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Prophecy Panoply
posted by Chris on 2013/11/5 (Comics)
Good morning everyone and first and foremost let me, the illustrator Dyluthus take full responsibility for the unplanned hiatus that anti-HEROES found itself on. Work & life became unexpectedly complicated, and for this and for not communicating this to you all more responsibly, I'm sorry.
With that I'd like to introduce you to our latest edition of anti-HEROES, Prophecy Panoply!
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...She's still tripping, isn't she? I thought it had gotten a bit more coherent with the last one, but this is even more bizarre than before!
evil on the eve.
will sacrifice
of the,
descendent blood
tell of another and,
The Truth
will restore.
That was
B. He replaces Dyluth, he'd need a new scripter as well. Dyluth and I work well together, and he was willing to wait on my issues, I was willing to wait on his. I did try finding a guest artist to do a side storyline for a little, to go in the extras, but I didn't find one, and they would not have been touching the main plot. It's DyPen. period.
Bob, I totally think I insulted Dyluth a little by not getting the bioshock refference. I had to explain to him that I haven't actually played the games.
I like how in the bottom row it looks like she dresses up as the lady from the new Bioshock. And she is in the clouds too.
Evil on the eve of the days two hundred and one will sacrifice (a) blood descendant(,) tell of another(,) and restore the truth that was denied
at my best guess
Eldhin: "That's a pretty shaky plan."
Aldran: "Not as shaky as your earthquake during our last encounter!"

Yo pen, What's the deal with the missing plot note theory? How did Zara pass the notes to you? All at once or in fragments?
Evil on the eve
Two hundred and one
Will sacrifice
Of the
Tell of another and,
The truth
That was
You guys can do what you want with this. i honestly don't care about winning the code-breaking competition. I just wanna find out what it means
Oh, and yay, comic.
A strip with plenty of mystery and clues. Glad to see it back.

Fine, as long as Aldran and Eldhin don't turn out to be the same person and also Arderas.

Does the bold text mean anything, or is it just emphasis?