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Cereal Killer
posted by Jordan on 2009/7/6 (Comics)
So I disappeared for another two weeks. I apologize once more for my sudden absence, and I have to admit that updates are probably going to be a bit more sporadic than they have been. I'm working full-time again, and between that and juggling my other projects, it's hard to keep myself from getting burned out. Anyway, you probably don't want to hear me yak, so here's today's comic uploaded a bit early.
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“Gravatar Jack - 2009/7/13
Im not sick of the lack of updates, im sick of the lack of explanation! Give us answers already.”
This has been explained before. Zarah is not a professional artist; he does not write this comic as his life, because this comic is not his life. He is a person with a somewhat busy life apart from this comic, and as such isn't always able to make and upload comics as frequently as some people would prefer. That's really the only explanation there is, and it's been mentioned quite a bit.
If Zarah knows he's not going to be able to update for a while, he tells us. If he doesn't know about it beforehand, he tells us what happened when he does upload a new one. That really should be enough.
If you do need more explanation, read the author's comments above, particularly this part:
“I have to admit that updates are probably going to be a bit more sporadic than they have been. I'm working full-time again, and between that and juggling my other projects, it's hard to keep myself from getting burned out.”
Are those enough answers for you? I sure hope so.
I understand and sympathize with the sporadic updates. Could you maybe create an RSS feed? That would make it really easy to keep track of this comic even when updates are a bit unpredictable. ”
We already have one.

Thanks for your interest, and welcome to our little community, Malestra!

I understand and sympathize with the sporadic updates. Could you maybe create an RSS feed? That would make it really easy to keep track of this comic even when updates are a bit unpredictable.

You know? after this comic... I'm getting this urge to found the "Top Hat Bugbear x French Maid costume bugbear" fanclub. In fact...
*Funds the fanclub*

(Founder of the Top Hat Bugbear x French Maid costume bugbear fanclub)
“In the third panel, how come the floor goes right back to being filthy? Is it like an anti-broom?”
Panel 2: Hobgoblins say goodnight.
Panel 3: Night janitor sweeps the floor.
Panel 4: Night time
Panel 5: Hobgoblins say good morning.
The darkening is the lack of daylight, an effective use of a montage.
...I have to stop watching Frasier.
(FOunder of the Zurie and Laris fanclubs)

That is funny.
Hehehe, Cereal Killer... that joke may have been done a few times in other media (Sims 1 once, actually), but it never gets old.

the wait is always worth it, 'specially now that u support gravatars!
in kaal's defense, it was a lot of information to process

Thanks for the update, Goatman.

“I hope to come back in a year and for it to recapture what it had at the start in that time.”
Help us help you, please. If you don't like story comics, and you don't like comedic comics, what is it you're looking for in this comic?
I thought it was a great issue, at any rate. Glad to see you back, Zarah.
I hope to come back in a year and for it to recapture what it had at the start in that time.

(Courtesy of Crazed

Oh and also Kaal is the only member of the group with a souvenir remaining from the carbival. He still has face paint on (I have no idea how a ghost can), while Aldran lost his axe, Lana's balloon animal was popped, and keriss has gotten rid of her hat.
@ Salokcin: Ooh, I didn't notice that at first. I like how he turned drinking blood into something utterly mundane.