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Economic Downturn
posted by Jordan on 2009/12/1 (Comics)
I was determined to get another comic done before December, and I somehow managed. Talk about cutting it down to the wire...
Anyway, I have a bit of a plan now as well. This time last year, I was falling behind in my updates as well, and I decided to take some time off without updates to avoid some of the pressure of working on a deadline and build up a buffer. I only took about a week or two off, but it was enough for me to get ahead again. I've decided that I'm going to do the same again this year, but being that I have far less free time these days, I'm regrettably going to be taking the entire month of December off.
I imagine that some of you will be disappointed, but I really do want to get myself ahead again so I can at least give some semblance of activity around here. I'll still be checking the site, and I might even throw up some filler or other material throughout the month, but I'm putting a hold on actual updates for a month.
So, this is the last update of 2009. Here's hoping I can get things on track for another new year, and in case anyone doesn't come around until then, I'll see you in 2010!
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Updates once a month... -ish. ”
I still think "Updates Whenever" would've been the best way to go.

Updates once a month... -ish.
Great comic and... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Zarah, see you in 2010

PS: To Dark one, next time, don't ever come back only to complain for a free comic!

Zone, 4th wall jokes are a trope, and not one sole author's style, if that's what you were complaining about.
I have an idea - spend a weekend, or two, and make twelve comics - you will a reserve that will last you for all of 2010...

and, Merry Christmas. And don't worry to much with the schedule. We will take what you give us.
Truer words were never spoken about clerics

That being said, I am gonna be looking forward to possible updates in January.
I knew I wasnt checking this site in vain