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posted by Jordan on 2009/7/24 (Comics)
I think a lot of you already saw this coming, but here's to those of you who were actually surprised with this issue! It's kind of a shame that I have to kill off one of the nice bugbears, but hey. There are always casualties of war.
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I guess I figured that, since he didn't exactly have the full Ivory Veil at his disposal, he would have to hunt down his brother the old-fashioned way.
Eldhin, you meanie-head!!!!

Great punchline. Guess he was lying about "any direction".

Nice to see this Antiheroes updating again.

A) The anti-HEROES have to flee.
B) The park is destroyed, or occupied by the forces of Pseudo-Goodness.
C) He bites it in the confusion.
D) All of the above.
It was inevitable the moment the exposition stopped.
Good kung-fu panda joke in panal 5 ( I love that movie)

There, I said it. I feel better.
Eldhin knew where his brother was from the information that Zurie gave him. A wizard with a Teleport spell is the method of transport.
The poor bugbear!!
I can see someone drawing him a memorial somewhere. If my drawing skills weren't horrendous (Yes, worse than almost-sticks) I'd do it myself, but.
A bit tough, even for a vampire, to spot someone through someone else, though. But still, the poor thing! DX
For a vampire, Lana sure as awfull spot check.

“I was definitely surprised. Not necessarily by the "stabbed from behind" thing, that being required by the laws of comedy, but more by who did the stabbing.”
This. I didn't expect Eldhin to arrive so quickly.