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Full-Round Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow
posted by Jordan on 2010/8/10 (Comics)
Hey look, another comic. Like I said, I really want to finish this arc at the very least. Mostly so I can finally give Quentas a non-shadowy appearance in the comic.
So yes, he is coming. Hopefully in the near future.
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also: you could try drawing sevral comics all in one short binge, and then release them slowly over time. this would give you time to do your own stuff while still updateing, and keeping pepole from thinking the comic is dead. just my 2 cents.
Out of interest, why not just email him? Worst case scenario he says "No", best case he says yeah, hooks you up with a publisher and gives you a spot on Ookoodook

It does have a better plot than OotS at the moment, though, so kudos to you.
“The door was left unlocked on accident”
Yes, on accident. Of course.

“Also: "You and Lana grab our gear and figure find a way out."
Might want to fix that, one way or another. Happy”
Sometimes, scripting helps. Sometimes... It does not.
“Since the author has already hinted at/stated that all they are going to do is finish the arc and call it quits - will this story/artwork be passed to another who wishes to continue it?
I'd like to see this go on, Miss Quigley, I'd like to see it continue with a good update schedule; to the point of publication of books. As is, you already have 217 pages that can go towards a book - perhaps with the revelation of Quentas, you can take a 'scheduled break' then resume in a few months - taking that time off to reorganize, get the first book published, and make some money for your hard efforts.”
Now, I never said that I'd be calling it quits. I mean, if I'm really going to hang up the towel any time soon, that would be the time to do it... But I don't want to. And I don't really have plans to.
What you suggested is more or less what I was waiting until the end of this arc for. I was thinking of changing to an altered update schedule that essentially revolves around "seasons," like most TV shows. Updates would come regularly for several months until coming to a "season finale." After which, I would take a break for a few months, perhaps with a few smaller updates (filler comics, other art, writings) to tide you over until the next season starts. That's not the most ideal model, but it at least gives me some time to cool off now and then.
As for the whole issue of publication... Well, I'd like to. Making some money off this comic would be great, but ever since the day I started drawing this, I can't shake the feeling that I'm still just riding on the coattails of Rich Burlew's success. Getting this published would feel awkward to me, since... Well, it's just a fancomic. The only way I think I would ever honestly consider it is if I had an official statement from Rich himself saying that it was all good.
And finally, Miss Quigley? Last time I checked, I was male.

I'd like to see this go on, Miss Quigley, I'd like to see it continue with a good update schedule; to the point of publication of books. As is, you already have 217 pages that can go towards a book - perhaps with the revelation of Quentas, you can take a 'scheduled break' then resume in a few months - taking that time off to reorganize, get the first book published, and make some money for your hard efforts.
Thanks for the update!!
Thanks for the update!
Also: "You and Lana grab our gear and figure find a way out."
Might want to fix that, one way or another.

You're spoiling us, Sir, with these frequent updates. I'm quite enjoying it.
Thank you for the update!
We love you Mr Goat!