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Brace Yourself
posted by Jordan on 2009/10/1 (Comics)
I'm not sure how many of you are actually still checking for updates, but here's one anyway. I know I've already given every apology and excuse I possibly can by now, but here's another one. I said it wasn't going to be another two weeks, and it ended up being three. I'm not particularly proud of that, and I feel terrible for letting you guys down and disappearing again, but I can rightfully say one thing: Unless I outright state that the comic is dead, then don't assume that it is. Like I've said before, given how much I have invested into it, there's no way I would simply leave everyone hanging.
Anyway, I won't bore anyone with more excuses. Here's Thursday's update. This time, I can rightfully say that the next update won't be in two weeks, since I already have it finished. It will be on Saturday, and hopefully I can keep up relatively regular updates now that my work schedule is normal again.
In short, sorry for the wait and see you on Saturday.
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I can't BELIEVE that Aldran wasn't expecting that.
I also check daily, and love it when I am surprised and there is a comic waiting for me.

And, yes, I keep checking the comic daily.
All that having been said... I really like the new plot-twist

Yeah, new comic!! JYJY Zarah!! Hope to see more plot twists, loop holes, and snappy, sarcastic comebacks from the one-and-only man with the hood!

Glad to see the bugbear is Ok... well at least for being under the current conditions.
Although I also think that he has some way of getting around those handcuffs. He's an epic-level necromancer, he has to have some tricks up his sleeve... Oh yeah he threw them away didn't he... Umm, under his hood?
Eldhin's the one on the short end of THAT stick, though, because epic magic can go straight through anti-magic.

Ohh first post!