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Filler: Spoiler Warning
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/14 (Comics)
Okay, so I'm behind again. Yeah, I suck. But at least this time, I'm offering you some filler while I work on a real comic. Mostly writer's block again, but I'm getting past that now. I just need to figure out how I'm going to present it so as to not give anything away before I planned to...
Anyway, enjoy this in the meantime. If anyone is wondering, the list of TV shows I referenced in this comic are, in order of appearance; Battlestar Galactica, Heroes, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Firefly, Lost, Breaking Bad and Dollhouse. And yes, it was fun coming up with that little speech.
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I'm also probably a lot worse anyway

God to love Babylon V


This filler did satisfy the urge for Anti-Heroes for a little while.

And more than expected.
And I, for one, LOVE Bear McCreary's cover of All along the watchtower. Brilliance. I have it.
Yup. So. Great comic. Excellent filler.
(Founder of the Zurie and Laris fanclubs.)

just kidding, I'm not that dumb!

Thx for the strip

btw. I see that Lana's hairs are dangerous! look at her hand
Realise I missed Lost.
Lost I could do without if we're talking post-season two.
Battlestar Galactica
Breaking Bad
It's the one part Terminator and two parts Joss Whedon that make me want to murder the execs that cancel this.
But V sure had fallen a lot... but still he has a lot of his own spellslots left...

Did you see Tsukiko in the last OOTs strip? I took one look at her and thought "Rich is trying to outdo Zarah in the fanservice department!"

Update more often, but not at the cost of keeping up the awesome comics.

Although I only realised what the first 5 references in her speech were (probably because I haven't seen the last 2...)
And I love how she peaks around the corner of panel 2

Anyways, keep it up zarah! That uv kept it up this far while making plot and punchline as u go is pretty amazing. I don't think anyone would blame u If u decided to take more time off. (at least we know ur alive!)
@Taker - Agreed.