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Bardic Convention
posted by Chris on 2011/10/12 (Comics)
Hello friends, it's your humble illustrator Dyluthus here sharing with you issue #239 of the adventures of our favourite anti-HEROES
In this issue at least one question from issue #238 is answered, and many more mysteries and questions are sure to arise from the events depicted below.
So sit back and enjoy the conversation at the Meandering Mead Tavern...
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Well-done, good sirs

Bardic sense? The theatrical 6th sense Elan seems to display in OOTS? (And Tarqin, come to think of it). The Fourth Wall is a reference to performing theater (acting, plays, and whatnot). Breaking the fourth wall in this case means communicating directly with the audience/reader. Steinbeck did a blatant form of this in "The Grapes of Wrath."
On the topic of my prediction, perhaps this is why the ending of LOST caught me so off-guard; I am horrible at making predictions :n).
Well, now I am just downright curious as to where this whole sequence leads.
Yours Truly,
An Anonymous Patron.
P.S. @Prowl: FailBard is definitely aggravating to the point of deserving comical violence, but if he is not a villain then I think neither death nor permanent injury are appropriate. Perhaps a barroom brawl, in which the possibilities for comic fights are nigh-limitless?

As far as Giacomo telling the story of Aldran and Eldhin duking it out earlier, yes, yes he is. Also, NO, he is NOT a villian and will NOT be recurring. He's a creation of Scott Kurtz, of PVP Online, and is making a cameo for a few strips. Here for a couple gags, then GONE.

Ahhh, Bardic Senses; such a wonderful way of breaking the fourth wall. :n)
@moleytov: I believe your hypothesis to be spot on; panel one tipped me off, with the tower shaking and the angel of death baking. Sound like a familiar fight scene, anyone?
Anyway, speaking of FailBard, I believe him to be more than he appears; look at his expression in panel two. It could just be dramatic emphasis, but isn't this the first time he hasn't had an expression of joviality about his person? and during a malicious act, nonetheless. Hmmmm... ((Strokes Evil Villain Goatee...))
(BTW there is always that Satiate spell. Those who can restore their mana points fast enough will survive. Sounds fair to me.)