there's still a lot of stuff I could do with him, that's for sure.

With Friends Like Them...
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
The sad part is that there's a lot of players who are just like that. They'd sooner take your stuff and leave your corpse than actually spend a moment to worry about your character.
And another special quality of vampires is revealed. They heal all physical damage over time, and pretty darn quickly at that. It's because of all these little things that makes writing this comic increasingly difficult as Lana learns to use more and more of her new abilities. I need to come up with ridiculous plots so the characters can't simply pull out a simple trick and bypass the entire thing.
This is the same reason why being a Dungeon Master is a hard job. You need to take everything into account as your players go through, and even then, they still manage to find a loophole or something to get around something big you had planned. It's frustrating.

Story Time
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
This is another comic that seems kinda detached from everything else that's going on, and I've never really liked it for that. It does seem like a lot of information for a little detail, but it gave me some practice drawing more detailed backgrounds, and I do intend to revisit this information sooner or later too.

She Got Burned... Literally
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
The big reveal comes at last, complete with an extra row. Confound that last panel for being so big!

posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Sunlight©! Guaranteed to take care of those pesky vampires any time of the day... As long as it's not night! Or cloudy... Or raining...
I think we might need a new slogan.

posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
This comic serves two purposes. One, it shows that Aldran doesn't like people getting in the way of his plans. In fact, he really doesn't like it. Another fun fact about this is that this comic is the first time we ever see him referring to Lana by name.
Secondly, it shows off some of his power. Time Stop is a very high-level spell, so in order to cast it, he must be pretty powerful himself, which was always alluded to, but never really blatantly shown. So now you know.

posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Everybody do the twist...
Yeah, I'm a sucker for plot twists. I always have been, and I enjoy writing them in. Though I realize that one too many twists will make them stale after a while, so I try to keep the big ones for big events, obviously. Events like this one.
So, apparently Keriss and Aldran (another fun fact: this is the first time in the comic we hear their names) have some past relationship. More details will come later on this little point, but for now, enjoy the heartwarming feel. Or something.

Ah, Love
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
It's been done a thousand times before, but the whole idea of "embrace, then fighting" in a relationship is always funny to display in pretty much any medium. And given the context of their relationship, it worked between Aldran and Keriss so well.

This is Beginning to Feel Like Lost
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
If you're wondering about the title of the comic, it's referring to the TV Series Lost which I've been watching since season 1. The entire show is basically a collection of unsolved mysteries, where when any single one is eventually solved, five more take its place. The show has had its high and low points, but it's still pretty decent, if you've been following it.
But seriously, the writers need to throw us a bone here. We've been in the dark way too long.

posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Ah, another comic focusing on the group of so-called "heroes." I've always kind of liked writing for these guys, since I get to make fun of the average "heroes work together and save the day" idea. In fact, my whole point with these characters is to try and make them as annoying as possible, but still retain that idea that they're the good guys. And what better way to show off their dysfunctional nature than with inter-party bickering!

The Roulette Tables Were Closed
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
What? You've never dated anyone with a tail? Well, maybe you should...

He's Really Got to Stop With All the Drama
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
He really is pretty melodramatic, isn't he? But hey, it gets the job done.

Tough Will Save
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
I think this issue pretty much speaks for itself.

Blood Flavored Coffee, or Coffee Flavored Blood?
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
I really can't imagine drinking blood in the morning. It would taste rather odd with cereal.

Shattered Dreams
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

It's Called Phasmophobia
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
The poke at V8 was a friend's idea, but since I hate V8 as well, I figured it was good to throw it in.
Oh, and I realize that "phasmophobia" may not be the proper term for the fear of ghosts, but I found about five different "phobia" names for it, so I used this one. I just liked the way it sounded.

"I'm a Travel Agent!"
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Aha. We have the name of a city! The world of Anti-Heroes grows a little larger...

posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
All of the spells that Aldran lists are indeed actual spells in the Player's Handbook for D&D. Yes, this includes Leomund's Tiny Hut. Brought to you from the same guy who came up with Secret Chest, so you can probably guess just about how useful it is too.

Curiosity Killed Us All
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Ghosts, much like vampires, get all kinds of neat abilities and bonuses when they take on the template. However, some of them are just plain weird, and the one described in the comic is one that always kind of confused me. Sure, it makes sense for balancing the game, but it just... doesn't make logical sense. Then again, a lot of things in D&D don't, so I suppose it works out.

The Rune That Goes "Ping!"
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Hey! Look at that! It only took me 47 comics to make a Monty Python reference.
If you don't get it, it's from a sketch near the beginning of Monty Python's Meaning of Life, which is not a movie for the feint of heart. Don't get me wrong, it's hilarious, but if you do decide to watch it, be thoroughly warned that it will likely catch you off guard at some point or another.

It's Called the "Hilton Diet"
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

Scroll With the Punches
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Here's an interesting fact: Apparently, brains really are bad for you. So now you know. And knowing is half the battle.

Flawless Timing
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
And here it is! The first official "jumbo-sized" issue, coming in at just over double the size of a normal issue and complete with the introduction of three new characters. All in all, I'm fairly happy with how this issue turned out, though I would have liked the battle to go on a little longer, but I was running out of ideas to use, so decided to cut it short. Besides, I had important places for the characters to get to and I wanted to get them on said tracks as soon as possible.

Roaming Charges Apply
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Is this the end of Frank?! Well, Frank was a character I never meant to actually last this long. In fact, I originally planned to have him killed off during the fight with Keriss, but he just kinda stuck around. People really liked him, so I figured he could stay.
So are we saying goodbye? Tune in next time!

Looks Like He Need New Material
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Frank! The others can still go after him, but the question is, will they?

Dutch Angle
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
So no, apparently we won't be seeing Frank again. I felt kinda bad taking him away like this, being how popular he proved to be, but I did what needed to be done.
Besides, I have new characters to introduce...

Morty is Not a "Young-Man" Name
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Behold, the smell of new characters! And there's still another to go, so keep reading.

Intelligent, But Not Clever
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Okay, so it's not really that much of a character as it is a ripoff of the HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, but that counts.

posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
With the right roll, it's amazing what players can get away with on a bluff check. If a DM is smart, he'll take tons of things into consideration during the check, like the NPC's disposition toward the players, the situation, and most of all, the overall quality of the lie.
If, however, a DM doesn't pay attention to any of these things, then expect the players to verbally stomp over everything he comes up with. Remember, the players are not always the clever ones.

Kaal's Wisdom Knows No Bounds
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

Unbeknowest to Him, But Knowest to Us
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Does this mean there's something between Aldran and this mysterious captain?
You'll be finding out soon enough.

Bluff Checks Are Not Part of His Repetoire
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

The Not-So-Shocking Turn of Events
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
I wonder how screwed up the world would be if the sun suddenly rose in the North one morning. People would be horrified to realize that sundials across the globe would be rendered useless! It would be mass hysteria!

More Than Meets the Eye
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
So it turns out Kaal really is good for something. Go figure.

It Wouldn't Be Flattery
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

Bedside Stories
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Looks like things are going to get nasty...

Evil Taste
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
If you've been to the cast page, then this probably isn't that much of a shocker. But if you're seeing this for the first time, then here's your answer to the black speech balloon you saw in issue #50. A simple illusion, but effective nonetheless.

Who Can That Attractive Red Orb Be?
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Wait, Kaal did something useful again? What's the world coming to?!
In retrospect, the speech bubble composition in this comic is surprisingly confusing. I never even realized this during production. Interesting.

It's Like Some Weird Dance Number
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Interestingly enough, this "dance number" appears right after an issue in which the lyrics from a musical were being sung. Coincidence? Probably.

A Draining Performance
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
Yes, I realize that "SOAP" is spelled backwards on the box, but that's because it's a mirror image, and I didn't realize it until after I posted it. Besides, it kind of fits Kaal's character, so I figured I'd just keep it in.

Negotiations Are Going to Get Messy
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

Seeing Things
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

Up The Ante
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
As I mentioned earlier in the comic, I like visualizing the various spell effects in the D&D universe. As soon as I read about Shadow Evocation, I knew exactly how I could show it, and I think the result turned out a lot better than I could have hoped.
I am also aware that Finx should have more magic missiles than that, but think of it as if the others have already hit and that those two are merely the "last in the train."

Now He Owes Three
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

The Other Side of the Speech
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
If you got through today's wall of text, kudos, but why are you still reading? Seriously, go rest your eyes or something. This can't be healthy.

Conspiricy Theorist
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)

Nice Toss
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
And another double issue. I like making these things because they give me a lot more freedom as far as content is concerned. In single issues, I just have those four rows to work with, and although I've pretty much trained myself to think in a specific way to maximize the space, it's nice to have this kind excess.
The only downside is that these issues take a lot longer to make, and do a real number on slowing down my computer.

The Spoils of War Are Surprisingly Soft
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/23 (Comics)
And so the anti-heroes move on to Northhaven, hopefully without interruption, but we'll have to see. I have... other things to catch up on before then.

Snow Business
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/26 (Comics)
A late update, but I was busy this afternoon. Tomorrow's should be a bit earlier, though.
Also notice the little RSS logo underneath all the comics at the right-hand side. Click on that to subscribe to the RSS feed, in case anyone didn't already know. You can also click "Always Show" underneath the Author Comments title in order to keep my comments on each comic visible without having to click to open them each time. There are probably also going to be a few new additions here and there in the near future, and I'll keep people posted.
As for today's comic, I've always wanted to find a skeleton that actually worked like this. I mean, that's hours and hours of fun right there. Or maybe I'll just stick with my Lego.
EDIT: Had a bit of trouble with overwriting the previous comic. If something isn't displaying right, try refreshing. It should be all sorted out now.

Head Over Heels
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/24 (Comics)
Oh, Finx is not dead yet. Well, I guess, yeah he is dead, being a lich and all, but he's not dead dead.
And the anti-heroes are far from being done with him...
This comic also happens to mark the official launch day of this very website. Everything prior to this had already been posted on the forums at Giant in the Playground Games, but now it's all been relocated here. Hopefully, this will allow me to get a more broad audience, but only time will tell...

He Does Tours Now
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/27 (Comics)
And at long last, the dysfunctional heroes make their reappearance. Though it seems like they've only ran into more bad luck. It'll be interesting to see just how far this little alliance will be able to get them.
And it looks like Finx's few ranks in Profession (Chiropractor) seem to be paying off after all. People said he was crazy, but who's laughing now?

Bad-Guy Tactics 101
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/29 (Comics)
I dunno where Finx took this course, but it must be pretty popular. I mean, the whole "my troops suck, but I can throw a million of them for everyone one of yours" philosophy seems to be a common thought among bad-guys. Of course, there are always the "elite" troops that are supposed to be that much better than the average mook, but in the end, they all fall to the hand of the heroes. You'd think these villains would learn after a while.
At least Finx is mixing it up a bit and using the heroes as the mooks. He may have flunked the course, but it seems he has some creativity after all.
EDIT: In the words of Crazed as posted on
"Also, site update. I did an upgrade yesterday that had the site down for a bit. Now the "always hide/show" feature will work longer (hopefully), and image validation for comments is no longer necessary after you post more than three comments on the same computer. I didn't receive any complaints about this, but I figured I should do it to make both of our lives' easier. Plus, I want to encourage people to use the comments more, so hopefully it'll be less of a hassle without the image validation."
EDITEDIT: I also received an email from a fan regarding another comic named "Anti-Heroes" appearing as the number 1 Google search result. Just a hint of warning, that is NOT this comic. The other one is uh... significantly NSFW. If you're doing a Google search for this website then at the moment, we're on the second page of results, so avoid that first link. You've been warned.

Bump in the Night
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/1 (Comics)
The speech composition turned out a bit more confusing than I was expecting with this one, so if anyone's having a problem with it, all the tent panels should be read Top Left to Bottom Left to Top Right to Bottom Right.
Also, I didn't really notice this until now, but if you look at the tent in panel 4, you can see that it looks like it's in a pretty good mood.

Welcome to Northhaven
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/4 (Comics)
Whew. This one took a while to make, being that I had so much new stuff to draw, as you can see. Something is up with my connection too, since it took well over an hour to actually upload this thing, so that didn't help either. In any event, it's here now. I wanted to do two issues for this, but couldn't come up with a good way to separate them, so just jammed them together into one.
So at last, the anti-heroes reach Northhaven, and the readers get the first real look at the small city. Tune in next time for more Northern hijinks!

Waiting Game
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/7 (Comics)
I didn't update yesterday due to a combination of me being busy, tired and lazy. I was thinking of making a pie chart, but half-way through it I realized the laziness quadrant overshadowed all the others, so I gave up.

I See Jerry Springer in Their Future
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/8 (Comics)
Ahhh, such a small campaign world, ain't it?

Schrödinger's Dwarf
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/11 (Comics)
A late update, but an update nonetheless. I would have liked to get this up sooner, but distractions kept popping up. Oh well, it's here now, and that's all that matters.

Graham Greene Would Be Proud
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/11 (Comics)
The joke in the title is kind of obscure, but if you know your literature, then you should be able to get it. I thought it was fairly appropriate.
It's also Mother's Day today. So enjoy it while you still can.

Graham Greene Would Be Proud
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/11 (Comics)
lol test

Every Good Lesson Begins With Food
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/13 (Comics)
You can't train on an empty stomach, right?

Let's See Batman Do That
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/15 (Comics)
A bit of a jump in time, but I didn't really want to spend the entire time showing off every training exercise, and a montage didn't really seem to fit. Anyway, we're here now.
So Lana learns a new skill. The classic "turn into bat" routine, which seems to be a pretty common occurrence in the lore of vampires. And with such a skill, the difficulty curve of writing this comic has just increased once again. A double-edged sword, indeed.
We're also coming up on comic #100 pretty quickly here, and I will say that I have things planned. Big things. Begin your off-the-wall speculation at any time.

At Least He's Honest About It
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/17 (Comics)
It's a bad idea to draw characters eating breakfast while you're hungry. It really makes the process that much harder.
Just sayin'.

And No Parties Either
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/18 (Comics)
A bit of a later update, but it's May long weekend, so I'm fairly busy. On that note, I don't really have much else to say, so off I go!

Less Than Effective
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/22 (Comics)
I bet some of you were going through withdrawal with the lack of an update on Tuesday, but I apologize for my disappearance, so let me explain. I had some problems with my computer (again) just as the weekend ended, and I spent the next few days trying to get them all fixed. Things are working again as I'd like them, so the updates are back on track. If something else happens to interrupt them again, then I'll let everyone know.
Anyway, new issue today, and today is also the official release date of the fourth Indiana Jones movie. Haven't seen it yet, but hopefully I'll be sitting through it tonight. Looks like it might be pretty decent, from what I've read, though I'll have to see for myself.

I Wanna Rock!
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/24 (Comics)
So I saw the new Indiana Jones movie... I still don't really know exactly where I stand on it as of yet (might have to watch it again), but I know that it wasn't bad. Maybe I'll write a review for it at some point. But for now, enjoy today's comic.

posted by Jordan on 2008/5/25 (Comics)
I'm going to see if I can't try and fill out some more of the Extras section of the website in the coming days, so if you're looking for more, check back there every now and then. There might be something to interest you.

Seven Thousand, Three Hundred Twenty to One
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/27 (Comics)
A cookie for the first one to figure out what the odds given in the title are for.
Secondly, apologies for the late update today, but I've recently gotten back into playing Warcraft 3, and yes, I'm on Zarah is my screenname, but pretty much the only maps I play are role-playing ones. The classics where you spawn all your units and make up your stories from scratch. They're really great maps if you've got a good imagination and love role-playing. Unfortunately, finding a game on these days is easier said than done.
So, if anyone still pokes around with Warcraft, then maybe we could play an RP map together sometime? There's always a need for more RPers on!

Big Brother Isn't All That Big
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/29 (Comics)
So the drama is starting to dial up a bit, and as a bit of a warning, it may be like this for the next arc. Of course, comedy will still be important, but I want to get a lot of story and character development going in the coming weeks as well. So, if you'd rather see pure comedy, sorry to disappoint, but there is a story to tell.

It's Like Wine Tasting
posted by Jordan on 2008/5/31 (Comics)
You heard him, he's not manipulative.

A Green Thumb, She Ain't
posted by Jordan on 2008/6/1 (Comics)
I had something witty to say here, but I forgot it, so you'll have to do with this instead.

Fine Art
posted by Jordan on 2008/6/3 (Comics)
Everyone knows that Limericks are the highest form of literature there is. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.

Fame And Fortune
posted by Jordan on 2008/6/5 (Comics)
I can assure you that that dwarf has no relation to Chuck Norris at all.
None, I swear.

Oh How the Tables Turn
posted by Jordan on 2008/6/7 (Comics)
Lana isn't really one to talk about inefficient multiclassing, but oh well.
So yet another twist in this long and winding story. I've been waiting for a while now to introduce this scene, and I finally got to see it come to fruition. I'm fairly happy with the result.
As for issue 100, it may take a while to finish. There's a lot of drawing that must be done, and now that I'm working full-time, I'll probably slow down a bit. However, I'll do my best to get it out as soon as I can.

The Hunt Is On
posted by Jordan on 2008/6/12 (Comics)
Holy crap on a stick that took me forever to make. I said it would be done Wednesday, and technically it's Thursday, but hey, it's a comic, and it's done. So first, let me explain what happened. Since I'm off school for the summer, I went in for a job interview last Thursday, and things went well. Really well. In fact, I started the next day. And since I'm working full-time, it's taking up a lot of my free time, so I haven't had nearly as much time or energy to work on this comic as I would have liked. Don't fret though, I'm not abandoning it. Not at all. I'm just saying that updates could become a little more sporadic throughout the next weeks as I get adjusted. Also, don't expect a new issue until this weekend, since I've got a lot of other stuff that needs doing throughout the rest of this week. I apologize for anyone who's screaming at me for updates, and I thank everyone else for their patience.
As for today's comic, I'll probably comment on it later, since I was supposed to be in bed a half-hour ago. If there are any mistakes or typos, they will be fixed tomorrow.
So enjoy the 100th comic, and I thank everyone who's stuck with me and read it all up until now, or anyone who's just starting now. It's great to see that my humble little comic is appreciated as much as this. Once again thanks, and as for me, I'm going to bed.

He Knows She Knows He Knows
posted by Jordan on 2008/6/21 (Comics)
I'm alive! So, it's been over a week since my last update, and I do apologize for this. As was already stated by me on the previous comic, I've been pretty tired lately, and haven't had nearly as much time as I would like to work on this, but there was a third factor. I've had a sever case of writer's block for this little section, especially with the dialogue. Nothing I come up with flows the way I want it to, which may be kind of evident in today's issue. It didn't turn out as well as I would have hoped, but I really wanted to get something out, if only to try and conquer this blockage. Some of it is still lingering, but it's not as bad as it was. I'll try to get myself back into the swing of things over the next week or so and hopefully be on track (or at least close to it) soon enough.
I've also noticed there's been some talk of whether or not my comic is converting to fourth edition D&D or not, etc etc etc. Allow me to say this: I've never really been following much of 4e since the beginning, so I know very little about it, and I've certainly never played it. 3.5e is what I currently know, and it's what I'll be using for a while yet. If Anti-Heroes is "converting" to 4e, you can be safely assured that it won't be for some time, if at all. Frankly, I'd sooner see myself taking a stance much the same way as Rich Burlew, in that the comic world exists in a sort of state between editions, cracking jokes about both, and things entirely unrelated. So there you have it.

Details, Details
posted by Jordan on 2008/6/25 (Comics)
Once again, a late update, but I'm slowly working my way past my writer's block. And quickly coming up on the part I've been waiting to do for months. Things should be interesting in the coming days.
Also, I'd like to remind everyone to play nice together in the comments. The last two issues have had a few arguments break out. Although there hasn't really been any big problems yet, I figured I would just give everyone a heads up that I am reading your comments, and won't hesitate to edit or remove them if they get out of hand. So like I said, play nice.

Whip It Good
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/2 (Comics)
I wanted to get this one up earlier, but ran out of time last night. And now, I have to go to work, so I'll probably update with more to say later. For now, enjoy the comic.
EDIT: And I'm back, with a few things to say. First and foremost, regarding the comic. My next goal is to try and work up a little stockpile of issues, so I have a bit of a buffer in case my life gets to be too much. As it stands, it might take a while to actually get it going, but I'll see how much work I can get done on Saturday (since it's the only day I have off this weekend. Fun.).
EDITEDIT: I had more to say, but technical difficulties caused me to scrap it. I'll probably revisit it when said problems are solved.

Thought Process
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/5 (Comics)
The technical issues from my last update are still in place, but me and Crazed have been discussing it, and have some ideas. Although I'm not sure when we'll actually implement anything (hopefully soonish), we will be adding some things to the comments system to better it.

Try a Different Viewpoint
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/8 (Comics)
I tried to have this done on Sunday, but ran into distractions, as usual. I really do hate having so little free time, but oh well. Money is always nice to have on the other hand. Anyway, here's a little something I put together to help clear any specific confusions anyone might have:
Some Notes on Vampires:
Vampires become stronger with age. However, this is not due to any supernatural or magical reasons, nor due to changing abilities. No, a vampire is similar to an average person, in that they must learn to use the abilities they are given. Much the same way that a human must learn to walk and speak, a vampire can't simply instantly know exactly how to assume the form of a bat, or summon a pack of wolves.
Similarly, most species must learn to walk before they can run, and vampires are similar. Once an ability is learned, it becomes the gateway to more powerful versions of the same ability. Turning into a bat will eventually lead into turning into a wolf, and possibly even into more powerful creatures given enough mastery of the ability. Such is the reason why elder vampires are the most powerful beings in existence. They have learned to tune themselves into their abilities to the point of them being nearly analogous to a human's ability to breathe.
I have some more notes as well, but I want to flesh them out a bit better. Besides, I can use these notes as an excuse to keep people tuning in.

The Hunter Becomes The Main Course
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/12 (Comics)
Blarg, almost 4 AM, but I really wanted to get this issue up before "tomorrow." I really do hate keeping you guys waiting, and wish I could work a lot faster, but sometimes I just don't have the energy. Anyway, here's another issue, and I'm hoping to get at least another one done and uploaded before Tuesday.
Also, after seeing Hellboy II tonight, I've determined that if an Anti-Heroes movie is ever to be made, that Anna Walton will be playing Lana. If you've seen the movie, then you probably know who I'm talking about. If not, Google Image Search her. You'll see why.

Undead Have Feelings Too
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/13 (Comics)
What's this? Another update on time?! What's the world coming to!!
Actually, I just have time off from work, so I'm trying to get myself ahead in my work again. I had this issue done yesterday already, which is saying something for me.
Now, since people are probably confused about what happened with Laris and stuff, I'll provide this clarification with some more notes on vampires:
When a vampire bites a victim, said victim is instantly given a special curse of a magical nature, which is commonly known as Vampirism. If the curse is treated shortly after being bit, then nothing will become of the person. They might have a bit of discomfort, but they will remain very much alive and well. However, if the curse is allowed to remain within the body, it will eventually take hold of the victim, killing them and reviving them as a vampire. Someone who has been killed cannot be turned into a vampire by any conventional "biting methods," which is why most vampires will drain all a victim's blood, to ensure they will not rise again.
Such is the reason why vampires are as rare as they are. Those who are bitten rarely live to tell the tale, and those who do usually have their bodies purified before any further damage can be done.
If you've ever played the Elder Scrolls games, then this probably sounds familiar. I always liked the way they treated vampirism in Morrowind and Oblivion, but always felt weird that it was treated as a strict disease. Vampirism seems like more of a magical curse of some kind to me, so that's the road I took.

Liberty White
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/17 (Comics)
Once again, I apologize for my update tardiness. I was stupid and managed to waste all the free time I had on my extra days off by playing Civilization IV instead of working on this. Curse you, Sid Meier.
Anyway, on the subject of today's (rather late) issue. The title comes from a jar of paint I found in a local store a few weeks ago. There were so many different shades of white with ridiculous names, but I think "Liberty White" really just takes the cake. There's stretching words to make them fit in a certain context, and then there's "Liberty White."
As for the content, I don't think this issue comes as much of a surprise to many people. Most people I saw assumed it was Aldran's brother in issue 100 and onward, but for anyone who had their doubts, here's your proof.

His Insurance Policy
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/20 (Comics)
Wow, what a weekend. I wanted this issue done on Friday, and I probably could have had it finished, but I was interrupted, and pretty much didn't have a spare moment since then. First, I hung around with a friend and went to the movie Friday night (more on that in a second), then had a wedding on Saturday, then had to work this morning at 6 AM, going on about 3 hours of sleep. Fuuuuun. So I sat down and forced myself to finish the comic tonight, and upload it.
Next topic: The Dark Knight. If you haven't already seen the movie, do so. Now. I loved Batman Begins, so I suppose I can be biased that way, but even putting the fact that it's Batman aside, it's still a very good standalone film. Heath Ledger's Joker is absolutely stunning, and I thought Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent was another good casting call. I would be surprised if this movie doesn't win an award in the future, since I'm quite certain that this will be the best movie I'll have seen all year. Even if you're not a Batman fanboy, see this movie. It's worth the money.

The Truth Comes Out
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/23 (Comics)
Tired. Comments later.

Triumphant Return
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/30 (Comics)
Once again, I apologize for the uber-lateness, but I haven't been really motivated lately, what with working so many early shifts in a row.
Anyway, a very late issue, but an issue nonetheless. And one I've been waiting to do for quite a while. In fact, the whole upcoming arc is one I've had in mind since way back when I was still working my way to issue 20. I'm glad to see it finally coming to fruition. As for those curious as to what's to come, you'll just have to keep watching.

One Way to Ruin the Moment
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/31 (Comics)
It's really amazing how diligently I can work if I already have the entire scene mapped out. And considering I've had this scene (and accompanying punchline) planned for months now, I'm amazed at even my own work. Hopefully I can keep things going at a fairly steady pace now that I'm back in writing territory that I already have planned well in advance.
And, as always with this comic, the twists and turns never stop coming.

He Must Be Getting Used to That...
posted by Jordan on 2008/8/4 (Comics)
Finx's pose in the seventh panel turned out just the way I wanted it to. It's amazing how expressive you can make a character when they actually have pupils.
In site-related news, some of you might have noticed that the comic archives were all out of order near the beginning. That should be straightened out now. We've also added a system that helps compress the comic images themselves by about 1/4, which is good for everyone, especially those with slow connections. Issues should load a little faster for you now.
EDIT: More site news. I added a new part to the About section regarding donations, and a new button there as well. In addition, you might notice the small donation icon next to the RSS feed under each comic as well, which will lead to the same place. If you're feeling generous, then feel free to donate a little to help me along. Like I said in the About section, every little bit helps.

Anti-World #1: Reboot!
posted by Chris on 2008/8/5 (Comics)
If you were paying attention, you might have noticed that it has nothing to do with the current story arc. Actually, if you read the bottom, you'll notice it has more than just my name. *Actually*, this isn't even Zarah writing - this is Crazed.
Zarah and I have conspired together for me to work on some guest comics, of which this is my first. It's called "Anti-World", and it focuses on other events in the world of Anti-Heroes. Some of them will be unrelated snippets, while others will form a little arc of its own. I'll be trying to release these on a weekly basis and help Zarah fill in the gaps when he can't get a comic up.
So anyway, about today's comic. This is my first comic in the OotS style. Hopefully I was able to present things well and recreate the characters faithfully. More importantly, this revisits one of the audience's favorite characters: Frank! Yes, Frank is still alive (well... sort of), at the will of the almighty lawyers. Additionally, obviously, the "chaos" in the world is due to the side-by-side usage of both DND 3.5 and 4e. I know there were tons of people asking if AH was going to switch to 4e, so this is a tip of the hat to those people, though I'm not passing any judgment on the matter.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the issue. I had a really fun time making it. I especially liked how the "Masked Mage" turned out.
PS: There's another joke in this comic, referencing something from real life. If you get it, post in the comments!
- Crazed

Has a Certain Ring To It
posted by Jordan on 2008/8/7 (Comics)
So I'm back, with a new issue. A special thanks for Crazed, who filled an update hole for me, and probably will at some point in the inevitable future as well. Today's update is later than I wanted, but still relatively on time for a change. Crazy isn't it?
Finally, for anyone who hasn't already noticed, fan-art and guest comics have been added to the Extras section (finally), so there's a bit more content around there. Other than that, I don't have much to say, so I'll vanish for now. Enjoy the comic.

Operation: Birthday Cake
posted by Jordan on 2008/8/10 (Comics)
Once again, Finx takes the award for best expression in that third last panel. Red pupils are fun to work with.
And this update is not late. Somewhere in the world, it is still Saturday. So, take that... world.

Ready or Not
posted by Jordan on 2008/8/10 (Comics)
Whoa, wait! Two issues on a weekend! Updates on time?! Where am I?! This isn't Kansas anymore!

...Here He Comes
posted by Jordan on 2008/8/15 (Comics)
Whew. I wanted to make up for not updating Tuesday with a double issue today, and actually managed to finish it before bed.
I also wanted to get it finished before this weekend, since I may be building a new computer this weekend, which would obvious prevent me from making a regular update while I transfer everything from one computer to the other, and make sure all my comic-work is backed up and in-tact. So again, if I suddenly disappear this weekend, you'll know why. But I'll be reappearing on a brand new system shortly thereafter. Of course, this all depends on whether or not my motherboard arrives tomorrow night. If not, then I guess I'm stuck waiting until next week.
Stupid mail.

Flight Consultant
posted by Jordan on 2008/8/30 (Comics)
Holy crap on a stick, that took me forever. Going on a week and a half now, and I do apologize. I've just been busy with all kinds of stuff the past two weeks, and I've been distracted by about ten other projects, so I haven't had the time I wanted to finish it. Pile on top of that the writer's block I suffered for the first half of the issue, and it was not a pleasant experience.
Either way, it's done now, and hopefully this will dispel some of the arguments in the comments. That last issue is scary. Although I do expect this to just spawn a whole new truckload of epileptic trees, so we'll have to see. As always, I should just remind everyone to play nice.
Finally, I'm moving back to University on Monday, so there might be a lull in the updates again while I get settled, but I'll try not to let myself get so far behind again. Now if you'll excuse me, Mass Effect is calling my name again.

Aldran Extra Protection, With Wings!
posted by Jordan on 2008/9/7 (Comics)
Sorry for another long wait for a comic. I don't really have a good excuse other than being addicted to playing Dwarf Fortress and Mass Effect for the past week or so.
Anyway, as for today's comic... Hopefully this will resolve some of the heated disputes in the comments. I realize that "shoulder wings" probably aren't shown in the most realistic context they could be, but given the style I have to work with, that's about as close as I can get. Besides, trying to say this comic is "realistic" is just downright silly in any manner.
Next topic: Games. First and foremost, I beat Mass Effect today. I wholeheartedly recommend this game. I'll try not to spoil anyone, but the end battle was orchestrated so well that throughout the entire sequence, it made me feel uneasy. It made me feel as if I really needed to rush to save the day, even though there WAS no timer. And in the end, everything gets wrapped up so well. Although it leaves us with a bit of a cliffhanger, it still feels complete. All in all, a VERY good game for any RPG fanatic, such as myself.
Secondly, Dwarf Fortress. For anyone who's played it, then you probably know why I'm addicted to it. For anyone who hasn't, I suggest you look into it. It definitely takes some getting used to, but once you get into it, there's no way back. As for my fortress, things are going pretty well. Too well, in fact. My fortress has ballooned from 7 dwarves to 55 in just over a year, and thirty of them arrived in a SINGLE wave of migrants. I'm expecting mass starvation to set in any day now...

He Believes He Can Fly
posted by Jordan on 2008/9/17 (Comics)
This comic is brought to you through a combination of four things: 1) School work taking up my time. 2) Spore and Dwarf Fortress taking up my time. 3) A number of other writing projects (one of which I will discuss later on in this post). And 4) A block the size of a house with "WRITER'S" written on it.
I've had this scene in mind for months. And I mean waaaay back before I had even hit issue #30. But when I finally get to the point that I can show it off, I come screeching to a halt. Although really, this isn't much of a surprise. Past experience has shown me that it happens with anything I write. Either way, here's today's long overdue comic.
Oh, and for all those arguing about stuff in the comments, fine, but don't start flaming each other, whether you mean it or not. Things have a tendency to be taken differently over the internet. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Play nice.
Now, on to what I mentioned up above. I've been working on a bunch of writing projects and one of them is a homebrew D&D campaign. But I have a bit of a problem with it. I don't know a lot of D&D players in real life (in fact, I don't know ANY), and since I'd like to playtest my campaign sooner or later, I can't exactly do it by myself. I have a couple friends online who could help, but I'd like to test it with more than just two PCs. This is where you guys come in. The campaign itself isn't finished yet, and I'm not sure when it will be ready for testing, but if you're interested in helping me out nonetheless, then I'd be grateful. And you'd get a first-hand look at what I've been working on.
We'd probably be playing on a play-by-post board (most likely Giantitp), and here's a few other things to keep in mind if you're interested:
- I don't really have a lot of experience as a DM. I can act as a fine player, but I haven't done a lot of DMing before. Not saying I don't know how, but don't expect me to be perfect.
- If you haven't figured it out from my comic already, I'm a storyteller. Thus, my campaign is very heavily story-focused, so expect a lot of role-playing. Also, if you have a tendency to shudder at the very thought of a DM railroading you, you might want to avoid me.
I try not to use railroad tracks as much as I can, but I like having a coherent story as well. So in short, if you're planning on joining, make sure you can role-play.
- It's based on the 3.5 edition of D&D, since I haven't had much exposure to 4e, and I know the rules of 3.5 far better. I haven't changed many rules, but like I said, there's a lot of story to take in.
- I plan big. As in, going from very low-level characters into high-level heroes. The XP distribution might be faster than a normal DM, but I do it to prevent the game from slowing down and make sure there's a steady sense of progress.
Anyway, if you're interested, then stay posted, or shoot me an email or something. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask. Oh, and thanks in advance to anyone interested.

And He Doesn't Mean Illidan
posted by Jordan on 2008/9/20 (Comics)
I'm actually kinda proud with how this one turned out. It was a simple design, but having to draw new poses and different effects for every panel was a pretty long process. And with my writer's block, the dialogue took forever to hammer out. But in the end, I'm rather satisfied. So enjoy today's comic.
As for all the feedback I've received about my campaign, I'm greatly appreciative, and certainly honored that there's so many people willing to play. The "handbook" that I'm preparing is almost finished. I just need to edit it and clarify some things. Basically, the "book" is a document file with a complete history of the world and all the provinces, along with some background on the dominant religion. It'll be for the use of the players, since it's assumed that their characters already know most or all of the information contained within. As soon as I finish with the so called "handbook," then I'll finish up the house rules and the campaign should be just about ready to go.
But if you're looking for some more specific details about the world, here's a few things to think about:
1) I haven't added or really removed any of your standard D&D races, nor done anything radically different with the fantasy genre. So there's still Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, blah blah blah. I may have changed a couple things to do with some races, and put a bit of a different spin on some of the Elves, but all in all, it's still pretty standard fantasy.
2) On that same note, it isn't a low-magic campaign. Wizards and Sorcerers and what-have-you are pretty common around the world, and seeing spells is certainly nothing that would work anyone up. Seeing someone summon a 50-foot demon from the lower circles of hell... Well, that might be a different story.
3) It's part water. In fact, it's a big part water. Since the region of the world that the campaign takes place in is a great deal of islands and water, naval adventures are going to be common. I haven't finalized exactly what rules I want to use for combat and navigation yet, but it'll probably be something home brewed from a variety of sources. And I'll make sure it's not horribly complicated too, for the sake of the players, and myself.
4) It has nothing to do with Anti-Heroes. It's all 100% unique from the little old comic here.
If you have any other questions about the campaign in general, along the lines of the things I listed above, then post in the comments, send me an email, or even send me a PM on the Giantitp forums and I'll answer it as fast as I can.

Don't Go Toward the Light
posted by Jordan on 2008/9/30 (Comics)
I'm bad at this whole update thing, aren't I?
Anyway, I was tempted to make a reference to Michael and the Jackson Five for issue #123, but couldn't find any room for it. Oh well.

Alter Egos
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/2 (Comics)
Another update on time?! What's this world coming to!

Ineffective Roadblock
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/9 (Comics)
Well, at least Kaal is trying, right?

Bad Business
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/14 (Comics)
Remember kids, Kaal says: "dirty money can always be cleaned!"
Also, a happy late Thanksgiving to all the other Canadian readers out there.

The Encore
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/16 (Comics)
There's a couple other things that I've got to mention with today's update. First of which being the spam problem that we've recently encountered. I didn't even realize it until yesterday, but there's been quite a few spam comments popping up on random comics. I thought the security we had would have prevented it, but apparently there's some that slipped past. So just try to ignore them, and I'll do my best to delete them as they appear.
Secondly, after a generous donation, we decided to add BB code support in the comments. That's right, you can finally add some fancy formatting to your posts! There's still a couple bugs that we're aware of, and working to fix, but as long as you don't go overboard with it, then you shouldn't run into any trouble.
Here's a list of the code that we now support:
- Unordered List

Anti-World #2: He's Charismatic!
posted by Chris on 2009/4/1 (Comics)
After quite a few months, yes, Anti-World finally has another entry! After learning a lot of new things in Inkscape that will definitely make my life easier, I think I can finally begin to make regular filler comics for Zarah. The delay was also the result of thinking about the comic's direction; I've made my decision, and yes, we will be following mainly the same characters - including Frank!
The tower in the final panel is actually an updated version of the first thing I ever drew in Inkscape, the first thing that was in my mind when Anti-World began to form in my head. What exactly is it? Keep an eye out for more Anti-World to find out!
Also, any diligent Troper should be able to catch the very first joke in the comic.
Anti-Heroes will be returning to you tomorrow at its normal time.
- Crahen/Crazed

Falling for You
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/18 (Comics)
Alongside this new comic, there's some updates around the site as well. First of which, people may have noticed that the cast page didn't work properly with the new version of Firefox. We managed to get that all worked out, so the character bios are readable once again. In addition, I've added Eldhin as a part of the cast, and merged Andil, Laldera and Hilmor into one entry. It's not a lot, but if you're desperately searching for more to read, there's something for you.

Hanging Around
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/19 (Comics)
Wow. A full week of updates on time. Must be end of the world or something...

Who Needs a Door?
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/21 (Comics)
Another website update! We support smilies, all provided by our very own resident ghost, Kaal. You can either use notation from the Giantitp forums, or simply use your standard emotes as you would with symbols. It recognizes a few different variations of each emote, so you should be able to get one to show up one way or another. To see what emotes we offer, just click the help link under the white box where you post your comments.
Also, a few other links to interest you. A first preview of the new KotOR MMO from Bioware. Peter Molyneux talks about getting STDs in Fable II. And finally, a fun little flash game mixing constant survival and platforming.

Bringin' Down the House
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/25 (Comics)
Whew. Sorry for the delay in uploading today. I was going to finish it last night, but got caught up playing LotR Online for far longer than I probably should have. Oh well, I still managed to finish it.
The next update may not be until Tuesday too, since it could end up being another double-issue. And I believe I have an assignment to do this weekend as well, so I won't have as much time as I'd like to work on it. Either way, here's today's comic.
And for anyone who hasn't noticed yet, you can check what BB code and smilies you can use by clicking on the link just below the white box to post a new comment. If you have any troubles making it display, let us know and we'll fix them as soon as we can.

Rage Issues
posted by Jordan on 2008/11/1 (Comics)
Sorry for the big delay. I realize that I said it would be a double issue, and I even wanted to make a triple issue to make up for all the days missed, but I thought I would just keep it short and to the point. I've got another midterm this coming week, so the updates could slow again, but I'll try to keep up as best as I can.

Back to Business
posted by Jordan on 2008/11/13 (Comics)
Many great apologies for the huge delay. Sometimes things just pile up too much. Either way, he's an update and I'll make sure I don't go another two weeks without another this time.

Deadliest Meal of the Day
posted by Jordan on 2008/11/16 (Comics)
You know, I laughed at first, but now that I think about it, where else would all the delicious gelatin treats come from?

Ptang Zoo Boing
posted by Jordan on 2008/11/20 (Comics)
We are on the brink of something great here, people. The question is, are you ready to delve under the hood?
EDIT: I've also noticed that a Google search of "shrubbery" will return the Knights Who Say Ni as the second result. Not that it surprises me, but it's still sort of interesting.

All Out Grudge Match
posted by Jordan on 2008/11/25 (Comics)
Will we be learning some backstory soon? Stay tuned to find out!

Military Brat
posted by Jordan on 2008/12/3 (Comics)
First, my great apologies for the delay. I had some problems getting it together. First, I was busier than I expected, what with my final exams right around the corner, which will probably be continuing for a while yet. Secondly, when Photoshop wasn't freezing up on me, Illustrator was. So needless to say, it was frustrating to work on this when Adobe seemed to hate me so much. Looks like things are working now, so hopefully I won't get another bout of that.
Secondly, now you know. I'm impressed to see that some people guessed right about Aldran's race, though it did take some time. I also realize that D&D is a vary diverse place, and it wouldn't surprise me if there already is a race of half-fiend, half-celestials, but I decided to simply use my own version instead. So if anyone brings it up in a discussion, you have my answer.

Original Recipe
posted by Jordan on 2008/12/10 (Comics)
So I've seen a lot of comments asking what Aldran's race is, mostly from people who don't play D&D. So, in order to clear up any confusion: Aldran's race has no name. Like Aldran says himself, no such race is supposed to even exist. Fiends and celestials are sworn enemies and are forbidden to associate, but D&D is a very diverse subject, so there probably is something akin to a half-fiend, half-celestial. However, even if there is, I'm just letting everyone know that Aldran's race is my own creation.
So in short, don't worry if you're not a D&D player and you want all the details. Other than what I offer, there pretty much are none.

Okay Maybe It Was Four
posted by Jordan on 2008/12/24 (Comics)
So here we are on Christmas Eve, and I guess this counts as my gift to you guys. I wanted to get this up a lot sooner, but just had too much going on to really find enough time to finish it up. I also have a bit of bad news.
I've decided that I'm going to take a break over the holidays and put the comic on a short hiatus, but not to slack off. I have a lot of work ahead of me for the next section of the comic, and since I'll have some time to work now, I want to take advantage of it. I'm hoping to get as far ahead as I can, both in the writing and comic production, so I can keep up a steady update schedule. I mean, this time last year, I was 10 comics ahead of myself.
Don't worry, I've said it before and I'll say it again; I refuse to let this comic die. It will be returning on January 2, 2009, the first year anniversary of the comic itself. So enjoy your holidays, have a great time, and I'll see everyone in the new year.

It Gets Worse?
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/2 (Comics)
So, 2009. Let's start off on a good foot, shall we?
First of all, let me thank everyone for being patient with me. I know it's been a rough month with so few updates, and believe me, I was as frustrated as I'm sure many of you were. However, here we are in 2009, on the first-year anniversary of Anti-Heroes, and I have some work under my belt again, so I can afford to get a little behind if I need to. I'm hoping I can keep a schedule going for at least a little while and hopefully keep the buffer I've made. I didn't get as much work done as I would have liked, but it should be enough. Oh, and on the same subject of keeping a steady schedule, I've decided that I'm going to drop Sunday updates. It was always a mood-crusher knowing that no matter what kind of a buffer you had, a weekend would reduce it to nothing pretty quickly. So, I'll be trying to keep it at 3 times a week from now on.
I thought I had more I wanted to say, but I can't remember it now, so for all you readers, I hope you all have a great New Year, and here's to another 365 days of this comic.
Oh, and for any of you readers who may have seen Play! a Video Game Symphony before, have any opinions on them? I'm going to see them next Friday in Edmonton, and may have a chance to meet Jeremy Soule too, which would be pretty awesome, but I'd like to hear what some others think about them too.

Inter-Office Relationships
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/6 (Comics)
And now, let's take a bit of a closer look at the Ivory Veil, shall we?
I also realize that Aldran just said that he can't put his wings back in the package, and here's Eldhin with his wings tucked away, but I always figured he would have had more practice doing it than Aldran ever did...

Seven Percent, Right?
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/8 (Comics)
Maybe the stable-boy isn't very good at what he does. Did ya' ever think of that? Huh?

posted by Jordan on 2009/1/10 (Comics)
I could write a whole new monster manual if I needed to. Spell-casting ferrets, fiendish bunny rabbits, planet eating polar bears...
And just as a reminder, the next update will be on Tuesday.

The Day the Toilet Cried
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/13 (Comics)
An earlier update for today, but since it's after midnight, it's still technically Tuesday. Anyway, enjoy today's comic.
Also, we've updated the cast page with a new layout, and some new characters. Feel free to check it out and start your speculations.
There's also been an update to the extras section. All the fanart images will be shown in a manner similar to the cast pages and the BB Code help section.

A Classic "Pan Entrance"
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/15 (Comics)
We now return to your regularly scheduled adventure.

posted by Jordan on 2009/1/17 (Comics)
You all thought I had forgotten about the Valley of Night Aldran mentioned in issue 10, but you were wroooong. Oh how you were wrong...
...Yeah, I'll stop now.

How Awkward...
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/20 (Comics)
This whole regular updating thing is really paying off. And the kicker is that I'm still ahead! It's a crazy world, alright.

Ladies Man
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/22 (Comics)
Vampires get a pretty cool deal. They hardly ever have to do any fighting themselves if they time things right...
On another note, the fifth season of Lost premiered last night. After watching it, my general opinion was "cool, but meh." It was definitely interesting, but after leaving on a note like the season 4 finale, it was hard for it to live up to the same level. On the plus side, it looks like we'll finally be getting some answers to the mysteries about the island. Of course, I've pretty much said that with every season, so I could be horribly wrong once again. I suppose only time will tell.

It's In His Blood
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/24 (Comics)
I've seen a lot of speculation about vampires in the comments, so I thought I would clarify things. I know how vampires work in D&D (more or less), but I'm going off of my own system, which mostly borrows elements from the Elder Scrolls. Sooner or later I'd like to get around to publishing a little guide to vampires in the Anti-Heroes world, but for now, enjoy the comic...

Too Bad They Can't Use Mirrors
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/27 (Comics)
I don't know how many of you were expecting something more grand for issue 150, but I figured that once I passed the 100 mark, the "50s" seem far less important.
Nevertheless, this was still a tough comic to draw, what with all the flashback scenes, but I had fun drawing it. Oh, and I threw in a bit of an Easter egg for anyone paying close enough attention.
As for the rest of Laris' story, it will continue on Thursday...

No Respect At All
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/29 (Comics)
So a lot of people guessed about what the Easter egg in the last issue was, but I'll put the debate to rest and say: It was the second map. Not the one from the close-up, but the one next to it. It was a map of the world that I ran my (short-lived) campaign in. However, I'm surprised that so many people managed to pick apart the comic as much as they could.
In any event, here's the rest of Laris' story, as promised. Tune in Saturday for the thrilling continuation!

Tri-Vial Matters
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/31 (Comics)
And the plot thickens once again. You guys certainly know how to speculate, but don't worry, I'm still giving you plenty of openings for those epileptic trees to squeeze through.

Suitable Pun-ishment
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/3 (Comics)
Busy at the moment. I'll add some further comments later, but for now, enjoy the new comic.
EDIT: Alright, I'm back. Things are certainly heating up in today's comic, aren't they?
So I was thinking last night, and I came up with a bit of an interesting idea. I love music. Specifically, soundtracks. I own soundtracks from pretty much every movie that I've enjoyed within the past 5 years. And if there's one thing I love to do with my own creative works, it's assigning the music to certain situations or characters that I've written. Nine times out of ten, this really helps me write the overall story.
Now, here's your chance to help inspire me a little. Tell me what songs you think fit in this comic. What would Lana's theme sound like to you? Or Aldran's? Or anyone's? Imagine that you've just been put in charge of coming up with the Anti-Heroes soundtrack. What would you use?

A Shock-ing Decision
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/5 (Comics)
And here's another page and a half for you. I'd say more, but I need to get going pretty soon.
EDIT: As for those who posted their musical opinions on the last comic, I was glad to see it. This is, by no means, a way of me saying "it's over." If anyone has any other ideas for fitting music, then let me hear them. And don't worry if you think it's too "serious," since I write out most of the plot in a very serious manner before ever even thinking about jokes.
In fact, most of my own musical choices are pretty serious in of themselves. And I figure it's only fair to show you a few of my picks, so here they are. I was going to post these with the comic, but ran into some issues with my formatting, and didn't have the time to fix it, so I edited them out. I see at least one person saw it before I took it down, though.
Recently, I got my hands on the Death Note anime soundtrack, so I've had that stuck in the forefront a lot, but one that I find particularly fitting as a sort of theme tune for the Anti-Heroes in general (or possibly Aldran, in some ways) is L's theme B ( ). Next, I definitely see Low of Solipsism ( ) as a theme for the "god" of the Ivory Veil. And speaking of the Veil, I hold a very special kind of theme for Zurie, that being Citadel of the Bount ( ) from the second Bleach soundtrack. Or any of the other similar sounding songs on the same soundtrack, as well. Another song I like to associate with her is Quincy's Craft ( ). I'd list a few more, but I need some more time to think about them.

Looks Like Her Plan Fell Through
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/7 (Comics)
Our resident vampire is really having a tough time, ain't she?

I Ran Out of Puns
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/10 (Comics)
As a side note, Anti-Heroes was referenced by Rutskan on his blog story Vatsy and Bruno, which you can find by clicking the link below. It's a small reference, but an amusing one nonetheless. The entire story is pretty good in of itself too, so check it out if you want.

They're Getting Better At This Entrance Thing
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/12 (Comics)
Well, he almost had it.

Always On The Move
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/14 (Comics)
Just a heads up for everyone: I'll be heading home for a week, which unfortunately leaves my comic-making here at school. I have one more comic already made and ready to go, which I will update on Tuesday with, but after that it's anybody's guess. I have some ideas for some filler material that I can use for Thursday and Saturday, and maybe even get a guest comic up or something. Either way, I'll try to update something on those two days, but I figured I should just let everyone know that it could be some filler material.
In any event, enjoy today's comic and I'll see everyone on Tuesday.

Just Like a Sledgehammer
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/17 (Comics)
And remember, everyone, the next two updates are going to be filler material. I'll still try and make it as entertaining as possible, but I doubt I'll be able to please everyone's tastes.

Notes of Laris Ardenwood: Life as a Vampire
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/19 (Comics)
Alright. Like I said before; fillers. I decided to take a time out and look back on Laris' notes he made during his time as a vampire. Ever wonder how he learned to become such a great hunter? Well, maybe these notes can help give some insight...
...Probably not, though.
His notes will continue on Saturday.
EDIT: Oh yeah, it's my birthday today, for anyone who wants to know. So, yeah.

Notes of Laris Ardenwood: New Plans
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/21 (Comics)
First of all, thanks for all the birthday wishes, guys! I certainly appreciate it.
Secondly, I'm glad to see the fillers have been accepted as well as they are. Being a Bleach fan, I know there's a lot of people out there who when hearing the word "filler" start to ooze liquid hate from every orifice. So in short, I'm happy to see you enjoying them.
So here's another for today. But fear not, because the normal comic should be making its triumphant return on Tuesday. Until then, I leave you with some more of Laris' notes.

We All Are
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/24 (Comics)
We now return to your regularly scheduled webcomic. So this probably wasn't as triumphant a return as a lot of you were expecting, but don't worry, the resolution is coming soon.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go play some more Order of Ecclesia while restraining the urge to snap my DS in half.

And That's Why We Have the FDA
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/26 (Comics)
You know, Aldran could make a great professional chef, like Emeril. Of course, when Emeril says "bam," things don't explode.

A Harsh Goodbye
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/28 (Comics)
This is the real reason morphine was created. No, really.

You'd Think He'd Have Learned By Now
posted by Jordan on 2009/3/3 (Comics)
Don't ask where all the supplies Laris mentioned are inside the wagon. They have a hammerspace storage container underneath the floor. Don't believe me?
I don't really believe me either.

posted by Jordan on 2009/3/5 (Comics)
So I went and drew Zurie in a nightgown. Does this mean I've created fanservice?
EDIT: Sort of late, but it's our local programmer, Crazed's birthday today. So here's a Happy Birthday for you, buddy!

Appearance is Key
posted by Jordan on 2009/3/10 (Comics)
Once again, you have my apologies for missing that last Saturday update. Everything that was planned for the weekend went off without a hitch, but now it's time to get back to work. Here's today's comic, so I hope you enjoy it.

Dueling 101
posted by Jordan on 2009/3/12 (Comics)
I really have nothing else to say right now.

He's Baaaack
posted by Jordan on 2009/3/14 (Comics)
Yep. Well over 30 issues have passed, but it's finally time for Finx to show his face again. What antics could he possibly be involved in this time? Your guess is probably as good as mine.
Also, in other news, I managed to get sufficiently bored enough to write up my own contributor page on TV Tropes (Zarah). So, if you manage to get as sufficiently bored as I was, then feel free to look me up and stalk me as I make the odd change on the wiki.

Not The Brown Ones
posted by Jordan on 2009/3/17 (Comics)
I thought I had something to rant about today, but I completely forgot. So I guess I'll offer you a comic instead.

posted by Jordan on 2009/3/21 (Comics)
Since I missed an update before, I figured I would upload this one as soon as "Saturday" technically starts. So, here's a new comic.

He's On The Lam
posted by Jordan on 2009/3/24 (Comics)
He's pretty laid back for a demi-god, isn't he?

A Full House, But Nobody's Home
posted by Jordan on 2009/3/26 (Comics)
This is my little homage to Morrowind. For those who haven't played (or just don't get it), during your travels, you're likely to meet two half-naked Nords standing at the side of the road, who both have sidequests to offer. Strangely, they both pretty much tell the same story and are in the same region, so when you see both of them the first time, you start to wonder just how many more you expect to see...
Anyway, is it also strange that while I was making this comic, I was playing canasta online with Crazed? And is it even stranger that I managed to beat him twice, despite barely knowing the rules? Hmm...
In website news, we updated the extras section with a couple new pieces of fanart as well. So be sure to check it out!

You Should See the Coming Attractions
posted by Jordan on 2009/3/28 (Comics)
I think bugbears should wear top-hats more often. They look rather fetching, don't you think?
Also, in case you missed Crazed's post from yesterday, you might run into a problem or two when trying to post a comment. If you are, use this link then try again. If you're still having trouble, try emailing one of us and we'll try to solve it.

Anti-World #2: He's Charismatic!
posted by Chris on 2009/4/1 (Comics)
After quite a few months, yes, Anti-World finally has another entry! After learning a lot of new things in Inkscape that will definitely make my life easier, I think I can finally begin to make regular filler comics for Zarah. The delay was also the result of thinking about the comic's direction; I've made my decision, and yes, we will be following mainly the same characters - including Frank!
The tower in the final panel is actually an updated version of the first thing I ever drew in Inkscape, the first thing that was in my mind when Anti-World began to form in my head. What exactly is it? Keep an eye out for more Anti-World to find out! Also, any diligent Troper should be able to catch the very first joke in the comic.
Additionally, I've been hard at work, and I have a surprise to announce to you all. The first version of the website's forums has been created and uploaded! Please try it out here and be sure to report any bugs to me!
Anti-Heroes will be returning to you Thursday at its normal time.
- Crahen/Crazed

Third-Degree Synergy
posted by Jordan on 2009/4/2 (Comics)
And I'm back. A special thanks to Crazed for filling in on a missed update for me. Hopefully, together we can fill in any lack of updates for whatever reasons.
Secondly, another special thanks to Crazed for a new feature. If you look beneath the comic, there should be a new icon in the "toolbar." We now have a search function! It matches special tags that we give each comic, so if you want to look something up, but can't remember which issue it was, maybe this can help out. You should be able to see the tags for each comic beneath them as well, so you can get an idea of what to search for. So start searching!
If you run into any problems with searching, or have any other concerns shoot me or Crazed an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

This is Where Rocks Fall
posted by Jordan on 2009/4/4 (Comics)
Paranoia is the fuel that makes the world go round. Or at least, that's what they want you to think. In reality, it's the aliens from Mars that cause the world to rotate, and the day they leave us is the day we spin out of control and have all our work flung at top speed into the sun.
...Or something like that.

And You Were There
posted by Jordan on 2009/4/7 (Comics)
Too early in the morning for author comments.

Pure Evil
posted by Jordan on 2009/4/9 (Comics)
A bit of a warning for this weekend. I'll be heading home for Easter, and I definitely won't have time for a Saturday update, so there may not be any more updates until Tuesday, and if that's the case, then I do apologize.

Must Have Been Count Chocula
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/4 (Comics)
Holy CRAP.
Holy crap, it's been a while, hasn't it? Yeah. Far too long. First of all, let me totally apologize for my sudden disappearance. I... really don't have a good excuse. It all started with being sick right after Easter, and from there just went totally downhill. No, it wasn't swine flu, but rather a combination of writing final exams, being stuck with writer's block and having to move out that just sapped any will I had for doing a comic. I felt bad about not updating, and I got a few emails from those asking if I was alright. Thanks for the concern, everyone, but I can assure you all that I'm fine. I guess I just needed a break for a while to recharge my batteries. In any event, I'll thank everyone for being patient enough to bear with no updates for a month and with my general selfishness, but that's in the past.
So here's a comic for today (technically this is tomorrow's update, but I'm doing it early since it's been so long), and I'm hoping this whole regular updates thing can continue for a while at least...

He Makes Himself Clear
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/7 (Comics)
Hey look, another update on time! I was afraid I wasn't going to get this done yesterday, but I managed to surprise myself. So here it is!

Filler: Spoiler Warning
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/14 (Comics)
Okay, so I'm behind again. Yeah, I suck. But at least this time, I'm offering you some filler while I work on a real comic. Mostly writer's block again, but I'm getting past that now. I just need to figure out how I'm going to present it so as to not give anything away before I planned to...
Anyway, enjoy this in the meantime. If anyone is wondering, the list of TV shows I referenced in this comic are, in order of appearance; Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Firefly, Lost, Breaking Bad and Dollhouse. And yes, it was fun coming up with that little speech.

Riddle Me This
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/19 (Comics)
And a full comic, a little later than I wanted, but I figured I would post it early to make up a bit. Updates could be sporadic, in case you didn't already figure that part out, since the next part of the story is proving tricky to write. But it WILL be told!

On Reputations
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/21 (Comics)
Updating a bit later than I would have liked, but it's still on time. As I said a while ago, the next story arc would contain a lot of answers. Well, brace yourselves, cause there's a lot more of them coming from here.

Don't Ask
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/25 (Comics)
Uploading this comic early for my lack of one this weekend. Also, so I can give myself more time to work on the next one. The next few comics are... Not going to be fun to do, and may end up being even less fun to read. ...I shouldn't be telling you this, should I?

It's a Wonder it Took Him This Long
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/28 (Comics)
Since I'm sure you guys are getting antsy, I'm posting this issue early too. Hopefully I can keep this back-story going with updates before I have to disappear again.
Oh, and feel free to start the wild fan theories any time. You're going to have a lot to work with after this.
Finally, as an aside, for anyone interested in reading about my history in comic-making, I recently posted a thread about it on, which you can find here. There's a lot of stuff in there, and if you like behind-the-scenes features, then it's definitely something you should check out.

Insert Batman Joke Here
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/30 (Comics)
So we solved the mystery of one pair of ominous, glowing eyes only to have it replaced by another. I need new ideas, man.
Actually, that's the problem I faced with these back story issues. I wanted to make sure you guys knew the general situation, but not reveal too many appearances, Arderas being one of the most important ones. But I didn't really see any way around it, so there's a bit of a tease. It's the same reason I thought these comics wouldn't be fun to read, but I'm thinking I lied to you guys about that. I've written serious dialogue before, but I always manage to squeeze in some jokes that come to me as I make it. Anyway, I'll shut up and let you enjoy the comic over the weekend.
...Since that's probably how long it'll take you to read it.

The Plan, Now With Extra Context
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)
We were gone for a while, as you probably noticed. But, fear not, because the transfer went perfectly. As far as we know, nothing was lost and everything should still be working fine. If you do happen to find something that won't work or having any other troubles, don't hesitate to email me or Crazed with the details and we'll iron them out as soon as we can.
Well, as a bit of a gift for your patience, here's a comic quite a bit earlier than usual. I figured I might as well post this now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Don't ask where the random chalkboard sequences came from because... I really don't know.

The Plan, Now With Extra Context
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)
We were gone for a while, as you probably noticed. But, fear not, because the transfer went perfectly. As far as we know, nothing was lost and everything should still be working fine. If you do happen to find something that won't work or having any other troubles, don't hesitate to email me or Crazed with the details and we'll iron them out as soon as we can.
Well, as a bit of a gift for your patience, here's a comic quite a bit earlier than usual. I figured I might as well post this now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Don't ask where the random chalkboard sequences came from because... I really don't know.

posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)

The Plan, Now With Extra Context
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)
We were gone for a while, as you probably noticed. But, fear not, because the transfer went perfectly. As far as we know, nothing was lost and everything should still be working fine. If you do happen to find something that won't work or having any other troubles, don't hesitate to email me or Crazed with the details and we'll iron them out as soon as we can.
Well, as a bit of a gift for your patience, here's a comic quite a bit earlier than usual. I figured I might as well post this now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Don't ask where the random chalkboard sequences came from because... I really don't know.

The Plan, Now With Extra Context
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)
We were gone for a while, as you probably noticed. But, fear not, because the transfer went perfectly. As far as we know, nothing was lost and everything should still be working fine. If you do happen to find something that won't work or having any other troubles, don't hesitate to email me or Crazed with the details and we'll iron them out as soon as we can.
Well, as a bit of a gift for your patience, here's a comic quite a bit earlier than usual. I figured I might as well post this now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Don't ask where the random chalkboard sequences came from because... I really don't know.

The Plan, Now With Extra Context
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)
We were gone for a while, as you probably noticed. But, fear not, because the transfer went perfectly. As far as we know, nothing was lost and everything should still be working fine. If you do happen to find something that won't work or having any other troubles, don't hesitate to email me or Crazed with the details and we'll iron them out as soon as we can.
Well, as a bit of a gift for your patience, here's a comic quite a bit earlier than usual. I figured I might as well post this now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Don't ask where the random chalkboard sequences came from because... I really don't know.

The Plan, Now With Extra Context
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)
We were gone for a while, as you probably noticed. But, fear not, because the transfer went perfectly. As far as we know, nothing was lost and everything should still be working fine. If you do happen to find something that won't work or having any other troubles, don't hesitate to email me or Crazed with the details and we'll iron them out as soon as we can.
Well, as a bit of a gift for your patience, here's a comic quite a bit earlier than usual. I figured I might as well post this now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Don't ask where the random chalkboard sequences came from because... I really don't know.

The Plan, Now With Extra Context
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)
We were gone for a while, as you probably noticed. But, fear not, because the transfer went perfectly. As far as we know, nothing was lost and everything should still be working fine. If you do happen to find something that won't work or having any other troubles, don't hesitate to email me or Crazed with the details and we'll iron them out as soon as we can.
Well, as a bit of a gift for your patience, here's a comic quite a bit earlier than usual. I figured I might as well post this now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Don't ask where the random chalkboard sequences came from because... I really don't know.

The Plan, Now With Extra Context
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/7 (Comics)
We were gone for a while, as you probably noticed. But, fear not, because the transfer went perfectly. As far as we know, nothing was lost and everything should still be working fine. If you do happen to find something that won't work or having any other troubles, don't hesitate to email me or Crazed with the details and we'll iron them out as soon as we can.
Well, as a bit of a gift for your patience, here's a comic quite a bit earlier than usual. I figured I might as well post this now instead of waiting until Tuesday. Don't ask where the random chalkboard sequences came from because... I really don't know.

But Only Fifteen Minutes
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/11 (Comics)
I had this comic done like two days ago, and was going to upload it earlier this morning. Figures that I would forget...
Anyway, here's a Kaal comic to relieve some of the boringness of the past few issues.

Use The Nondescript Magical Energy of the Galaxy!
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/13 (Comics)
It's almost 3:30 in the morning and I'm uploading a comic. What is wrong with me?

Fashion is Not a Prerequisite
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/16 (Comics)
So we've now seen bugbears in top-hats and french maid outfits. My mind is a strange place.

He Must Use Mirrors
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/18 (Comics)
A little later than I wanted, but today's comic is up nonetheless. ...I don't really have much else to say.

Cereal Killer
posted by Jordan on 2009/7/6 (Comics)
So I disappeared for another two weeks. I apologize once more for my sudden absence, and I have to admit that updates are probably going to be a bit more sporadic than they have been. I'm working full-time again, and between that and juggling my other projects, it's hard to keep myself from getting burned out. Anyway, you probably don't want to hear me yak, so here's today's comic uploaded a bit early.

Unbalanced Checkbook
posted by Chris on 2009/7/14 (Comics)
Zarah's working afternoons for a few days this week, so he asked me to get some filler up since he doesn't expect to get a comic out in that time.
In this installment of Anti-World, I tried to clarify some things about the Frank-in-a-jewel thing. The Mage tricked Frank into willingly entering a gem, which has now imprisioned him within its barriers... partially. There seemed to be some confusion about this in the last episode, so I hope that straightens things out.
The magical fish are an homage to my new marine aquarium, and the two clownfish and snail that live inside of it.
There may be another installment of Anti-World this Thursday, but from what I understand, there definitely should be a new Anti-Heroes on Saturday.
- Crazed

Anti-World #4: Quality Control
posted by Chris on 2009/7/16 (Comics)
Wow, another Anti-World so soon? Yeah. As I said, Zarah's still too busy to make one until (probably) Saturday.
As anyone who has read Tuesday's comments can guess, this comic is a direct response to the criticism that Anti-World is too bright. I'm a pretty easy going guy; I don't mind constructive criticism (as long as the critic is nice about it). So, here's a "thank you" for giving me an idea for a comic that pokes some fun at the previous Anti-World and takes a chance to fix a few things.
Also, halfway through making the comic, I noticed that the hallway kind of looks like Cloud City in Star Wars, so I threw in a joke towards the end about the changes in the Special Edition to Cloud City.
- Crazed

Part of This Complete Breakfast
posted by Jordan on 2009/7/19 (Comics)
Apologies for taking so long again, but I'll give a hefty thanks to Crazed who filled in some of the downtime. I wanted to get this comic done for Saturday, but things just get piled up too much for me to finish. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get some real sleep...

posted by Jordan on 2009/7/24 (Comics)
I think a lot of you already saw this coming, but here's to those of you who were actually surprised with this issue! It's kind of a shame that I have to kill off one of the nice bugbears, but hey. There are always casualties of war.

They Get Us All
posted by Jordan on 2009/7/27 (Comics)
Uploading a bit early again today. So it seems like I caught more people off guard than I expected to with the last comic, which is always good. I like to keep the fans on their toes and give them something unexpected. And that's exactly what I have in store.
The Valley of the Night mini-arc will be ending here really soon, and then we'll be moving on to see more of the Ivory Veil. Specifically, of two certain commanders who haven't had any time in the spotlight as of yet.

It's What Happened to Biff
posted by Jordan on 2009/8/4 (Comics)
Issue 199. We are now officially one step away from 200 strips, and I thank all of you for reading this far. The 200th issue is going to be big, so it'll probably take a while to get hammered out, but I'll be doing everything I can to make sure the tension doesn't kill any of you.
Don't have much else to say... So let's stick with that.

He Might Be Less Grumpy Too
posted by Jordan on 2009/8/17 (Comics)
Well, here it is. Originally, I wanted to squeeze this into a double issue, but once I got into writing it, I knew that wasn't happening. In fact, I even had a hard time fitting everything I wanted to into a triple issue. I had to cut the last bit and save it for the next issue, but I figured that was probably for the best anyway. Cliffhangers are always nice.
Secondly, thank you all for bearing with my disappearances and keeping up with the comic. We've officially breached 200 issues, and I'm honestly amazed to see it. As I'm sure I've said before, I never expected it to see my little comic get as far as this, but thanks to the many readers, I've kept the story going. By now, I have no plans of stopping, and as long as people are checking into the site, then I've got a lot more story to tell.
So once again, I thank you all for reading and keeping me going and I certainly hope I can keep you all reading for many more days to come. Here's to another 200 issues!

Nobody Was Asking for That
posted by Jordan on 2009/9/8 (Comics)
Sorry for the wait. I got tied down with things in real-life, and pretty much had all of my energy drained for any sort of writing or drawing. I can say more, but it's nothing that you haven't heard me say before, so I'll leave it there. I don't know when the next update will be, but I won't leave you all hanging for another two weeks.

Brace Yourself
posted by Jordan on 2009/10/1 (Comics)
I'm not sure how many of you are actually still checking for updates, but here's one anyway. I know I've already given every apology and excuse I possibly can by now, but here's another one. I said it wasn't going to be another two weeks, and it ended up being three. I'm not particularly proud of that, and I feel terrible for letting you guys down and disappearing again, but I can rightfully say one thing: Unless I outright state that the comic is dead, then don't assume that it is. Like I've said before, given how much I have invested into it, there's no way I would simply leave everyone hanging.
Anyway, I won't bore anyone with more excuses. Here's Thursday's update. This time, I can rightfully say that the next update won't be in two weeks, since I already have it finished. It will be on Saturday, and hopefully I can keep up relatively regular updates now that my work schedule is normal again.
In short, sorry for the wait and see you on Saturday.

The Potato Treatment
posted by Jordan on 2009/10/2 (Comics)
As promised, here's Saturday's issue on time. Early, in fact, since at the moment of writing this, it's still Friday where I am. Since I'm working early and won't get a chance to be online until later in the afternoon, I figured I'd better post this now and have it done.
Now, precious sleep beckons me.

Maybe He's On Page 205
posted by Jordan on 2009/10/6 (Comics)
I've been meaning to switch back to these guys for a while now. In fact, I wanted to do it before the whole Valley of the Night arc, but couldn't think of anything to write for them, so decided to put it off. That is, until now.
And obviously, they're no less dysfunctional either.

The Great Outdoors
posted by Jordan on 2009/11/9 (Comics)
Alright. I apologize for disappearing for over a month. I'll admit, that was pretty stupid of me. So now that I'm back, allow me to comment on some things.
As most of you have probably already noticed, the main banner has changed. I'm ditching the Tues-Thur-Sat update schedule and basically going to an "update when I feel like it" model. The fact is, I can't keep a schedule anymore, no matter how much I try. Since that seemed to be a sour point that I continually heard about, I'm not going to promise any future updates anymore. I'll try not to disappear for another month, but I'm not going to say it won't happen.
Things pile up, and unfortunately, this comic is not a priority. It is and always will be a hobby of mine. If I could make a living from this and this alone, then I would take it much more seriously, but that simply isn't a reality, so it gets pushed to the back shelf a lot of the time. Not to mention, it gets more and more frustrating to have to be at work for eight hours, then come home and know that I have to work for another four to five hours on a comic or I'll have fans snarling at me for updates. Sometimes I need a break, and apparently, they tend to come without warning.
So again, I apologize. Thanks to the readers who have stuck it out, and I'm sorry if any of you have decided to pack it in. However, as I've said before, and will say again right now: Unless I explicitly say that this comic is dead, it isn't. I do tend to disappear for extended periods of time, but that's just me being a jerk.
Anyway, in short, I'm sorry for not updating, I'm getting rid of an update schedule, and here's a new comic.
Now, I have some sleep to get.

Economic Downturn
posted by Jordan on 2009/12/1 (Comics)
I was determined to get another comic done before December, and I somehow managed. Talk about cutting it down to the wire...
Anyway, I have a bit of a plan now as well. This time last year, I was falling behind in my updates as well, and I decided to take some time off without updates to avoid some of the pressure of working on a deadline and build up a buffer. I only took about a week or two off, but it was enough for me to get ahead again. I've decided that I'm going to do the same again this year, but being that I have far less free time these days, I'm regrettably going to be taking the entire month of December off.
I imagine that some of you will be disappointed, but I really do want to get myself ahead again so I can at least give some semblance of activity around here. I'll still be checking the site, and I might even throw up some filler or other material throughout the month, but I'm putting a hold on actual updates for a month.
So, this is the last update of 2009. Here's hoping I can get things on track for another new year, and in case anyone doesn't come around until then, I'll see you in 2010!

Exit Stage Left
posted by Jordan on 2010/1/1 (Comics)
Welcome back to Anti-Heroes! Today marks not only the first day of the new decade, but the second year anniversary of the comic itself. Yes, two years ago today, Lana met her ultimate fate in a humble thread on the Giant in the Playground forums. I never thought for a second that this story would carry on for one year, much less two, and despite some rough seas in the latter half of the year, here we are.
Now, thank you all for being patient with me. I'm sure it was a long wait, but now I'm back. Once again, I didn't get as much work done as I would have liked, but it's a good start, and I have a lot more planned for the near future, so here's hoping I can keep things steady for at least a little while. I'll be aiming for updates twice a week for now, just so you have a heads up.
Anyway, there's not really much else to say. Have a great New Year, thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to another 365 days of Anti-Heroes! Just as Laris said, onward to further adventures!

Maybe She Likes It Rough
posted by Jordan on 2010/1/5 (Comics)
I don't really have anything else to say, so I'll keep things simple. I'm aiming for Friday as my next update day, so I'll see you then.

And She Wonders Why She's Single
posted by Jordan on 2010/1/8 (Comics)
Well, since I won't be online tomorrow morning, I figured I should get this up tonight. It's midnight here, so technically, it's still updating on Friday. It works either way!
So, remember that story arc I promised a while ago in which I'd focusing on the Ivory Veil? Well, here it is. And yes, I will finally be revealing the other two commanders of the Veil, even though you've technically already seen one.
Also, I think the guard in the background disappears in the next comic. Stay tuned to find out!!

Like a Whip
posted by Jordan on 2010/1/12 (Comics)
And new comic! I must say that it's kind of surreal for me to write dialogue between Zurie and Aldran. I don't think I ever really expected them to be together, so when it came to actually writing it, it felt strange. And yet, everything seemed to flow just perfectly. Funny how things work out, eh?

One Of These Days, It'll Work
posted by Jordan on 2010/1/15 (Comics)
And a whole school of crackpot theories dies today as I finally reveal one of the last two members of the Ivory Veil. His arrival wasn't that climactic, I agree, but that's kind of Rallut's style. And I know I'll have to update the cast page as well, but I'll probably be holding off on that until Quentas makes his full appearance as well.
Also, a sudden bout of sickness caused me to fall behind with my slight buffer again, but with this weekend coming up, I aim to get at least one comic done before shoving off back to work. I'm too excited about this plot arc to stop now.
Anyway, enjoy the comic!

Faux Pas
posted by Jordan on 2010/1/19 (Comics)
Hey look, it's tomorrow! Which means there's an update! Imagine that!
Also, allow me to clarify Rallut. He is not a paladin. The only paladins in the Ivory Veil belong to Eldhin's division. Anyone else is going to be a different class. What class that is will remain a mystery until revealed, but I assure you that unless you see Eldhin's insignia, they are not a paladin.
I know the Veil has a confusing structure, and I take blame for that for introducing it in a confusing way. Mostly since I originally only planned for there to be paladins and no one else, but their numbers ballooned shortly after, so I had to retcon it in a way. To remedy the situation, I plan to be making a chart to illustrate just how the Veil is structured at some point during or shortly after this arc. Hopefully that will eliminate some of the confusion.

posted by Jordan on 2010/1/22 (Comics)
A little lighter on the humor side this time, but some necessary plot to get out of the way. Things are heating up down in Tydaris, and they're only going to get hotter.
Unfortunately, the next update won't be until next week. Enjoy this in the meantime and good luck with your crackpot theories!

There Are Better Spells For This Kind of Thing
posted by Jordan on 2010/3/9 (Comics)
Alright, so first of all, let me apologize up front. As I usually tend to do. I really don't know why I disappeared for over a month, aside from "work reasons." I could potentially blame it on Mass Effect 2 stealing a lot of my time, but I don't actually find myself playing it a lot. Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic game, but I just haven't had time to sit down and really play it, much less sit down and make a comic...
Anyway, for anyone who still actually cares about this website, here's the issue I promised so long ago. Once again, my apologies for the wait.

Rage Quit
posted by Jordan on 2010/5/8 (Comics)
I told you all that the comic will only end when I say it ends. ...Or when I die. Either way, I'm sure someone will deliver the message.
Aaanyway, life has been unforgiving the past few weeks. People have left work, causing my hours to get screwed up and down almost every day. Thankfully that seems to be calming down a little with the summer months coming into gear. Also, just this past week, most of my energy was spent in looking for and buying a car, which was thankfully completed not long ago. Not to mention about fifty side-projects begging to be monitored and updated with what little time I have left. Just all around, not that much fun to be me.
So here's a comic. Later than late, I am well aware, but another comic nonetheless. Consider it a confirmation that this comic isn't dead. Don't make me have to repeat myself any more.

Anything You Can Do
posted by Jordan on 2010/8/4 (Comics)
You know what inspired me to get off my butt and make a comic?
Me neither.
But here's one anyway. I'm nothing if not determined to finish this arc, even if it takes me my entire life.

Full-Round Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow
posted by Jordan on 2010/8/10 (Comics)
Hey look, another comic. Like I said, I really want to finish this arc at the very least. Mostly so I can finally give Quentas a non-shadowy appearance in the comic.
So yes, he is coming. Hopefully in the near future.

But Does it Have a David Bowie?
posted by Jordan on 2010/8/14 (Comics)
Blah. I was going to have this up yesterday, but alas, Minecraft. If you haven't already bought this game, do so. Before it gets more expensive. It's well worth the money. The only problem is you can't get a good feel for the game unless you spend the money. The free version has got nothing on the actual Alpha. However, do some research and you'll be able to see the differences. Once again, I highly recommend.
Anyway, comic! I don't want to sound too sure or anything, but... I think I might be back.

Dump-Stats Should Be Chosen Wisely
posted by Jordan on 2011/1/17 (Comics)
Alright, so as you've probably guessed, the comic has run into a bit of a snag. I won't bother with any excuses in order to get to the heart of the matter; the fate of Anti-Heroes.
After three years, the time has finally come. I can't do this anymore. I've changed jobs and I currently have so little time to focus on this comic that it's simply unfeasible for me to continue making it. I don't really want to stop, since I'm still very much interested in telling the story I had planned, but I've thought long and hard about the decision and there's nothing else I can do at this point. Sure I could stick around and say "comics will get done when they get done," but I've been doing just that for several months now with barely anything to show for it. I've come to the realization that it's time for me to hang it up.
So what happens next? Well, when I first made this comic, I made a promise that if I ever decided to stop, I wouldn't leave my fans hanging. The rest of the story will be revealed one way or another. The only question I need to answer is how. I'm going to go ahead and narrow it down to two options for you all to vote on:
1) I simply spill the beans. All my secrets, plot points, future characters. Everything. It's not the most elegant way of doing it, but at least you guys won't be left in the dark.
2) I pass on the comic-making mantle to another artist. I give him all of my notes and let him take over the creation of the comic. This way, none of my future plot would be spilled out and the comic would continue, just without me at the helm.
I'm putting the future of this comic in the hands of its readers. So what'll it be?

She's No Dread Pirate
posted by Jordan on 2011/4/6 (Comics)
Welp. This is it. For those of you who weren't following the recruitment thread I linked to before, the comic is finally being handed over to another. Two others, in fact. They are known as Dyluth, who will be doing the art and leakingpen, who will be doing the writing. Team Dypen, as they have become known shall be continuing the story of Anti-Heroes and hopefully giving you all some reliable updates for a change. This here is my last comic before I bow out of the director's chair and fade into the background. I'll be sticking around as a general creative consultant for the two of them, but control is pretty much in their hands.
I could go on some more, but I'm tired and I think I've kept you all waiting long enough. I'm not sure when exactly they'll be coming through with a new comic, but I don't expect it'll be all too long. So until then, let's welcome our new hosts and give them a chance to sit in the director's chair. Here's hoping everything goes well for you guys.

Round Two
posted by Chris on 2011/5/26 (Comics)
Hello, I am Dyluth (Chris to my friends) and this is my first illustrative contribution to the amazing webcomic known as anti-HEROES.
It was an honor to have been picked by Zara to help step in to keep this comic going, and though it took longer than I had hoped to get this initial comic up on the site I can promise that in the future I will do my best to keep the postings much more frequent and consistent.
Now I've done my best to keep the illustration style as close to Zarah's original artwork so please enjoy and let me know what you think.
I'm truly looking forward to working with Leakingpen and Zarah to keep this comic that we all love going strong!

Book Worms
posted by Chris on 2011/5/30 (Comics)
Good evening once again friends! I have for you now issue #222, my first time illustrating Aldran and Kaal. Though I have to say thank you for all the positive feedback that we received here for issue #221, it means quite a bit to have the approval of the fans that Zara worked so hard to earn over the years.
I'll do my best working with Leaking Pen, Zara and company to keep up a consistent schedule down the road, but for now enjoy our comic about a couple of lovable book worms!

It's Quentas!
posted by Chris on 2011/6/4 (Comics)
Good evening, allow me to share with you what is not only my third anti-HEROES comic, but the unveiling of the infamous Quentas at long last!
I'm truly honored that Zara's trusted me to handle the unveiling of what truly is one of the most compelling villains I have ever read about and I hope that you all enjoy reading this installment of anti-HEROES.
As one final note, the illustrated depitcion of Quentas himself comes completely courtesy of Zara.

That's Probably Not Helping
posted by Chris on 2011/6/23 (Comics)
Here we are, Issue #224 and the first in panel interaction between a PC and Quentas. Now there was a bit of a delay in getting this one up, but hopefully that's just a part of getting the new process working and not something that we'll see happen again. So enjoy the comic and feel free as always to let us all know what you think.
On one last note the always amazing and hard working Crazed has responded to the questions about updating the About page and has gone and done just that. So go have a look if your interested and have fun learning about the new faces helping out with anti-HEROES.

I think I can't
posted by A on 2011/7/3 (Comics)
Alexander here, better known as Leaking Pen. This is the first of the comics to be made by the new DYPEN team. I wrote the script for this comic, and Dyluth, who has been doing the art for the last several strips, worked his magic. I hope you all enjoy my take on the characters and story, I am trying to stay as true to the comic as I can, but of course, wording and action choices will be different. Please, be brutally honest in comments guys! It is a pleasure and an honor to be assisting in keeping this most awesome comic going!

I think I can't
posted by A on 2011/7/3 (Comics)
Alexander here, better known as Leaking Pen. This is the first of the comics to be made by the new DYPEN team. I wrote the script for this comic, and Dyluth, who has been doing the art for the last several strips, worked his magic. I hope you all enjoy my take on the characters and story, I am trying to stay as true to the comic as I can, but of course, wording and action choices will be different. Please, be brutally honest in comments guys! It is a pleasure and an honor to be assisting in keeping this most awesome comic going!

In fact, he probably is.
posted by A on 2011/7/13 (Comics)
Leaking Pen, with Dypen strip 2. Thanks most for the kind words. For the unkind words, sorry if you don't like the new strips. This is free entertainment, and if you are no longer entertained, I am sad, and I and Dyluth will do whatever we can to improve based on your feedback, buuuut. You can't please all of the people all of the time. But we try to please as many as we can.

Signs Point To Sighin' Psion
posted by A on 2011/7/19 (Comics)
Less than a week to the next update! We are on our way folks. Thanks for sticking with us!

Fools & Deception
posted by Chris on 2011/7/29 (Comics)
Good afternoon friends and well-wishers! What better way to end the work week is there than a brand new anti-HEROES comic I ask?
We're looking to have the next issue out quite soon as well so be sure to stay tuned for it as well. Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy!

You Didn't Think it Was Natural, Did You?
posted by Chris on 2011/7/31 (Comics)
Good evening friends and well wishers! To close out the month of July Leaking Pen and I have composed this newest issue of anti-HEROES, where we come back to the much anticipated sword match between Zuri and Lana only to find the stakes have suddenly become much MUCH higher than they already were!

You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Agry
posted by A on 2011/8/4 (Comics)
And the dramatic conclusion of Battle Femme Royale! Dyluth is taking a much needed vacation, but never fear! We now have a buffer! The next comic will go up next Thursday, rain or shine!
Help support anti-HEROES! Please vote for us at Top Web Comics by clicking here
Also, please, let your friends know about the comic!

Dear Sir or Madam
posted by A on 2011/8/11 (Comics)
Ahh, Aldran, what monkey business are you up to now? I would be disappointed if any of you OOTS fans DON'T know where this is going...
In other news, Please, keep voting for us at top web comics.
Also, join us on Facebook at for updates and extra fun!

Can the Fun Start Yet?
posted by Chris on 2011/8/18 (Comics)
Hello again, it's me Dyluth on posting duty today as our heroes prepare to leave the White Palace... or will soon hopefully
In any event, this issue represents team Dypen's first depiction of fan favourite Laris, even if it's in the form of a flashback, albeit a flashback to one of my favourite sequences of this coimc. Enjoy friends!

Together Again
posted by A on 2011/8/25 (Comics)
Aww, Aldran, being nice to Kaal? What's your angle?
Just a reminder, you can find us on Facebook. Hope you've all enjoyed the ride so far, we'll be finishing up this story arc and then peeking in on some other familiar faces coming up soon!

There's an Ointment for That
posted by A on 2011/8/30 (Comics)
Almost done with this arc, so you all get a special treat. We update again... TOMORROW! Thats right, come back tomorrow to finish out this story arc! After that, we have a few filler comics while we work on the next set of storyline.

We Had to Use the Joke Eventually
posted by A on 2011/8/31 (Comics)
And this closes out our anti-heroes time as guests of the Ivory Veil. For those who saw the joke coming, I hope we used it in a pleasing manner! We will be running filler comic strips for the next week or so while we work on the next storyline.
BTW, please please please, vote for us on top web comic. It;s really not a big deal TODAY, but they reset stats the first of the month, so if you could all get out there and vote like crazy TOMORROW, that would be wonderful. We are working on putting up some vote incentives, and if we can break into the top 100, we have some special things planned.

Mask of Quentas: You know, for kids!
posted by A on 2011/9/16 (Comics)
Here ya go everyone. A little gag to whet the appetite while we work on the next storyline! Please, join the facebook page, and post pics of yourselves/lovedones/kids/pets wearing quentas masks!

Krylorn Spray Paint
posted by Chris on 2011/9/27 (Comics)
Good evening friends! It's Dyluth here, I haven't posted a comic in a bit so I'm happy that tonight I have the privilege of sharing the newest issue of anti-HEROES, where we share with you everything you ever wanted to know about Krylorn Spray Paint!

Here We Go Again
posted by A on 2011/10/3 (Comics)
Aaaaaand We're Back!
Its about time we checked in on our favorite vampire hunter, isn't it? As well as the "heroes" of the story, since Aldran thinks they are important! Also, new month , please remember to vote!
Giacomo is from Ding! by Scott Kurtz of, and Mr. Kurtz was kind enough to let us use him and his dwarven compatriot Binwin Bronzebottom (seen next strip). I would tell you to go read his comic, but, you probably already do!

Bardic Convention
posted by Chris on 2011/10/12 (Comics)
Hello friends, it's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here sharing with you issue #239 of the adventures of our favourite anti-HEROES
In this issue at least one question from issue #238 is answered, and many more mysteries and questions are sure to arise from the events depicted below.
So sit back and enjoy the conversation at the Meandering Mead Tavern...

Lady Slings the Ooze
posted by A on 2011/10/20 (Comics)
And this is our third and final appearance of Giacomo, and only appearance of his dwarven friend, Binwin Bronzebottom. Enjoy! More exposition, coming soon!

Lady Spills the News
posted by Chris on 2011/10/25 (Comics)
Hello all, it's your humble artist Dyluthus here sharing with you the latest issue of anti-HEROES, Lady Spills the News.
If your curious to see what else it going on around this mysterious town as our heroes leave the confines of the Meandering Mead Tavern, then sit back and enjoy this latest installment

Communism isn't the Only Red Herring
posted by A on 2011/10/31 (Comics)
Welcome to the Hook and Hammer Inn. We shall see many things in these halls, and come back to them down the line. But what is really important, and what is merely a site gag? Time will tell.
Please! New month tomorrow, help vote for us at starting the First.
Also, we appear to have a tv tropes page! Whoever started that up, you are a god among webdwellers. The rest of you Tropers, GO! Add linkage, as I know we hit a lot more Tropes than that!

Spinning A Story
posted by Chris on 2011/11/14 (Comics)
Good evening friends. It's Dyluthus here again sharing with you tale number 243 of the anti-HEROES saga, Spinning a Story! So have a look, enjoy and feel free to discuss amongst yourselves just who some of the NPC's are that we're seeing in this inn and just how they might fit in with the rest of the story... if at all

I didn't SEE any new stars...
posted by A on 2011/12/2 (Comics)
Hey all, the lack of updates is ENTIRELY my fault. Work and family ate me alive this month, preventing me from getting scripts to Dyluth, who sat with time on his hands, and no AH to fill it. I am terribly sorry, December will be better. The first title of this comic was to be, "Hey, not till Turkey Day!" as it was to be posted before Thanksgiving. Also, Mass kudos to Reader, who totally saw the joke coming. But, not the next joke, I hope!
Enjoy all, and thanks for reading!

Charlie's Angelic Elves
posted by Chris on 2011/12/18 (Comics)
Hello friends and readers! It's Dyluthus here with our latest issue. Many apologies for the delay in new issues as of late, that's just how the Holiday season is eh?
In any case, sit back and enjoy the introduction of our newest NPC's... Charlie the Halfling and his angelic Elves.

You're Gonna Need A MONTAGE!
posted by A on 2012/1/17 (Comics)
And Dyluth comes through with a new comic for you all, amazing turn around time after I got him the script. Again, I apologize for the delay everyone, but you should be getting your fix quicker now!

Ya Genre-Savy?
posted by Chris on 2012/1/24 (Comics)
Hello once again! It's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here with the latest issue of anti-HEROES AND a return to our primary party of... well... anti-HEROES
Now before I forget to mention this I just wanted to say that last week on the day that Wikipedia and several other websites went dark in protest of the Stop Online Piracy Act (or SOPA) we got the idea of joining in by updating the comic page to be compltely dark except for the characters white eyes.
By the time we had this idea however it was already late in the day, and the political tide had already turned against SOPA (at least for now), so we decided to shelve the idea for the time being or at least until the next day of protest against whatever comes act or proposed law follows in SOPA's footsteps.
We here at anti-HEROES will always count on a free and open internet make our entertaining of you possible. Enjoy the comic everyone!

Boughed and Dangerous
posted by A on 2012/2/2 (Comics)
Two Thursday updates in a row! We might actually get back to a regular update schedule!
In this weeks episode, we find that Andil might not know it all.....

It Was a Sap-py Affair
posted by Chris on 2012/2/7 (Comics)
Hello everyone! It's your humble artist Dyluthus here bringing you the next installment in our heroes treacherous trek through the seemingly cursed woods. Enjoy the unfolding plot twists and turns

Amulet Du Fromage
posted by Chris on 2012/2/21 (Comics)
Hello again! It's your illustrator Dyluth here to say first off sorry for the slight delay in getting the next issue to you and second to bring said issue to you
Enjoy the ever advancing and darkening plot!

You Said We DIDN'T Have a Quest
posted by A on 2012/3/1 (Comics)
Sorry, temporarily replaced, due to typo, will put the replacement up shortly.
Happy Thursday. BTW, is everyone happy with Thursday for our weekly releases?
Today, the plot thickens, and Laris starts to realize, it really IS a small world, after all.

Lady Pings the Yews
posted by Chris on 2012/3/7 (Comics)
These days you just never know what's waiting to ambush you and your friends on a quest through the woods So sit back and enjoy the latest anti-HEROES issue as the lady pings the yews.

He IS Famous, You Know.
posted by A on 2012/3/15 (Comics)
Leaking Pen with today's comic! Dyluth did a wonderful job on the poster, as well as the issue as a whole, as always!
Laris has to remind his party JUST who it is they are dealing with, and some odd shenanigans are afoot! Where will it all end?
In other news, @AlexanderDSoSo is my twitter feed as an author, and will include updates about anti-HEROES.
What minor characters from strips past would you all like to see again? Tell us here, they might just make a comeback!

3 6’s, 36 Inches, Same Difference
posted by Chris on 2012/3/21 (Comics)
Good evening everyone! It's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here with another new issue for your enjoyment!
Things are unfolding mighty fast now so sit back and enjoy the latest installment

3 6’s, 36 Inches, Same Difference
posted by Chris on 2012/3/21 (Comics)
Good evening everyone! It's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here with another new issue for your enjoyment!
Things are unfolding mighty fast now so sit back and enjoy the latest installment

3 6’s, 36 Inches, Same Difference
posted by Chris on 2012/3/21 (Comics)
Good evening everyone! It's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here with another new issue for your enjoyment!
Things are unfolding mighty fast now so sit back and enjoy the latest installment

3 6’s, 36 Inches, Same Difference
posted by Chris on 2012/3/22 (Comics)
Good morning everyone! It's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here with another new issue for your enjoyment!
Things are unfolding mighty fast now so sit back and enjoy the latest installment

3 6's, 36 Inches, Same Difference
posted by A on 2012/3/22 (Comics)
Happy Thursday all! New comic for your enjoyment! Dyluth has been taking your feedback and working with the script to make the comic layout a little less rigid and a little more fluid, and I for one LOVE it. Hope you enjoy it as well!

Hammer, Definitely Hammer
posted by Chris on 2012/3/28 (Comics)
Good evening everyone! It's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here with another new issue for your enjoyment.
So uhhh... enjoy! (Hey, I'm not the writer here)

Double D Was Here Two Pages Ago
posted by A on 2012/4/5 (Comics)
Reference to popular 90's cartoon in the the title. Check
Boob Joke in the title, Check.
Old School MMO joke, check
D and D mechanics jokes, check.
Edition names joke, check.
4th wall broken, battered, beaten, and shattered beyond recognition, check.
Joke using other role playing games that no one is going to get, double check.
Heh. I must say, Laris's face makes me giggle throughout this one. I hope you all like it!

Bearing the Load
posted by Chris on 2012/4/11 (Comics)
Hello hello! Dyluth here on another Thursday for another update Tonight we find our adventurers making a perilous journey into the mouth of danger with the help of their new low level Nodwickian associates.
As always sit back and enjoy the comic

A Crushing Blow to Morale
posted by A on 2012/4/19 (Comics)
All those plans just crumble away to nothing...
NEXT WEEK! Your favorite minor character makes a comeback. Betting and idle speculation here as to WHO?

On a Very Special Ograh
posted by Chris on 2012/4/26 (Comics)
Hello again everyone! It's Dyluth here with your very latest issue of anti-HEROES entitled "On a Very Special Ograph".
Who exactly is Ograh you ask? Well sit back and have a look at our comic and you'll find out

The Cycle of Abuse
posted by A on 2012/5/3 (Comics)
Our interlude continues! Poor poor Dave.
And... Who's this goblin hanging out in the background? He's visiting us from another plane (ie, he's on loan from another webcomic) looking for his next door! It's Tempts Fate, from . Goblins, if you aren't reading it, you should be! ``

Naw, He's Got a Nose. Wait, Doesn't He?
posted by Chris on 2012/5/9 (Comics)
Greetings and greetings again! It is I your humble illustrator Dyluthus with the latest episode of Ograh brought to you via the latest issue of anti-HEROES. You just can't get a better two for one comic deal than that

Jerry, Jerr... Wait, Wrong Show
posted by A on 2012/5/17 (Comics)

That Burning, Itching Sensation
posted by Chris on 2012/5/24 (Comics)
Hello hello! It's Dyluth here with another Thursday instalment of anti-HEROES, where we see just how much more interesting day time talk shows would be if spell casting Liches and raging Ogre's were involved

Awww, I Wanted On... Wait
posted by A on 2012/6/1 (Comics)
And so ends our brief interlude with Ograh. What will Dave do? Where is the real Finx? And did Tempt's fate meet his funding goal and survive the bounce off Ograh's hammer to his door in the sky? The world may never know.
There are a pair of easter eggs for you, one is in the art, one in the dialogue. Enjoy!

Ruin all the mystery, why don't ya?
posted by Chris on 2012/6/7 (Comics)
Hello hello one and all! It is Dyluthus here with another Thursday's instalment of anti-HEROES, featuring the triumphant (but not really at all triumphant) return of Laris, Andil, Hilmor and Laldera and of course the first and second Ed!

Ruin all the mystery, why don't ya?
posted by Chris on 2012/6/7 (Comics)
Hello hello one and all! It is Dyluthus here with another Thursday's instalment of anti-HEROES, featuring the triumphant (but not really at all triumphant) return of Laris, Andil, Hilmor and Laldera and of course the first and second Ed!

Ruin all the mystery, why don't ya?
posted by Chris on 2012/6/7 (Comics)
Hello hello one and all! It is Dyluthus here with another Thursday's instalment of anti-HEROES, featuring the triumphant (but not really at all triumphant) return of Laris, Andil, Hilmor and Laldera and of course the first and second Ed!

Ruin all the mystery, why dont ya?
posted by Chris on 2012/6/7 (Comics)
Hello hello one and all! It is Dyluthus here with another Thursday's instalment of anti-HEROES, featuring the triumphant (but not really at all triumphant) return of Laris, Andil, Hilmor and Laldera and of course the first and second Ed!

Ruin all the mystery, why don't ya?
posted by Chris on 2012/6/7 (Comics)
Hello hello one and all! It is Dyluthus here with another Thursday's instalment of anti-HEROES, featuring the triumphant (but not really at all triumphant) return of Laris, Andil, Hilmor and Laldera and of course the first and second Ed!

Ruin All the Mystery, Why Don't You
posted by Chris on 2012/6/8 (Comics)
Hello hello one and all! It is Dyluthus here with another Thursday's instalment of anti-HEROES, featuring the triumphant (but not really at all triumphant) return of Laris, Andil, Hilmor and Laldera and of course the first and second Ed!

Lady Stings the Bleuse
posted by A on 2012/6/15 (Comics)
Jolly captor, isn't he? Way too smart for his own good... What does he have planned for our heroes? What torture lies in store? Will call sense a tied up angry woman at a distance? And what trimester IS Bleuse in? These answers and more, as we continue...

Lady Flings Abuse
posted by Chris on 2012/6/21 (Comics)
It's Thursday again friends and that means another new anti-HEROES
Though Laldera doesn't seem to be a fan of these titles, personally I love this running gag

Bard Class Skill : Shoveling
posted by A on 2012/6/28 (Comics)
Happy Thursday! I hope we bring a bit of lightness to your approach to the weekend!
Please, please, please, if you like aH, find us on facebook, email links to friends, mention us on forums you frequent.
If you don't like us, tell everyone too! Someone you tell will come look and stay for a while!
Please remember to vote for us on topwebcomics, . For incentive, we've added a little pinup beach scene with something for the guys, and something for the ladies!

Sssir, We Havesss a Problem
posted by Chris on 2012/7/5 (Comics)
The dark and sinister conspiracy afoot engulfs yet another NPC from strips gone by in this, our latest Thursday instalment of anti-HEROES!

This Old Thing
posted by A on 2012/7/13 (Comics)
And we wonder just how bad this one is going to be...
No fresh TWC incentives, but I'll be putting up links to the wonderful pinups Dyluth did for ShortPacked!'s Pinup week on twitter this weekend @alexanderdsoso

The Monster Withing, Without
posted by Chris on 2012/7/19 (Comics)
Here we are on another Thursday, and that means another new anti-HEROES! This instalment even features a new original poem by our favourite Goblin scribe, Bleuse.

Despite All His Rage...
posted by A on 2012/7/27 (Comics)
Yay comic! Sub dungeon omega. That sounds... ominous.

Three Hours Out
posted by Chris on 2012/8/3 (Comics)
A battle damaged schooner, a magical staff wielding Gnome spellcaster, and a rogue in a maid costume. What more could you ask for in a new issue?

Three Shadowy FIgures Out
posted by A on 2012/8/10 (Comics)
The Plot Thickens! or at least, simmers a little.

Going to See the Sights
posted by Chris on 2012/8/16 (Comics)
Just what sights and what investments are our Gnomish friend Turrick and his rogue maid of a friend heading off to see?
Stay tuned to find out

Scoping Out the Competition
posted by Chris on 2012/8/23 (Comics)
It's Thursday night and it's my (Dyluthus's) turn to post, so here it is! A quaint walking tour of Lavakport's waterfront shops and attractions. Enjoy

Three Coins Out
posted by A on 2012/8/31 (Comics)
A diversion? Or a cunning TRAP! Who's to say? What perils lie ahead for our side characters? How much money DOES that little man have? And does he still expect the Bugbear maid to provide her own lemon pledge? These questions, and more, on the next, anti-Heroes

Off for a week, Hit the Beach!
posted by A on 2012/9/7 (Comics)
Hey all, sorry about the break. Dyluth is fighting the creepie cruds (and I don't mean minecraft). So in the meantime, here's a beach pinup he did earlier this summer. Enjoy! We hope to get a comic up sooner than Thursday and get you a double update next week, but no promises!
In the meantime, go read Wandering Ones! Awesome comic, and lots of back issues to slog through.

Exit, Stage Left, Even!
posted by A on 2012/9/11 (Comics)
Hey all, thanks for waiting! On to our next adventure!

I'm Sure It's Nothing
posted by A on 2012/9/21 (Comics)
Happy Friday morning to you all! I apologize for the late posting, but hey, anti-HEROES to kick start your weekend, am I right?
We here at anti-HEROES would like to spend a moment to wish a speedy recover to Rich Burlew. Should anyone here actually NOT know who he is, he is the author and artist of Order of the Stick. He damaged his hand considerably last week, and is out of commission. Drop by and buy something, if you have the ability! The delay is going to hurt him, we're sure.
The use of his logo on the rock was planned out a month ago, so the timing of us talking about him, and the GITP logo being used, is coincidental.

Now She Tells Us...
posted by Chris on 2012/9/28 (Comics)
Here we are on Friday with our slightly late new comic for Thursday. What makes this weeks installment all the more special is the fact that we have the first of many cameo's by fans of the comic who volunteered over at the GitP forums.
Today it is our great pleasure to bring to you Dark Elf Bard's and Halftangible's beautiful avatars, I hope I did your original artwork justice guys
So sit back and enjoy the comic everyone!

posted by Chris on 2012/10/4 (Comics)
It's Thursday and I your illustrator Dyluthus and your writer Leaking Pen have another instalment of anti-HEROES for your entertainment!
This week we see yet another bizare and ghastly turn that the strange and mysterious game "For Ah Magame" that Turrick and the Maid have signed up for in the wilderness outside of Lavakport.

Turrick, His Eyes Wide
posted by A on 2012/10/12 (Comics)
Sorry for the late update everyone, but here's anti-HEROES. I think you all already beat Turrick to his realization! Another cameo from one of our many volunteers! Mr. Super Dark 33.

Keeping it Close to the Chest
posted by Chris on 2012/10/18 (Comics)
Another Thursday and another edition of anti-HEROES and the on-going saga of For Ah Magame!
Personally I just love the idea of a magical ID badge that masks it's label to everyone else but the wearer with a little floating censored bar

Sorry From His Eds to his Toes
posted by A on 2012/10/26 (Comics)
And now we leave Turrick and the Maid for a bit, and peek back in on the heroes. Andil... where'd that stick go, you can use it to break out!

DON'T Spill the Wine
posted by Chris on 2012/11/3 (Comics)
Hello hello! It's (not) Thursday and that means it's time for another anti-HEROES courtesy of your friend Leaking Pen and me, Dyluthus!
So sit back and enjoy another issue where we see just how Laris, Andil, Laldera, Hilmor and the Ed's are holding up given their dire predicament

Play Dirty, Play Often
posted by A on 2012/11/8 (Comics)
Happy Thursday to you all! Bleuse is up to ... something? And it's not that fruity, is it?
For those curious, Play Dirty is a book by RPG writer John Wick.
The main focus of the book is how, as a GM, to use PC's strengths and flaws against them. Especially their strengths.

Laris, His Hand Free
posted by Chris on 2012/11/15 (Comics)
It's Thursday night AND it's new comic time so here we are! How many times have we gotten to see Laris strain himself until he turns red?
Not too many, and not enough I say

Happy Thanksgiving
posted by A on 2012/11/22 (Comics)
A bit of filler for everyone! Also, Team Dypen brings you a new project! (Don't worry, we still will be here on anti-HEROES first and foremost.)

Duck Duck Wolf
posted by Chris on 2012/11/29 (Comics)
It's Thursday AND it's time for anti-HEROES as I, your humble illustrator Dyluthus will be helping usher you in your return to the werewolf murder mystery themed "One Day and Night Vacation" Turrick and his companion signed up for back in Lavakport.

SOMEone Had To Be First
posted by A on 2012/12/6 (Comics)
And so we say so long to... wait a second. Isn't that the same girl that we already saw meet Laris after hearing Giacomo? WTF?

In a world...
posted by A on 2012/12/7 (Comics)
Hello and hello! It's my Dyluthus and here I am with your regular Thur... okay I confess work got busy last week and I had to put off the comic until today. These things happen in the holiday season sadly
Thank you however all for your patience and thank you for the kind words shared about Leaking Pen's and my new webcomic project the DisReality Gears! This site however is now and shall be forever the realm of the anti-HEROES... so let us return to their misadventures where we find Turrick and his apprentice in the midst of a very deadly game...

The anti-Heroes Return
posted by A on 2012/12/21 (Comics)
Sorry about the delay, we were nitpicking to make sure the return was proper and epic. Also, Monty Python joke!
To let you all know, while we will probably post some filler, we are taking a break until January! Happy Holidays everyone. Also, Dyluth and I would like to thank everyone that helped spread around or donate to our new comic, DisReality Gears. It will be launching early January as well!

Happy Hollidays
posted by A on 2012/12/25 (Comics)
Hello there everyone! Now that the time for holiday greetings has come and gone, it is time to get on with the story once again.
So sit back and relax while Aldran takes us a break from his own adventures to take us on a bit of a retrospective on what's been going on for the last little while.

It's Around Here Somewhere
posted by A on 2013/1/11 (Comics)
Sorry for the late release everyone! Time to get down for business, who knows what shady people lurk in the inn?

You Can Lead a Thief to Wagon
posted by Chris on 2013/1/18 (Comics)
Hello everyone! It's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here again at week's end with another new issue of anti-HEROES where we find Aldran settling into the local fleabag motel, Keriss and Lana picking up provisions for the road ahead, and we get to be reacquainted with a mysterious figure in black we only saw once and haven't seen since...

Did Something With Your Hair?
posted by Chris on 2013/2/11 (Comics)
Hey everyone! It's your illustrator Dyluthus here with first and foremost, a big mea culpa for the delay in getting this comic to you all. Things got really busy for us both, and as much as it pained us, we had to put this comic that we love on the back burner to take care of a few other matters first.
Luckily that busy streak is behind us for now, so sit back and take in the new comic for this week, to be followed by another later this week as well.
Enjoy my friends

Local Additions
posted by A on 2013/2/25 (Comics)
So sorry, I thought I uploaded this last week. Things have been a bit nuts at Casa De Pen. A combination of moving twice in two weeks and me and Mrs. Pen, as well as both our little golf pencils, catching some horrid nasal and lung destroying ick has caused me to... well... misplace the last couple of weeks. I literally lost a couple weeks of time somehow. But I am scripting, and Dyluth is doing a wonderful job deciphering my sick bed scribblings of fantasy and oddness, so here you go. Some of Lana's backstory is about to appear!

Always Married or Gay
posted by A on 2013/3/1 (Comics)
And back to everyone's favorite soap opera, Turrick and the Maid!

Never Shower Alone
posted by Chris on 2013/3/7 (Comics)
Hello hello! It's Dyluthus here with your Thursday comic and a what JUST might be our first appearance of the dreaded beast stalking our unintended gamers.

Cloaca and Dagger
posted by A on 2013/3/18 (Comics)
Sorry for the delay, Computer troubles all around. As Steve Irwin would say, DANGER DANGER DANGER!

Plus Two to Con Job
posted by Chris on 2013/3/21 (Comics)
Hello hello! It's Thursday and Dyluthus is here to put a simple question to you, what on earth could possibly go wrong with buying a mysterious potion from a shady lizard behind an ally next to a food court?

First One Is Free
posted by A on 2013/3/28 (Comics)
And Keriss makes a choice. Good choice, bad choice, she's the one with the vial. (hint, it's probably not a good choice.)

Their Parents Were Hippies
posted by Chris on 2013/4/5 (Comics)
Hello hello! I say that's it's time we had another anti-HEROES friends and here she is for your enjoyment
My only question now is how the heck can I get MY dental plan to buy me a tooth like Keriss's

It... Won't... Budge!
posted by Chris on 2013/4/14 (Comics)
Hell hello, it's your illustrator Dyluthus here with our much delayed newest edition of anti-HEROES.
Have a great Sunday everyone and enjoy the strip

It Won't Budge!
posted by Chris on 2013/4/14 (Comics)
Hell hello, it's your illustrator Dyluthus here with our much delayed newest edition of anti-HEROES.
Have a great Sunday everyone and enjoy the strip

It Won't Budge
posted by Chris on 2013/4/14 (Comics)
Hell hello, it's your illustrator Dyluthus here with our much delayed newest edition of anti-HEROES.
Have a great Sunday everyone and enjoy the strip

A Little Motivation
posted by Chris on 2013/4/14 (Comics)
Hell hello, it's your illustrator Dyluthus here with our much delayed newest edition of anti-HEROES.
Have a great Sunday everyone and enjoy the strip

A Little Motivation
posted by Chris on 2013/4/14 (Comics)
Hell hello, it's your illustrator Dyluthus here with our much delayed newest edition of anti-HEROES.
Have a great Sunday everyone and enjoy the strip

I Don't Think Anger Works that Way
posted by A on 2013/4/23 (Comics)
Sorry for the late upload, but there will be one done on Thursday at midnight! We are actually ahead! (now if we can stay that way)

It Was NOT Magically Delicious
posted by Chris on 2013/4/25 (Comics)
Hello hello once again! It's Thursday once more and that means that it's time for our weekly lesson on why you should NOT take strange potions from strange lizards in strange ports.

posted by A on 2013/5/14 (Comics)
Sorry for the late comic all. Light on the meat, heavy on the potatoes. Cheesey, cheesey potatoes... Mmmm. Wait, where was I? Ohh yes, enjoy! And we will try to get another comic Thursday.

Of Course She Trusts Him
posted by Chris on 2013/5/21 (Comics)
Good evening all, here's a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES featuring Keriss's hallucinogenic experience taking a surprising turn, and Kaal taking a look around Lavakport.
What could possibly go wrong with that last one...

A Keane Trail to Follow
posted by Chris on 2013/5/30 (Comics)
It's Dyluthus here, it's Thursday and it's time for a brand new comic as our beloved anti-HEROES still try to make their way through Lavakport.
Seriously now, WHAT could possibly go wrong with Kaal's pursuit here?

How DOES That Not Work?
posted by A on 2013/6/13 (Comics)
Thursday, and all those betting on Kaal's stupidity, collect your no prize!
We've gotten a bit behind with a couple of late comics, and Dyluthus and I are working on getting caught up as quick as we can, and maybe getting a few special treats for you!

Late To The Party
posted by A on 2013/6/30 (Comics)
Sorry for the late update everyone! Happy 4th to us Americans! Go blow things up! (please note, the management does not endorse blowing things up illegaly. )
To all the Canadians, happy Canada Day!
We are peeking back in on the Werewolf storyline with Turrick and The Maid.
While we are doing so... The Maid is still unnamed. Any suggestions? Most popular one becomes canon! GO!

I Don't Care What R.A. Says
posted by A on 2013/7/22 (Comics)
Sorry for the late comic all, we are working on getting another up by Thursday to help catch up.

The Voice of the Multitude
posted by Chris on 2013/8/8 (Comics)
Hello hello, it's Thursday and it's time for a one week delayed follow up to Keriss's unintentional and unplanned little trip.

Prophecy Panoply
posted by Chris on 2013/11/5 (Comics)
Good morning everyone and first and foremost let me, the illustrator Dyluthus take full responsibility for the unplanned hiatus that anti-HEROES found itself on. Work & life became unexpectedly complicated, and for this and for not communicating this to you all more responsibly, I'm sorry.
With that I'd like to introduce you to our latest edition of anti-HEROES, Prophecy Panoply!

Of course, where is he supposed to find a virgin?
posted by A on 2013/11/14 (Comics)
Two, TWO comics in a row, ahh ahh. The worst part of going up? Coming down. (Also, I just realized that we did a full arc on a hallucination and didnt do ONE Go ask Alice joke. I feel dirty. )

Reality, My Old Nemesis, We Meet Again
posted by Chris on 2013/11/21 (Comics)
Good evening folks! It's Dyluthus your illustrator here with your regularily schedule Thursday edition of anti-HEROES!

Alarming Developments
posted by A on 2013/12/5 (Comics)
Sorry its a bit late all, holidays, you know. We will be with the heroes for a few strips, before checking back in on your favorite bloodsucker and mine!

I'll Spare You the Obvious Pun
posted by Chris on 2013/12/12 (Comics)
Hello hello! It's Thursday and it's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here with another instalment of anti-HEROES for your enjoyment.
So... well... enjoy

Deck the Halls with Illusionary Bows of Holly
posted by Chris on 2013/12/25 (Comics)
Happy Holidays everyone and give someone special a kiss for Kaal and the rest of us

Brave, Stupid but Brave
posted by Chris on 2014/1/11 (Comics)
Hello hello and a much belated HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us here at anti-HEROES to you all.
Let's get 2014 rolling with a brave, stupid but brave act of valour on behalf of our friends the Ed's!

Priorities, it's all about priorities
posted by A on 2014/1/23 (Comics)
Ahh, serendipity. Or set up. one of those S words we authors love! Enjoy the comic!

posted by Chris on 2014/2/6 (Comics)
Hello hello, it's Dyluthus here with another Thursday instalment of anti-HERO'S, featuring a get together of rogue's, a modern day mystery and a dark flashback sequence.

Burned in her memory
posted by A on 2014/2/13 (Comics)
And now that the DM knows her backstory, they are COMPLETELY in rights, especially with the whole, you know, vampire things, to institute a phobia of fire. Amiright? You should know better than to let the DM give you backstory!
Ahem, anyways, Pen here, presenting this weeks anti-HEROES. Enjoy!

posted by Chris on 2014/2/27 (Comics)
Hey everyone, it's Dyluthus here, it's Thursday night and it's anti-HEROES time! Sit back and enjoy the latest instalment with Kaal & Keriss still in search of Lana, albeit with different levels of enthusiasm

That's Not What She Said
posted by Chris on 2014/3/6 (Comics)
Good evening all, it's Dyluthus here, it's Thursday evening and time for another anti-HEROES.
Sit back and enjoy Keriss trying to find a way to use the incorporeal rules to their advantage while Kaal struggles to understand that the incorporeal rules are even an actual thing

Who Carries Silverwood?
posted by Chris on 2014/3/22 (Comics)
Good evening all! It's Dyluthus here and here's our regular Thursday comic... which as you can guess from the date was just a tad late. My bad
So sit back and enjoy the slaying of another fan who lent us the use of their avatar from the GitPG forums

By Process of Elimination
posted by Chris on 2014/3/25 (Comics)
Good evening, it's Dyluthus here and we have a special Tuesday night edition of anti-HEROES where things in the castle just continue to get out of control for poor Turrick and company.

You Wouldn't Like Her When Sh... What Do You Mean I've Already Used
posted by Chris on 2014/3/27 (Comics)
Good evening everyone, it's Dyluthus again and my oh my the finger pointing just wont't end this week will it?

She slices, she dices, she slashes and flash fries
posted by A on 2014/4/4 (Comics)
Leaking Pen here, a day late, and a dollar short! We will be trying to get two aH up next week (and two Disreality gears. For those who haven't noticed, we are now posting at Team Dypen's unique creation, a dieselpunk alternate world adventure. ) And so there were three.

Missed 333 by THAT much
posted by A on 2014/4/13 (Comics)
And the big reveal! Our last cameo is in fact our first, The Succubus over at the Giant in the playground forums is in fact our mysterious clipboard wielding maniac.
Also, please everyone wish our illustrious illustrator Dyluthus a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Four Stars out of Five
posted by Chris on 2014/4/27 (Comics)
Good evening! It's Dyluthus here and behold what certainly seems to be the conclusion of Turick & company's werewolf infused adventure. Give the comic a read and have a great week ahead

Drain the Lizard would have just been weird
posted by A on 2014/5/8 (Comics)
And back to the anti-heroes!
Also, we have a special extra panel for you on our facebook page at , a different take on the chick magnet panel. Like us on facebook!

posted by Chris on 2014/5/16 (Comics)
Good morning good readers! It's Dyluthus here with another edition of anti-HEROES and the beginnings of Keriss's and Kaal's exploration of the Thieve's Guild stronghold

Rewinding down memory lane
posted by A on 2014/6/6 (Comics)
And a nice little memory it is! Happy Thursday, and for all of you at PCC already, grr. I will be there with Mrs. Pen and the little ink drops on Saturday!

Time Heels All Wounds
posted by Chris on 2014/6/17 (Comics)
Good evening all! It's Dyluthus your illustrator with a) an apology for missing last week's comic and b) a special Tuesday posting of the comic scheduled for last week.
This weeks comic regularly scheduled comic is still forthcoming Thursday

Insert Lana Smash Joke Here
posted by Chris on 2014/6/19 (Comics)
Good evening! It's Dyluthus again with our Thursday issue AND the continuation of Lana's story with her apparent "friends" in the Thieves Guild.

Tailing, not her strong suit
posted by A on 2014/7/18 (Comics)
Merry Thursday. I know, I know, I was rooting for her to rip his throat out too. Damn Lana for still having SOME good in her heart.

That Only Happened Three Times. Four, Tops
posted by Chris on 2014/8/19 (Comics)
Good afternoon all! Many apologies for the little break between comics but here we are joining our friends again in the bowels of the thieves guild, with one less door than the guild had two comics ago

Failed sneak check, failed sense motive check, just not her day
posted by A on 2014/9/5 (Comics)
Sorry for the day late all, wanted to make sure a background gag was clear! Enjoy. And please remember to keep it civil in the comments. There is no need to insult each other for differences in opinion. (Unless someone insults Rush. Alex, Geddy, and Neal are geniuses and rock gods without peer. all blasphemers WILL be fed to the Red Star)

Well, She Can, but She Shouldn't
posted by Chris on 2014/9/16 (Comics)
Good afternoon all! It's Dyluthus here and we have a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES and a trip back to the seaside inn.

All together, right?
posted by A on 2014/9/18 (Comics)
And last minute Thursday update to try and catch us up a bit! A couple more and then we have a SPECIAL treat for you to finish out the Heroes and Laris arc. Time for some performance checks!

So Many Islands, So Many Mysterious Islands
posted by Chris on 2014/10/17 (Comics)
Good evening everyone, it's Dyluthus here, it's a few hours past midnight but not too late for a Thursday update of anti-HEROES! Join Aldran and his search for a mysterious island amongst many mysterious islands.
Also there seems to be a slight compression issue with the artwork in this comic when posted. I will look into this and have it fixed as soon as possible.

Happy Halloween!
posted by A on 2014/10/31 (Comics)
For those that missed the halloween special, we'll be adding it to the extras soon. You can still see it at DisReality Gears (link below) .
In today's episode, we take another glimpse into what lies in the brain of Kaal, and Aldran engages in some doublespeak.
A little humor, crossing over the other comic Dypen is working on. Whats that? You didn't know we do another comic? WE DO! It's been a bit slow coming out, but we are nearly done with our first issue. go take a look

Kaal the Salty Dog
posted by Chris on 2014/11/18 (Comics)
Hello, it's Dyluthus here and I'd just like to share with you all a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES as we join our friends bidding farewell to Lavakport and setting sail for strange new lands.
Perhaps Kaal's mysterious seafaring past warrants a prequel comic series all in of itself one day
Either way, enjoy

Kaal the Salty Dog
posted by Chris on 2014/11/18 (Comics)
Hello, it's Dyluthus here and I'd just like to share with you all a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES as we join our friends bidding farewell to Lavakport and setting sail for strange new lands.
Perhaps Kaal's mysterious seafaring past warrants a prequel comic series all in of itself one day
Either way, enjoy

Kaal the Salty Dog
posted by Chris on 2014/11/18 (Comics)
Hello, it's Dyluthus here and I'd just like to share with you all a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES as we join our friends bidding farewell to Lavakport and setting sail for strange new lands.
Perhaps Kaal's mysterious seafaring past warrants a prequel comic series all in of itself one day
Either way, enjoy

Kaal the Salty Dog
posted by Chris on 2014/11/18 (Comics)
Hello, it's Dyluthus here and I'd just like to share with you all a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES as we join our friends bidding farewell to Lavakport and setting sail for strange new lands.
Perhaps Kaal's mysterious seafaring past warrants a prequel comic series all in of itself one day
Either way, enjoy

Kaal the Salty Dog
posted by Chris on 2014/11/18 (Comics)
Hello, it's Dyluthus here and I'd just like to share with you all a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES as we join our friends bidding farewell to Lavakport and setting sail for strange new lands.
Perhaps Kaal's mysterious seafaring past warrants a prequel comic series all in of itself one day
Either way, enjoy

Kaal, the salty dog
posted by A on 2014/11/19 (Comics)
Hello, it's Dyluthus here and I'd just like to share with you all a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES as we join our friends bidding farewell to Lavakport and setting sail for strange new lands.
Perhaps Kaal's mysterious seafaring past warrants a prequel comic series all in of itself one day
Either way, enjoy

Kaal, the salty dog
posted by A on 2014/11/19 (Comics)
Hello, it's Dyluthus here and I'd just like to share with you all a special Tuesday edition of anti-HEROES as we join our friends bidding farewell to Lavakport and setting sail for strange new lands.
Perhaps Kaal's mysterious seafaring past warrants a prequel comic series all in of itself one day
Either way, enjoy

posted by A on 2014/12/9 (Comics)

posted by Chris on 2014/12/17 (Comics)

posted by Chris on 2014/12/17 (Comics)

Thus the Balad Begins
posted by Chris on 2015/1/6 (Comics)
Good evening! It's Dyluthus here and along with Leaking Pen we are officially back from the Christmas break with a brand new anti-HEROES to start off the New Year. Enjoy and one more is in the pipeline for Thursday!

The Ballad Continues
posted by Chris on 2015/1/9 (Comics)
Good morning! It's Dyluthus, this issue is a day later than promised BUT here it is none the less. The Ballad Continues with our friends Laris and Bleuse!
updated for minor errors

Filler: Anti-Social Media
posted by Jordan on 2015/3/11 (Comics)
Hey everybody.
Soooo yeah, it's been a while. Needless to say, I've been busy. Team Dypen have been hard at work getting comics out in my absence and I have to thank them for that. I've seen that reception has been mixed, but I'm happy with the progress the comic has been making. Although things have slowed down lately, it's still a hell of a lot more than I've accomplished in the past few years. On that note...
First things first, this doesn't mean I'm coming back to the comic. There'll be some disappointment, I'm sure, but I'm still not in a place in life where it's feasible. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not doing anything these days. In fact, that's why I'm here. I've still got a couple things going on and I want my fans to be able to know what I'm up to.
First of all, I have a Twitter account. I've barely used it for anything up until now, but I'm trying to change that. If you just want to see my daily adventures in boring, then I would suggest following me. I'll also be posting updates here for any of my other projects over the internet, so it's pretty much your best bet for staying in touch with me and anything I might be involved with.
Second of all, I stream on Hitbox! Right now, there's not much of a regular schedule, but me and the administrator of this very website (CrazedEwok) are playing through The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on a weekly basis. I'll probably stream more varied stuff in time and if you want to stay updated then you can subscribe to my Hitbox channel or to my Twitter.
Third of all, for everything that I don't stream, I have a YouTube channel. There's a couple Let's Plays on my account and there's more content going up semi-regularly. I've also been editing and uploading my Morrowind streams to my channel and might end up sticking some more content (such as videos exploring the lore of Elder Scrolls) in with them once I get the time. Again, if you want to stay updated, then subscribe directly on YouTube or just follow my Twitter for general updates.
And finally, there might be some further projects in the works as well. Podcasts perhaps? I play tabletop games over Skype every week and oftentimes the audio gets recorded, so there's more than enough stuff to work with. Or maybe just a general podcast hosted by me and CrazedEwok? Who knows. Either way, there's always possibilities.
Anyway, long story short, I'm coming back after a long hiatus to keep in touch with my fans. Maybe one day I'll come back to the comic itself, but until then here's some crap to distract you while I get my life in order. Some of you probably don't care. Some of you probably don't even want to see me. Some of you probably think I'm just trying to whore myself out (which I am, no doubt there). But for those few of you who are still interested in what I've been doing, then this is for you.
Thanks for being fans.
EDIT: I have an profile now! Ask me questions about the comic, about my life, about games, about movies, about books, about whatever. You get the idea.
Once again, those links:
Twitter --
YouTube --
Hitbox -- --

Politics isn't the only thing they have their hand up
posted by A on 2015/5/8 (Comics)
So... The puppet thing hasn't worked out. It was intended to make this story arc easy to get past it nice and quick, and back to the main plot. It didn't work, and I ended up kinda... frozen in panic? Dyluthus kicked my ass back into gear and figured out a way to get past it. Here you go! more coming!

Filler: Art Soup
posted by Jordan on 2020/2/20 (Comics)
Sooooo it's been a while.
Before anything else, I should say this isn't an announcement of any sort of return.
I wanted to reward the few of you who might still be checking in here after so long. A good friend of mine named Beedrops is a fantastic artist, so I commissioned them to draw up some character art of the ol' Anti-Heroes. If you want to see more, they stream their art every Sunday right on over at their Twitch channel. You can also get your own sketches done just like these if you contribute to their patreon. Also you might as well follow them on Twitter for updates as well. It's all good stuff!
As for me, I'm still streaming, but since Hitbox died forever ago, I'm on Twitch every Tuesday evening working my way through the entire Assassin's Creed series. I also tend to show up Monday evenings on my friend Stupiddice's stream as well. And if you're still hungry for content, there's a whole network of my friends that all have their own streams as well including ActionShakespeare, Wordse, CandyArachnid, and PublicOpinion. If I'm not directly participating in their streams, I'm probably hanging around in chat.
I realize this isn't much of an update, but I wanted to let everyone who might still be here know that you haven't been forgotten. Without the fans, Anti-Heroes wouldn't have existed in the first place. If you still want to know what I'm up to, then like I said before, my Twitter is still probably the best way to keep up to date.
Thanks again for all the continued support!

Filler: The End of Anti-Heroes?
posted by Jordan on 2020/11/26 (Comics)
So let me get this out of the way first. I think it comes as no surprise that this comic is dead. I was reading the comments on the last update the other day and I was honestly shocked to see people still invested. Frankly, I don't want to just dust my hands off and call it officially dead and buried without giving any sort of closure. I've always had difficulty getting my thoughts onto paper, but while I was reading comments I had an idea. It's unlikely that I'd be able to answer every question you might have so... Why don't I just let you ask me them?
As my last update mentioned, I've been streaming regularly on Twitch for a while now. I think it might be fun to host a Q&A livestream on my channel in which I reminisce and ultimately spill the beans on Anti-Heroes. That way, I can talk my way through my own notes and memory while getting reactions and answering questions from you guys in chat in real time. Think of it as a way to connect one last time on something that brought us together and ultimately a good way to say goodbye to this comic.
I'll leave this up for a little while to gauge interest and see what people say, then I'll schedule a date for the stream after that. And hey, spread it around. If you know people who loved Anti-Heroes who don't check in anymore, let them know. The more input I can get for this idea, the better.
I have more words that I'd like to share, but I'll save them for now. It's Thanksgiving today (though not up here in Canada) and I just want to say thanks to all of you who have ever read and especially those of you who still check in. It really does mean the world.

The Death of Anti-Heroes
posted by Jordan on 2021/1/7 (Comics)
It's happening!
Anti-Heroes is coming to an end. Not that it was still going, but it's time to finally call it a wrap. However, there's some unfinished business to take care of. Like I said in my last update, I don't want to just dust my hands off without providing at least some amount of closure for those of you left invested. I want to try to make sure that your burning questions get answered... And the best way I can do that is by doing it live!
Join me while I run you through all the planned plot points I had for the comic, answer any questions you put forth, and just reminisce in general as a send off for the comic. And I won't be alone! Joining me will be our local webmaster and guest artist Crazed Ewok as well as the writer Leakingpen.
The livestream will be taking place on Saturday, January 30th starting around 5:00 PM PST (7:00 PM central) on my Twitch channel ( Even if you don't know anything about Twitch, I urge you to swing by and hang out. It will be a fun time.
But don't worry if you won't be able to make it, since the entire stream will be archived on my Twitch channel for two weeks, and then permanently on my YouTube channel as well. I may even edit the video down to be more digestible, depending on how things go.
And if you want to preemptively ask some questions, I have a Google Form that you can use to submit questions early. There's no limit to the amount of questions you can submit, I'll do my best to get through them all!
Finally, follow me on Twitter if you want to keep up with any changes or updates as they happen. Oh and spread the word! I'd love to see as many people as possible involved with this.
What better way to say goodbye than together?