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He Might Be Less Grumpy Too
posted by Jordan on 2009/8/17 (Comics)
Well, here it is. Originally, I wanted to squeeze this into a double issue, but once I got into writing it, I knew that wasn't happening. In fact, I even had a hard time fitting everything I wanted to into a triple issue. I had to cut the last bit and save it for the next issue, but I figured that was probably for the best anyway. Cliffhangers are always nice.
Secondly, thank you all for bearing with my disappearances and keeping up with the comic. We've officially breached 200 issues, and I'm honestly amazed to see it. As I'm sure I've said before, I never expected it to see my little comic get as far as this, but thanks to the many readers, I've kept the story going. By now, I have no plans of stopping, and as long as people are checking into the site, then I've got a lot more story to tell.
So once again, I thank you all for reading and keeping me going and I certainly hope I can keep you all reading for many more days to come. Here's to another 200 issues!
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That's okay. trolls get the most replies anyway. Or if you are involved in a flame war or a "debate".
Since you haven't really been in either that much, you have less comments.

Now don't become a troll after what I've said!

Thanks for the comment dude! no one ever replise, you made my day!

You're kind of late with that.

But anyway, 2 good comics is always better than 1 good comic....

But perhaps you have provided a reasonable solution with an rss feed. 200 was probably my favorite comic, so i will check in in a week or two and see what's up.
“Not to mention the sloppy comment box with verification codes you cant read.”
If you post more, it goes away.

I hope you come back though, consider subscribing to the RSS feed. It takes less than a second to look at and will tell you immediately if there are new comics.

Im not gonna wait around for you to make new updates, weeks at a time with absolutley no status on them. It was a good, funny comic. One of the best ive ever read. Not quite as good as oots, but alot of effort went in.
The story is just getting terrible, and honestly with about 1 update every 2 weeks my time is better spwnt elsewhare than logging on every moring to see #200 or dozens of others youve neglected. Not to mention the sloppy comment box with verification codes you cant read.
It was a good comic. And i am not flaming, and i hope you rebound, but for moving on. Ill check back in in a few months and if there is some major improvement, ill be happy.
Good luck.

Of course, Zarah, take your time and do a good job. I am merely asking when to EXPECT a new update.

Although, now the moral guardians will hunt for your use of D&D, vampires, and drug references. Tsk tsk.

*ponders delicious blood*
*decides not to think too hard about it*
Congratulations on 200 comics. When I started reading at 10 or so, I never expected it to last this long.

I hope the Bigbear Girl stays and joins the party. =P
Also, when is the guy who was Finx's first sidekick coming back? And for that matter, when will Finx strike next?

Some really great laughs in this comic. Keep it up.

How could Rich sue? anti-HEROES has original characters, and original setting, and an original plot.
Did Rich copyright/trademark the art style? If so, I wasn't aware that was possible.
Also, to one of the posts below, I thought the reason Laris's blood tasted yuck was because he was a former vampire, not because of his alignment.
Eldhin's blood would taste so great because of the whole him being good aligned thing. And maybe because of his race.
A great 200 comics!
I find it odd you don't have a forum yet though...

I'd be happy to make it for you, but you'd probably want to find somebody better at it; if I made it it'd lack any bells and whistles.

“Remember what Aldran said - good blood is better than evil blood. That's why Laris the former vampire's blood tasted like utter crap.”
But Laris isn't evil.

Excellent comic, Zarah


Good work Zarah
Yay, french maid bugbear is back! Hope she kicks more peoples' butts, she's pretty awesome.
Someone really needs to cast Silence on Kaal.

(and first post!)