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Military Brat
posted by Jordan on 2008/12/3 (Comics)
First, my great apologies for the delay. I had some problems getting it together. First, I was busier than I expected, what with my final exams right around the corner, which will probably be continuing for a while yet. Secondly, when Photoshop wasn't freezing up on me, Illustrator was. So needless to say, it was frustrating to work on this when Adobe seemed to hate me so much. Looks like things are working now, so hopefully I won't get another bout of that.
Secondly, now you know. I'm impressed to see that some people guessed right about Aldran's race, though it did take some time. I also realize that D&D is a vary diverse place, and it wouldn't surprise me if there already is a race of half-fiend, half-celestials, but I decided to simply use my own version instead. So if anyone brings it up in a discussion, you have my answer.
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Only because I love the comic and want more

Unless of course by not lookign too much alike, Aldran meant that he has some birth mark so they don't llook like clones.

alderan and keriss had children???????

or were u just imagining wat it would be like
Translation? Fraternal twins.
Interestingly, a pair of boys is the least common type of fraternal twins.
Awesome comic btw
“Alderan has black wings, but his brother has white wings.”
Huh? Here:
They both have black wings.
Bob the ninja: They can't be identical twins. Alderan has black wings, but his brother has white wings. They are likely fraternal twins.
What is this, a letter to Penthouse?

50/50 mix of Fiend getting it on with a Celestial. Hahahahah!!!

Anyways, awesome new comic Zarah. Keep it up!

Minor typo: should be "led" in panel 5.
or something
There is no D&D term for a half-celestial half-fiend, that's why Aldran doesn't know what his race is.

I had always suspected something of the sort for Aldran's gender. However, the discovery of his race still leaves unanswered questions... such as why does he have a hood on at all times if his face looks normal (like Eldin, whoget by without suspicion with face uncovered?). I had always assumed that they were identical twins, mainly because that is always so in stories... but I could be wrong.... If they are identical twins, like I predict, then Aldran could keep his hood on to not look like his brother....or maybe it is more complicated than that....

Them being identical twins also opens up good plot possibilites, such as Aldran pretending to be Eldin, and more... although that particular example has been done so much it is quite cliched by now.
Btw, the "e" in cliched should have an accent but I do not know how to place it...

Also, awesome

And to restate what CMG said, Thanks, Jordan!
In other news, so that's what Aldran and his brother are. Huh. I didn't know enough about D&D to guess that at all.
It will be interesting to see where things go from here!?!
Thanks again Jordan! Keep 'em coming!