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Monthly Archive 10/2011
Here We Go Again
posted by A on 2011/10/3 (Comics)
Aaaaaand We're Back!
Its about time we checked in on our favorite vampire hunter, isn't it? As well as the "heroes" of the story, since Aldran thinks they are important! Also, new month , please remember to vote!
Giacomo is from Ding! by Scott Kurtz of, and Mr. Kurtz was kind enough to let us use him and his dwarven compatriot Binwin Bronzebottom (seen next strip). I would tell you to go read his comic, but, you probably already do!

Bardic Convention
posted by Chris on 2011/10/12 (Comics)
Hello friends, it's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here sharing with you issue #239 of the adventures of our favourite anti-HEROES
In this issue at least one question from issue #238 is answered, and many more mysteries and questions are sure to arise from the events depicted below.
So sit back and enjoy the conversation at the Meandering Mead Tavern...

Lady Slings the Ooze
posted by A on 2011/10/20 (Comics)
And this is our third and final appearance of Giacomo, and only appearance of his dwarven friend, Binwin Bronzebottom. Enjoy! More exposition, coming soon!

Lady Spills the News
posted by Chris on 2011/10/25 (Comics)
Hello all, it's your humble artist Dyluthus here sharing with you the latest issue of anti-HEROES, Lady Spills the News.
If your curious to see what else it going on around this mysterious town as our heroes leave the confines of the Meandering Mead Tavern, then sit back and enjoy this latest installment

Communism isn't the Only Red Herring
posted by A on 2011/10/31 (Comics)
Welcome to the Hook and Hammer Inn. We shall see many things in these halls, and come back to them down the line. But what is really important, and what is merely a site gag? Time will tell.
Please! New month tomorrow, help vote for us at starting the First.
Also, we appear to have a tv tropes page! Whoever started that up, you are a god among webdwellers. The rest of you Tropers, GO! Add linkage, as I know we hit a lot more Tropes than that!