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That Only Happened Three Times. Four, Tops
posted by Chris on 2014/8/19 (Comics)
Good afternoon all! Many apologies for the little break between comics but here we are joining our friends again in the bowels of the thieves guild, with one less door than the guild had two comics ago
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That is quite sad. Where did you guys put him? Maybe where Finx and Arderas are being kept, to render them so utterly ineffectual?
Is it bread?
I was wondering, X, aside from Tiri, the real Nona Reverse, W., and sometimes JSHII, who has responded to you? I can't recall, I am not looking through the previous sections, and it often appears that after fifteen comments are made, the rest only come from a few people. Perhaps they should all be banned.
It didnt appear in story but was referenced by keriss when slept in the village ( a few strip before the ending of the druid's life). It seem that kriss has known Aldran for a very long time and a lot happened. Aldran being himself, a lot of epicness (for him) and random destruction (in her eyes).
I don't remember when Aldran blew up an inn. So that just happened in some vague history? I want to see it!
Should we expect more Aldran action for the next page?
we also have a confirmation of Aldran "team's dad" role for the group, despite Keriss reaction
I like the fact that the person lana talk to (about the fearless leader) didnt appear the next panel : already gathering paint and ideas?
Asfor the author of the wall of text, i think we have a mythomane : if it were really someone "important" he wouldnt brag here.
Wasnt there a limit on the number of character a comment can have?
And about the twelfth panel, did Aldran actually blow up an inn, before? I don't remember the particular scene.
Not the best comic, but not the worst either. Lara's line in the second panel is very awkward.
To the writer, when you think of some dialogue, why don't you try actually saying it out loud before you settle on it?

Now awaiting an inevitable betrayal.

I'm glad to see that our vampiric hypnotist seems content (for the monent at least).
The first comment should have been trolling, though. This is might be one of the better strips to come in a long while, but such low standards . . .