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He Must Use Mirrors
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/18 (Comics)
A little later than I wanted, but today's comic is up nonetheless. ...I don't really have much else to say.
Add Your Comment

It works now.

If this works, thanks a lot. if not, dang-nam-it!

But now it is prompting me to ente the email again. However, I enter it again and IT ONCE AGAIN SAYS INVALID EMAIL.

When will I eb able to show off my Cybart... XD

(I also edited out your email from your comment to protect you from spambots.)
Yes I am putting the email ***** in the Email box.
Then the box turns yellow and says INVALID EMAIL, not letting me do it.
To post this, I had to remove the email.
“Why doesn't my email work? It is a account and I registered an avatar on Gravatar like you said.”
Are you putting it into the "email" field when you post a comment? I don't see it showing up.
As far as Zarah's health, don't worry, he's not deathly sick or anything. I'm sure he's exhausted from going back to work over the summer, too. I'm in contact with him daily.
On a related note, I'm worried about the updating here. I hope Zarah gets better soon.
Why doesn't my email work? It is a account and I registered an avatar on Gravatar like you said.

I hope it continues, and I look forward to more strips.
I wish you the best of luck in getting it back on track.
For the rest of you, get a grip--criticism isn't trolling, and I wasn't alone in my thoughts, nor in my posting.
“Could it be possible in the future to maybe upload your own avatar, instead of the boringish "I"s?”
You can do that now, Amaretto!

I figured this would be a nice little feature as a holdover until Zarah gets back on his feet. Enjoy!

That would be cool.

Also, this comic is great Zarah/Jordan. Ignore those trolls. I have tried making a comic before and made about 20 issues before I lost motivation. Its hard guys, so STOP FLAMING AND ENJOY!
“I'm sorry if the comic hasn't lived up to your standards and I hope you won't completely write it off.”
The comic is fine. Most of us see it that way. This specific issue just had the misfortune to be targeted by a few trolls. How I see it here is people looking for perfection in what is obviously not going to be a perfect thing. Zarah, you're doing fine. Keep it up.
@The Trolls
It's a freaking webcomic! It's not a top-of-the-line creation. Whether it's good or not is your own opinion, but don't expect it to be professionally made and edited or anything like that. This isn't sent to an editor and published; it's uploaded to a web site by the creator, so you can't seriously expect it to have the best literary devices at all times.
If you think this comic is bad, yeah, go ahead. I don't care if that's what you think. I don't even care if you post it either, as long as you don't post it in a degrading manner. And I thiknk the rest of the reeaders of this comic would appreciate that too. Just try to keep in mind that some of us read this comic because we enjoy it. Kindness is always appreciated. Degrading and unkind comments will get you nowhere.
I can't really give you a date for the next update, but I'm trying to get out out as soon as I can. I really do hate it when I have to leave everyone hanging for a week or more like this, but unfortunately sometimes I can't really avoid it.
As for the negative comments well, I'm sorry if the comic hasn't lived up to your standards and I hope you won't completely write it off. If you have given up hope, well I'd hate to lose you, but this is all I can offer.
I will however address the subject of the "clumsy backstory." I agree with you guys. Seriously. I didn't want to do it this way, but there's really no other way I could have done it. I could have done a flashback-style arc, but that would have spoiled the surprises I have planned for later, and probably confused everyone a lot more down the line. I didn't want to do an infodump, but I wrote myself into a corner and didn't really have a clever way out. I'll be working to keep it from happening again, however.
Finally, I better remind everyone that we can ban people from posting if we have to, so play nice.
seriously, i know a lot of us come from the playgrounds and thus, expect to delve a lot from each strip, but not all comics operate this way. when we go back through these archives, its not going to seem like he's withholding anything, he's just taking his time, page by page.
and, sure the humor can get kinda annoying, but some things are an integral part of the webcomic genre (seeing as this was born from oots, i don't see why we're complaining, many of these jokes are mirrors of oots)

“Either that, or we can try killing him with fire ”
Sadly, but won't work.
It will just mutate into a flamewar. And trying to put the flames with water will lead to flood.

“Maybe. ”
Heh. The name-faker got impersonated. Though there is no way to prove it. And to disprove it.
Anonymity is fascinating.
“Where is the update? ”

“It's a link because he used the e-mail field. It can be used straight or faked in the same manner.”
Zarah and I always post with an email.

“Except for the real Crazed's name is a link, not simply black text.”
It's a link because he used the e-mail field. It can be used straight or faked in the same manner.
Fine. Whatever. We don't care. Please stop reading, because I don't want to hear your whining anymore.
Get lost. Take a hike. **** OFF.
“Actually Face of Evil, you can comment under anyone's name”
That's something that ought to be fixed, I'd say.
(kidding, of course. I'm well aware that the term started as the fishing term, as in "trolling for newbies")
By the way, I like the current mix of jokes, plot progress and plot mistery. Makes me ansious to know more, but that is okay. Still a great webcomic. Prefer the Giant's work (not that it is a fair comparison, anyway)but I like this one's art better (the use of transparency, the presentation of the spells and some other details look better to me)
Also, just so everyone knows, any comment posted by "Crazed" or "Jordan" will always be posted by myself or Zarah. You can always be sure of that.
Wow, I dreamt of never falling back again to trolling on forums, but... here we are.
I'd like to say sorry to everyone for the mess I've caused by annoying here.
I agree with the Fugs, though, this comic was good at the beginning. Since then it's become bogged down with poorly explained backstory.
It's so much like OOTS he should be paying royalties.
He has see-through eyelids.

pretty good of a comic, I was wondering when Aldran and Keriss would pick up their relationship.
I don't have any issue with the way Zarah gives out the backstory.
This is a fantasy comedy. If you don't like jokes interspersed throughout the plot, then why the hell are you reading?
It's like watching Lost and complaining that it's on an island.
How does a young and relatively inexperienced vampire tie into a prophecy concerning a legendary demon warrior, an enraged demigod and an unlikey hero? We shall have to see.
I will give one reason (of many) why this comic is bad. The way he builds tension.
It is an effective way to build tension by only giving out parts of the back story at a time, but the way it is done here is clumsy. It's like saying, "now it's time for partial exposition! Stay tuned for the meantime, here are some lame jokes."
as 'kinky' as that last panel sounds, i can't help but think that they have something else in mind, like, perhaps sneaking out...

Anyway, looking forward to the next (today's?) comic.

Although, I still say it's a suggestive red herring. I've done it plenty of times in my writing.
Also, me likey. Nicely done!

Man am I happy!
Hey guys, check out the last page of the Non-OoTS Fanservice thread if you need a dose of Brain Bleach today. Mildly NSFW.
Also, yesterday was the GREATEST DAY EVER!
I had my Graduaion and won a $2,000 scholarship for next year! HUZZAH!

Okay. I don't even want to know.
Hehehe, Kaal stares at himself while he sleeps... although technically you are staring at the backs of your eyelids, a part of yourself, when you sleep.
In any event, do you know who Kaal reminds me of? The Todd from Scrubs.
Mendeldur: ditto

We also learn that Kaal likes to watch.

and lol @ Kaal XD