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Faux Pas
posted by Jordan on 2010/1/19 (Comics)
Hey look, it's tomorrow! Which means there's an update! Imagine that!
Also, allow me to clarify Rallut. He is not a paladin. The only paladins in the Ivory Veil belong to Eldhin's division. Anyone else is going to be a different class. What class that is will remain a mystery until revealed, but I assure you that unless you see Eldhin's insignia, they are not a paladin.
I know the Veil has a confusing structure, and I take blame for that for introducing it in a confusing way. Mostly since I originally only planned for there to be paladins and no one else, but their numbers ballooned shortly after, so I had to retcon it in a way. To remedy the situation, I plan to be making a chart to illustrate just how the Veil is structured at some point during or shortly after this arc. Hopefully that will eliminate some of the confusion.
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Mr Quigley explained things in the Author's Comments of the previous comic (211).
Rallut seems like a nice enough guy. But I don't think that he's strong enough to take Aldran down. And I think that Aldran may take advantage of Rallut's niceness to break out. The possibility that the two of them become friends and allies though? Higher than Zurie's and Eldhin's, for sure, but still quite low, unfortunately. It'd be great to see Rallut on the side of good though, or rather, the anti-HEROES.
2: It just drives everyone insane.
Which is which, we'll find out eventually. Maybe both?

2: It just drives everyone insane.
Which is which, we'll find out eventually. Maybe both?

But I wonder why theres no speculation about the structure of the Veil, so I´ll jsut throw my thoughts out there

These are MY thoughts about the Division classes:
Eldhin: Paladins (as confirmed), maybe some clerics.
Rallut: Warriors
Zurie: Rogues and assasins.
The last guy whose names I don´t remember:Mages and sorceres.
Nice to see Rallut and Aldran hitting it off so well...
Still hoping that if he retires from Palace Gaurd duty he opens up a Surfboard Shop though

Good comic also, hehe.

Just keep going

Great comic as always! Keep them coming!