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Daily Archive 04/21/2008
Fortitude Save
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/21 (Comics)
Welcome to Anti-Heroes! If you're joining us for the first time, then I suggest you check out the "About" page to get an idea of what all this is about. If you're too lazy to go there, then here's the abridged version.
Anti-Heroes is a webcomic, based in the same art style as Rich Burlew's "Order of the Stick." As with OotS, the story takes place within a world that is more-or-less governed by the rules set out by Dungeons and Dragons. However, the characters aren't exactly the kinds of people you'd expect to see as protagonists in a campaign. As already mentioned, more details can be found on other parts of the site, so I'll just leave it there.
Now, with the formalities out of the way, let's get on with the comic, and I hope you enjoy it.

The Fairest of Them All
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/21 (Comics)
How do Vampires comb their hair? Or do any self maintenance for that matter? I mean, did you see Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire? I don't care who you are, no one can just wake up like that every day.

Double D
posted by Jordan on 2008/4/21 (Comics)
In the Dungeons and Dragons universe, becoming a Vampire has a pretty huge effect on a character. You completely lose your Constitution score (all undead do), but you gain bonuses to pretty much everything else, not to mention gaining an almost ridiculous amount of special powers and abilities. One of these said bonuses is a +4 boost to your Charisma score, which is supposed to represent basically how attractive your character is. So having a vampiric character gaining a bust size makes sense when you think about it.