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Tri-Vial Matters
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/31 (Comics)
And the plot thickens once again. You guys certainly know how to speculate, but don't worry, I'm still giving you plenty of openings for those epileptic trees to squeeze through.
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The alternative is basically Lana dying and Laris turning out to be a bad guy after all. I don't like either, as Lana dying kind of kills the protagonist (I STIL dissaprove of Roy's death) and Laris just seems cool. Heck, if he turns out to be a good guy, he might become my favourite character! (As the guy who's name is not Dave is nowere to be seen.

I am not saying that I am 100% right, but it is at least an educated guess on what Zarah might do for good storytelling.
'Course it is supposed to big a big city, so could be coincidence.
I'm going to suport the time decerpancy idea, after all, Eldin and co got back to Tydaris already, so it makes sence that Laris needed to recover and ws only to this point so far.
That or Tydaris is kind of close.
That being said, it could still be holy water but honestly, he just doesnt seems to be that kind of guy. Beside, if its really the cure, it would make Laris the only real good guy we saw in the comic until now and this comic really need a good guy. Seriously, we already have way too much bastards in that comic.
“Amaretto- 2009/1/31
hmmm... doesn't really make sense... unless he loves Lana or something. Confused
YES! That is the only explanation I can provide! If I am right again, I deserve a cookie...”
Well, I think that is indeed the only explanation that sounds credible to me

And, is it me, or Lana's "Support for my theory just keeps on coming" is quite alike V's "Support for my theyry continues to accrue at an alarming rate" on strip #338?

Official Founder of the I-wanna-be-an-official-something,-too! club.

“Gough - 2009/1/31
Whats so bad about being gay?
Official boycotter of the Zurie fanclub”
Nothing, just would of put the sentence into an entirely different context. xD
I dunno about it being any of the...Uhh..Good guys, considering after the whole Plane Shifting dealy it would of made it pretty hard to track them down to Tydaris, even our skilled vampire hunter here *claims* to have found her purely by accident.
He Laris realizes he cannot beat Lana through combat, so he needs trickery.
Amaretto: "He knew she was different", remember? Depending on how long he'd been stalking Lana, he might have been privy to quite a few dialogues about her squeamishness to suck blood. Judging by that yarn, it seems like he's not used to dealing with vampires who are anything other than pure evil.
Official boycotter of the Zurie fanclub
“Peregrine - 2009/1/31
Nice one, zarah! Biggest thing to happen since Aldran's id coming out.
Good heavens, at first I read that as "Aldran's coming out" and thought "Since when was he gay?" but careful re-reading makes that sentence different. Phew.
Also, I'm with Lana on Laris and his crazyness.
He didn't actually explain why Lana deserves a "better life" while all of those other vampires he killed didn't.... hmmm... doesn't really make sense... unless he loves Lana or something.

YES! That is the only explanation I can provide! If I am right again, I deserve a cookie...
I like the unidentified speech bubble. For a moment there, it reminded me of Failing Saves. (sigh...)
(Apparent founder of the Zurie fanclub. To join, type this into your manually-typed sig.)

Also, its a little farfetched, but I'd like to put money on Laris's vampire friends.
But still, this comic was great.
I'm guessing he won't be happy with Lana becoming alive again.
Fourth wall breaking?
Hidden character?
I'll wager Aldran is nearby.