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Notes of Laris Ardenwood: New Plans
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/21 (Comics)
First of all, thanks for all the birthday wishes, guys! I certainly appreciate it.
Secondly, I'm glad to see the fillers have been accepted as well as they are. Being a Bleach fan, I know there's a lot of people out there who when hearing the word "filler" start to ooze liquid hate from every orifice. So in short, I'm happy to see you enjoying them.
So here's another for today. But fear not, because the normal comic should be making its triumphant return on Tuesday. Until then, I leave you with some more of Laris' notes.
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I was under impression that required amount of blood is comparable to power vampire exerts... and Laris wasn´t exatly throwing himself into battle...

Laris' notes were made very far apart. If you look at the dates, it goes August 17 all the way to October 5th and then November 2nd, followed by December 29th!
However, he keeps the same "projects" going, such as the cheeseburger one for the whole period. Does this mean that he could only write in his dairy/notes when the other vampires weren't present? This however, does not explain why he could not try the cheeseburger project sooner than almost a full year after thinking of it.

This seems very strange, and although it probably meens nothing (except Zarah wanting to fit a larger time span into his fillers

“Siosilvar, I think it may be just you. Try using a different browser, and check to see if other websites with png files work.”It works today. Other sites with png's were fine, and Internet Explorer will display the image, but it's all messed up.
Also, best filler ever.

Also also... the comment box is telling me that my email address is invalid ( I even tried another one, since the "-" sometimes messes it up, but that one ( won't work either. :/
You know, technically I declared founding the Laris fanclub first.

If you go back to around the comic where Laris is telling Lana his story of how he was a vampire before, you say that you founded the Zurie fanclub and were THINKING of founding the Laris fanclub!!! In the next post, I declared that I found the Laris fanclub (partially to spite you.)

I think Laris should have gone ahead and eaten that cheeseburger.
(Founder of the Zurie and Laris fanclub(s). )
No, but really, great stuff.
I don't think vampires and other undead have a working digestive tract; vampires suck blood through their fangs, possibly directly into the bloodstream. No digestion, no excretion. I imagine it would lead to all sorts of problems. But would their tastebuds still work? Could he lick a hamburger for satisfaction? Or put it in a blender and mix it with blood and then drink the hamburger-blood smoothie?
Oh and happy birthday, man. Awesome OotS style comic you have here, the best "OotS clone" i've seen, ever.
Oh, and happy birthday.
If I try to right-click and "View Image", Firefox says that it can't display it because there's errors. "Show Image" does nothing at all.
Don't write during lunch. Hahaha.
Nice one.

Yeah, these "fillers" are funny...and somewhat story-related, so they only half-count as fillers. XD
How exactly do you make these notes Zarah? Do you use a pre-set background and just draw the writing with a stylus (computer pen)?
Because what would be the point of fillers if they weren't easier to make...