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Politics isn't the only thing they have their hand up
posted by A on 2015/5/8 (Comics)
So... The puppet thing hasn't worked out. It was intended to make this story arc easy to get past it nice and quick, and back to the main plot. It didn't work, and I ended up kinda... frozen in panic? Dyluthus kicked my ass back into gear and figured out a way to get past it. Here you go! more coming!
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And yeah, I'm with Nona. Info dump, as I recall the original writer was offering way back when, is probably the only way any of us will ever get closure. We already tried the get new writers approach and it was a failure, though for what its worth I don't blame Dypen for giving it a shot.
(And what a year it has been so far!) Looks like I'm not the only one checking from time to time. With a fan base like this I still hope the story will continue. *crosses fingers* After all, some comics are up again, like RPG World - Fan Revival and the guy in charge is doing a great job so far and even got a great artist hired to make his dream possible. Here's the link:
I plan to send him a message just in case, but I figure the more people ask the more likely we might get a response.
Still, I could be wrong.
In an universe with plane-shift, resurection, create food, create water, create air ..., i am sure an epic caster would survive
I think it is not, but i do not remember the number for the record bearing page
I wonder if anyone else would be interested in continuing the comic? If only sporadically. I know there's a significant overlap between OotS fans and Anti-HEROES fans, maybe someone on the forums might be interested?
the fear of the website being deleted because of non payment on the domain were unfounded.
how many people are still coming regularly ? 5 ? 6 ?
In order o recreate aldran, you would "simply" need (in D&D) the alternate class necromancer, or the eponimous prestige class, plus a double archetype. The latter would be hard to negotiate for most GM, and both these condition require a high level campaign.
unless you simply go with a "winged" archetype, to recreate the appearance without the weird origin
His brother, through, would be worse : mixing priest and warrior is possible and usable at low level, but rather weak at high level, and compound the loss of level due to the archetype.
If every other player has a similar roleplay character, it is doable.
Good luck
For me, this was by far the best oots-style comic.
Thank you for the good times.
Someone motivated enough to write a spinoff, non canon continuation, variant, or anything ?
since part of the work (hosting finding reader) is already done .
(not me : i am neither an artist, nor have the energy for these kind of project)
'I have no intention of ever letting the domain expire, so the comic should never just disappear (unless I die or am suddenly struck with intense poverty...)'
We really need a bodyguard on this dude. If I come here one day and the domain has expired, I'll kill myself and then all of you.
(Sent through Internet Explorer)

This still existing website make me think of
- W.
Like a cannibalistic piranha school with acid reflux, we've begun to regurgitate each other.
So how is everyone?

edit : in the post comment operation "contact for help"
A 3rd one : get good at storytelling and write how you expect the story should go. hopefully other will too and then some artist would put the best one (in their eyes) as a continuation ?
probably harder than the stalker idea.

Do you mean the number of people passing through ?
or something subtler that I missed.
either case, I believe sadly that Nona's prediction was false.

It lead people to death, to evil, to life, to great and terrible things, and to madness
I would bet against. Lets see tomorow ?
read trough the whole comic whole comment section
and have fun
If you liked the story too, and already read OOTS, there are other similar comic. I advise Erforld, once hosted together with OOTS, it is still updating its 3rd book

If your were talking about my last comment, thanks for the compliment
Never seen themselves, rarely heard. It is us the reader.
And we lay, forgotten by even the old and new god (Zara and Dypen) of this doomed world.
Not sure what they do in the real world, but I'd think it is something either in an unrelated field, or if it involves writing or art, I imagine they don't reference this site anymore in their list of works...
I'll choose to believe that their competition hired extremely large trolls to hunt down and capture the trio, and they are currently locked away in some deep dungeon far away from internet connectivity.
"No! You can't lock us away in here! Our fandom needs us! We were just about to reveal a huge plot arc----"
(dungeon gate slams shut)

For stick -comics, the art improvement does not happen to compensate. Making the other decline more visible.
There are other examples. It is telling that when the first break happenned, the people asked majorily answered that they wanted the comic to continue, whereas now, the vote is to a text disclosure.
This said, if any of us were good artist or believed we could/might do better than the "current" team, they probably would have. So we cannot throw stones (nor stick : we have to stick with words, hence no bone will get broken)
It wasn't immediate, but if you look at one of Zara's old pages and compare it to this one, you can see what I mean
So, if you found the time to read this slice-of-fan-life that is the comment, you should read from the beginning.
And also OOTS which is the inspiration, and still alive (though some may argue is less funny than its own start)
alternatively : this chat client is stable and will not have update again.
And i made myself sad. Welcome here, take the time to reread the comic from the start, along with the comment. Gorge yourself of the splendor of what was, the different styles of the ex-authors the stopped evolution of the characters.
Take then the time to imagine what would have been, to imagine a future and a still covered world, filled with passion power and riches.
The comic will still be at this very point when you finish, just in time to start another nostalgic plunge.
welcome. You are here to stay.
It is ... in a cake : it 's in a delicious cake, just behind this door, and after, there will be 40 cakes baked by Glad OS.
And they are even quantics cake that we can eat and have at the same time.
Or perhaps the cake is a lie, and the hoped for plot doesnt exist. It is interresting to contrast this webcomic with Looking for group or Will save world for gold. Both of those went on and on, without or outside the initial plot. I dont know which fate is worse.

Page 350: A gigantic meteorite smashes into the campaign world and kills everything on it.
The End.
Good for you, I suppose, Graysire.
I have on sure sources that this website will have stopped being hosted on the current server in at most 5 bn years.
(or 'at most 20 year', in both case said server would not be functioning anymore)
coincidence ? probably.
pn, Where did you read "more coming" ?the only thing possibly coming is released summary notes and that is far from guarranted.
In both case, the purpose of the site is being replaced by an effective delayed chatroom for those that once found it

Ertai glances across the immense, bloodstained chamber at the water clock, thirty-three obsidian bowls on stone tiers. Dark liquid pours from the container on the highest tier, down to the bowls in lower elevations. The bottommost tier has overflowed. Gentle drips emanating from the clepsydra are painfully loud in an otherwise silent room.
"It's been five days," Ertai notes.
Nona Reverse spreads both hands, as if to deny responsibility. "I've said it once before, this must end."
"there are other ways," W. states. %u201Cit is not right to try to attack the authers.%u201D
Anon scoffs. "They abused all their chances. They should have expected this." A violent, chopping gesture perfectly summarizes the point. "Let this punish their apathy."
Dry-mouthed, Nona Reverse says, "I suggest we revisit the vote." Reluctantly, they all exchange nods, an agreement between summoners about to perform a dread ritual.
Nona Reverse smiles at the door through which talkamancer exited the room. "It'll take a few days for all the votes to be cast. See, talkamancer? We're giving your way a second try. But, I was right, you know %u2013 This must end."
they may have forgotten, they may not have time, they may be dead. but we remember.
Also not posting the last page is not really rude (just a bit frustrating): they never guarranted they would be one more
I notice that you didnt quote all the frequent poster
Boyant in the knowledge he had saved a life this night, perhaps even two.
There are probably a few who just pass from time to tim, silently.
Happy new year

(I hope they are physically okay. On the other hand, Leakingpen raised a little under six hundred dollars for DisReality Gears on Kickstarter, and never wrote or drew a single thing after pimping it on anti-HEROES. If he is not dead, or in a two-year coma dreaming he never had that car accident and moved to a Florida beachfront condo where he became a reputable impressionist painter with a reclusive reputation, then he is a thief.)
Such a shame that comic ended, the characters were well defined and could have had many good adventures.
i beg, i beseech you
how hard could it possibly be to do so
also, for information : it wont update again, the only novelty will come from the other disabused (or not) commenter
How should we necro this comment section in order to make it a vampire ?
I really feel alone here.
the first one is a class feature , and must be chosen in the mage list or metamagic feat.
Static incantation is a metamagic feat.
I was thinking of a variant of unicorn.
But in the case of caster level , any 3 class level grant a feat ( 1 at lvl 5 wizard) so 'animal incantation' is on the table.
If your version doesnt have it, it is a metamagic feat aimed originaly at druid in order to cast while using animal form, changing the somatic, verbal and material component (removing the latter when costing less than a po, or gp) to adjust to any animal.
Those dont require any components.
Aurak cast as sorcerer 8 as spell like ability
Nymph cast as druid 8 as spell like . Many exterior have either priest level or like solar cast as priest n as spell like ability.
In these case they dont need somatic component at all.
And dragon ... can have both at the same time.
There are unicorn in D&D french handbook of course.

Now, in the bestiary, and still on rainbow subject, what fey are best suited to hide a chest of gold beneath one ?
One would probably need silent image permanence for a static rainbow.
On the subject of the feat, the 4 dc is the dc of a spellcraft check, not the save dc.
The feat is originally 3.0 (the source given by the website is player handbook) and may not appears in 3.5 and pathfinder handbooks.
Beside, at first glance it looks like only a roleplaying feat, until one notice the usefull 1 caster level.
The only thing it does in the English version is give the Spellcraft DC bonus.
My argument is that dancing light is level 1 vs creation level 3. so farting rainbow is at least as easy.
And this feat , in french version at least, but i trust the translator to stay near the VO allow :
> for all spell 4 to spellcraft DC to identify
>For ech level of spell a "thematic" spell is chosen changing completely the appearance of the spell making it unidentifyable and adding 1 to spellcaster level.
prerequisite : NLS profane 1
Origin : player handbook.
I used it together with "thesard arcanique" to have a missile force mage with 6 missile (looking like dark birds) per spell at level 6
We are discussing the difficulty (thematique ? ) of having a pseudo DD unicorn conform to common real life unicorn belief (real life belief, not RL unicorn)
And i was saying that the rainbow part is easier than the gold .
All that for the fun of a discussion that will appears as nonsensical as possible to outsider.
And as for the spell issued from the hand, their is a rarely used feat, (but so usefull) that alter the appearance of both the spell and its casting (in this case the location of origin) of one spell per spell level, making them unreconisable through spellcraft check and giving those spell 1 caster level .
in french "sort de signature"
in VO :"signature spells" i guess ?
Spell like ability are similar to spell and can vary a bit.
Beside, unicorn don't have hand (although every unicorn i encountered thus far had 3).
Nethertheless, this effect is a 1st level illusion effect, so in line with a magical light animal.
Weaponized rainbow farts. So like Mr. Toots from Red Faction: Armageddon.
As for gold creation, you would need ( i believe) a level 3 spell.
So it would be easier.
For real world (for a certain definition of real) : farting rainbow only need spraying water in a peculiar lighting (sunset or dawn, or with a hobbit as the witness)
or a mix o oil and water for more reliable iridecens.
On the other hand, gold is toxic in most forms (heavy metal) and heavy, chlorin is also toxic, meaning an equide stocking it would be constantly poisonned and impeded.
the christian god is a non carnivorous unicorn!"
After the continuity established between 332 comments, anything taken out of context sounds so bizarre. On the presumed excretory habits of unicorns, I must say that a mechanism used to fart rainbows seems more superfluous than an organ allowing gold excretions. To produce an aerosol with an opalescent sheen, would require a system of organs to first process needed chemicals, and then to eject them from the unicorn in a spray, which making assumptions about their biology based on a superficial resemblance to earthly equines should be completely independent of required organ systems. Whether you argue intelligent design or evolution, that's killing one bird with two stones. Comparably, to excrete gold from a reserve as was proposed earlier in the discussion, a unicorn could repurpose parts of the digestive tract if they expel entire pellets, rather than gold flecks in their manure. The diet of a unicorn in the feywild may include larger amounts of gold(III) chloride than are found concentrated in the natural world. Perhaps they excrete a single large golden nugget once every several weeks or months?
the christian god is a non carnivorous unicorn !
As shown, the MitD doesnt know what he is, although Xikon does. Hence, he cannot be on a mission, and cannot be specifically harmful to the lich.
In fact, we even know (wog somewhere) that he is a safety measure of Xykon against Redcloak, in case the latter decide to betray him (and if Xykon knows it)
So there can still be an unicorn in the comic. (unlikely)
If the comic (AH this time) were rewritten epured, what would you suggest to keep/throw away ?
except not carnivorous since he enjoy eating gruel.
To pablo : the comic has been discontinued, although someone payed the fee for the website and a few people enjoy coming back to reread and fuel a discussion with like or unlike minded people.
Yes it was narrow, on purpose to generate discussion, promote an alternate point of view and keep people coming back.
On that last point it seemed like a success.
Is there any unicorn in AH ? or in OOTS ?
Carnivorousness is not evil, except when it is precised as being mostly living human meat.
From an human point of view.
Yes. That.
I'd also like to add that I didn't really think you were trying to impose any kind of beliefs on anyone, W, I just thought your view of the situation was a little narrow.
More if they use another protocole.
Farting rainbow is comparably easier.
Except they are immortal in some setting.
Maybe, leaving out half as much each time ?
doesnot work as matter including gold, comes with a minimal size (one atom)
said size is a 197 * 6.02 *10^26 th of a kg of gold, so about 2^100 times.
The next time i need a image, i will only draw from authorised content (tm), or try to be clearer that i dont impose other to believe in it, just to admit the possibility.
But. new subject : unicorn are carnivorous !
(well they were intended as an exemple of light, not good creature).
Disclaimer : this is only an interpretation to lanch a discussion. If it cause aneurism, strong compulsion to prove me wrong or any other effect, please dont assume i am forcing you to believe anything.
the whole thing was that the comment section still exist and is active despite the lack of comic, cannot resurrect the comic and have a fixed starting point.
> similar but distinct and less than a living webcomic. Alive, but fundamentally different.
I made a comparison that i found interesting. you think my (subjective) interpretation is wrong and focused on that.
If someone showed you a mountain looking like a woman and saying it remind them of a statue, would you correct them and spoil the poesy for all bystander ?
And lich is a Russian word, originally, so your point of DD having invented the concept of phylactery linked undead is not as strong as you think.
Well, true, undead and undead-like creatures in folklore do serve a purpose of being the 'other', a kind of designated enemy. However, that in no way translates to these creatures being unable to 'grow', either by your or my definition. A creature can be capable of change, either positive or negative, and still be the villain of a story. If that is something recognised now, being, as it is, a concept mostly divorced from the level of sophistication a society has achieved, it was almost certainly recognised when the folklore you reference was created. If Russian (or any other society) folklore had any sort of morals at the end of its tales, it was definitely not that becoming undead itself was bad. Undeath was just a way of identifying the bad guys, and it was the fact that these individuals had become set in their cruel ways and desensitized to the suffering of others that made them evil, true, but that had no connection to being undead. Many villains of these stories were as alive as you and I are, and yet behaved (more or less) identically to any so-called undead in other stories. Of course all of them had a choice! If not, their evil acts would have no impact. Undeath was merely a story device to show who was the enemy. It was not what made one into the enemy. The destructive acts and loss of positive emotions were present in both living and undead antagonists. That loss of positive emotion was the true cause of evil, and it could happen to anyone.
Also, I must reiterate for the umpteenth time that using any other definition of %u2018lich%u2019 other than %u2018D&D lich%u2019 is utterly meaningless due to the fact that %u2018lich%u2019, before the creation of D&D was used as a catch-all term for many different kinds of undead.
And no, I did not take it as an attack against Finx or Xykon (who are, in anycase, people I would be unlikely to defend), I simply thought that your stance on the subject and knowledge were wrong. wrong.
Tiri probably (?) understood it as an attack against the character of flink and OOTS Xyrkon, and reacted against, using the different D&D characterisation. Hence disagreement because we have a different subjet in a different context, with a different point of view (illustrative vs rp fluff). Of course, it will be confusing.
But in a story aimed at teaching value or simply evoque the correct set of sentiment, feeling pity or jealousy for the monster wont do. The need to make the undead as much of a monster as they were has in fact little to do with religion, but much more with culture.
I wasnt speaking of D&D lich but of Russian folklore, as an allegory about this comic. And the moral of most of these story is that these monster couldnt die not because of their power, but from the fact that were not truly alive anymore.
That was shown with more or less subtility by the different writers, through detail at the beginning of the tales and plainly at the end.
Detail including the history of each particular monster, showing what (emotion, value) was lost and could never be regained because recovering from trauma and "bad" belief was seen as only belonging to living , to being with a soul.
Another was the physical deformation. Instead of a skeleton, a lich was a body slowly deformed by its lack of the essential organ, which were hidden away, and by the inhuman strengh of the ex warlock.
another was out of time, alien and exaotique behaviours, almost always destructive.
A lich can act and mimic life, it can aggregate knowledge but not assimilate it in its personality.
D&D lich are different, so are D&D demon, daemon and devil from folklore ones,
Maybe with a bit more effort than a living person, but that's just because being an immortal and relatively powerful (compared to some commoner) creature gives less
incentive for change than being a squishy, short-lived mortal. Also, undead were not 'invented'. They grew out of folk tales people told to scare, entertain, and give ignorant
children allegories for the dangers of the world. Various religions condemned similar concepts as being blasphemous since the idea of not needing religion to acheive
immortality is obviously harmful to organized religion. The whole 'free will' and 'ability to change' issues arose in modern times, where, stripped of the superstitions of
their elders, people began to see such mythical creatures as intriguing and needing more explanation behind them than before. Hence, the different interpretations of whether
or not various undead creatures were capable of change (along with many other things). Anyway, as I said, even if what you said was correct, Middle Ages Europe is hardly
the only culture with ghosts and vampires. Liches as we know them were invented by D&D, where they can clearly change and have free will, so using them as an example is
invalid. Also, you say that Dracula could evolve to adapt to society, but could not change his manner and habits. I would argue that changing yourself to fit society involves
just that-changing your manner and habits to conform with the expectations of those around you.
And now to address what W just said: Where are you getting this idea that 'a lich....won't change (for example) its outlook on life, its position on politics'. Why not? There is no basis for this conclusion. Until D&D came around, there wasn't even a consistent definition of 'lich'. Also, the thing about the people needing who came up with undead needing the public to be horrified and reject them? Complete crap. What point is there in rejecting a wholly fictional entity or group? These people were just trying to explain the world around them or simply entertain their friends. Finally, what 'original lore' are you talking about? As I have said many times, the undead you cite as examples have many different variants of themselves from numerous cultures and civilisations throughout history. There is no one original source these creatures are based on.
A lich can learn fact, knowledge, but won't change (for example) its outlook on life, its position on politics ...
And will inevitably end up as a fish outside water, powerfull but alien to the modern (compared to him ) time
A living can change, and in this change, at term, will loose his original self (reincarnation, or different attitude/ idea in life), or attain stability (heaven/hell afterlife or everlasting habit)
The people who first develloped stories about undead wanted to horrify their public and used this as an aspect of difference to cause the needed reject reaction.
Flinx may take the same choice every day, but in fact he is unable to consistenly take another way. Unlike when he was alive and could have been persud=aded to become truly evil, a redemption of some sort.
Of course this whole is an aspect of original lore, and no completely true in D&D. And a metaphore of this comic. We may argue and change people mind, but all the content (superficial knowledge) wont continue the story and change the core of the discussion, because their starting point will still be this last comic.
I think maybe there was a miscommunication, about using either the poetic or literal meaning of 'grow'? On the one hand, W. acknowledged liches could learn. The inability to develop new skills or accept new ideas basically ruins free will. Because then you can't choose to accept new ideas or develop new skills. A lich is a once-alive power-hungry mage who now never needs to stop learning, so in that sense they can 'improve'. They get old and set in their ways, but so do living creatures. Finx will never sway from the path of cartoonish evil, but he technically renews that choice every day. All of these facts seem to allow change. On the other hand, I can't imagine a skeleton growing extra chin hair. Perhaps that is what W. meant?
The undead were invened as something unatural, to fear. A moquerie of life tempting but whose whotook this path stoped living. The conter of this period wanted the public to understand that this was never a desirable thing, that the immortality was false, a prison.
It is the case in middle age stories. It is also the case in dracula : the eponyme can and do evolve to adapt to society, but his habit and manner dont change, he learn knowlegde but only that.
In conclusion : in original stories, ghost lich, vampire had free will, but no real ability to chane themselves.
As for modern "vampire" : every body know they are in fact redcap : blood needing fairfolk
I'm glad Crazed was so nice, but I worry. A comments section is a place of wit, creativity, veiled slurs and meme references, like the flowing lifeblood of any online masterpiece.
Lich are the rejection of the limit of life, of God (the concept was first written about in christian Russia) and of death. It consist in a spellcaster locking his vital organ (originally) |energy in a jar to prevent their changes. Those are also metaphors of emotions and knowledge.
Ghost are explicitly a memory acting on someone last emotion.
Awakened zombis and skeleton don't really count, being new creature.
Ghouls in folklore weren't originally intelligent.
Did i forget a kind of intelligent undead ?
That explanation also give an argument on the always evil aspect in D&D, add to the horror level that should be present in encounter with unlife.
A comic stopped whose coment persist is similar : changes, addition but no truly new things, all is grey and secondary to the original purpose, but it will never reach its natural end
A lich can come up with new dialogue.
Like a lich: unchanging, not truly dead, not truly alive maintened by external support.
Sometimes, that is enough
Even if the domain lasts, will the comic continue? Why has there been complete silence from the writers for over half an year?
Even if the domain lasts, will the comic continue? Why has there been complete silence from the writers for over half an year?
. . .
Why am I ranting so much? Are we in Purgatory? Is this like Angel Beats, but with an afterlife reserved for D&D comic nerds?
The comment are as the shadow, not always noticed, not always visible, but a trace and space marking the existence of what is, filtered throught the light of our perception.
Rarely does the shade linger long without source, and then it will often induce its d4 str or vig suffering on the living .

So we all died in Earth's devastation. How does this affect the characters on their fantasy D&D world-setting? I couldn't care less what happens to Earth, just if Lana and Aldran and Eldhin are okay.
At this point, I think that even if they do come back, a lot of people would still just leave.
JHSII, there's your cue!
shut up bro.
Karma is due.
i.e. write down what happens rather than showing it, except for cool important parts.

I think we should contact the current team before the original author, because they probably have a more fleshed-out idea of where the plot was going.

By the northern sun's light
What so proudly we veiled
Till the light did stop gleaming
Whose red eyes and fanged smile
Through the perilous night
For Arderas we watched
For an update we're dreaming
And the Banjo's warped stare
The coins flying through air
Gave proof through the night
That the strip was still there
O say are the bold Anti-
Heroes so brave
May this great comic strip
Please return from the grave
Hopefully I'll check back tomorrow to see a fresh new page, and things being better.
Maybe I'm being optimistic.
which was once hosted along OotS
The characters. The two demigods have interesting opposed personalities. I find it interesting that the Knight Templar type was more down-to-earth than the joke cracking cryptic. Even the bard guy was refreshingly serious at times, and not-so-serious the next.
Premise: It's a bit cliche? Not sure what to call it, but I liked the whole "seeing it from the PoV of the forces of darkness" part. Plus, it was kind of interesting having a relatively powerless protagonist compared to other characters - unlike OotS, where the characters are actually pretty high-level compared to everyone else.
Setting: The idea of a background, past war and living in its aftermath seemed pretty cool.
What I disliked:
Weird characters. Like that weird alternate dimension that seemed to be there for no reason, or the pointless goblin/noobs arc.
Also what are y'all going to do after this, cause i think we should continue with have neato conversations with you cause y'all seem cool. if you any sugestions for like a chat room or something that people who have been posting comments and stuff could come and continue chatting please post that
I believe the forgetting of comment isnt a big loss
Maybe one day someone will take the story, reinterpret it and devellop it further?
Or not
Please stop bro, it has stopped being funny so you can just stahp.
Maybe we should try to archive all the non-main-comic pages.
I, unfortunately, do not have time to do it.
someone spoke about saving it on web archive, was it done? (if yes, thanks. could you tell us more about this)
blind praise , trolling, concern, feeding ... doesnt matter if they arent read. (nor red, they would at least go faster)
I didn't win. No one wins here. Why is it so hard to believe I never wanted this comic to die?
Have I ever been anything but cordial with you?
And I stand by what I said: I'd still love for this comic to continue.
What is more likely to kill a comic; people openly worrying about its fate, or the same people sitting idly by in silence while it dies, showing the creators nothing but a wall of uncaring silence? If I was struggling with a comic, and saw nothing but concern from the readers, I would be much more spurred to action than if I saw a total absence of reaction. The silence would only show me exactly how much no one cares.
But if you want to continue blaming everyone but the few people who had any power over this comic, it's your choice.
I believe the comic would be dead with or without us. Artistic burnout happens and, as someone to whom it happened, I can tell you from experience that the blind praise and "reassuring" encouragements do nothing to help. They only add more guilt on the pile you already feel about letting those people down.
So yeah. "whatever" indeed. Whatever helps you sleep at night, whatever light you choose to look at this under.
I still wish this comic thrived, and I wish you a good life. Hopefully we'll get to speak again in this comment section, on a new page.
And if you still don't know the difference between caring about the comic and actively trying to kill it, then the problem is entirely yours.
We complained because we wanted to see the comic continue. We stuck around because we did still enjoy the comic.
Do you really think that had no one said a single word about this issue, had we all just silently watched things crawl to a stop, that the authors would have been more productive? Do you really believe that silent complacency would have shown them how much we cared? We complained because they stopped, not the other way around.
Saying nothing at all; THAT would have been wishing the death of this comic.
That the authors haven't even bothered to try to placate us with the semblance of false promises tells me that they gave up long before we did.
The comic died despite us, and we're all saddened by it.
Please don't pretend you were the only one who cared.
You got what you wanted - the comic is now dead.
The authors haven't shown up, nor have they answered any of my messages.
Thanks for killing what was a good comic.
one thing, though, his arguments changed a lot since the beginning, so it probably are two impersonators, the real one having left long ago.
I too often miss comment sections : they are either instructives or entertaining.
As for JHSII, i am reassured to see he does that on purpose.
I know a few people flaming for fun on internet and being charming outside, and another few being (stupidly ? unhealthily at least) stubborn and unhappy in both. Since he is the first, no harm done.
And just as predicted, the number of people JHSII has insulted continues to mount.
I hope he behaves that way towards people in person, as well. Because eventually he's going to run into someone who will give him the royal ass-kicking and curb-stomping that he deserves.
as of now, you only said people "prove your point" without telling how you would expect otherwise. People who where agreeing with you as the 'reasonable one' a hundred strips ago now say that you are too agressive, borned and dissmissive. Even Anon, a card carying one, appears more reasonable, real.
I return your argument, if you really liked this webcomic, please cease to derail like that the comments, and dont accuse me of lying, like you do everyone, the ad hominem is tiring
if you were hypocritical and voluntarily flaming, then continue, you have been really successful thus far.
I eagerly await more updates.
That is why my name stands for Jgoats Hgoats Sgoats Igoats Igoats
If they really liked the comic, they wouldn't be trolling.
they are great
It's not funny, nor has it ever been. But it is expected.
And Banjo continues trolling. I guess that peace offering was just another of his lies. It does show exactly what kind of person he is.
You don't listen.
You don't listen.
I give up. Just keep this in mind in case you think you won because I don't respond any more.
Because you don't get to win. You don't get to win because you don't listen you troll-baiting peace of shit.
I still like the comic, and I am awaiting the next one. I do wonder how much progress they've made.
Okay? Hmph I'll let you start. If you start by saying something nice, something pleasant, I will respond with something nice and then you will respond with something and so on until the end (of this comic).
Please take up my request, see some good in these posts and post some good in your own.
If you see hate in ANY of my posts, then it's because you've chosen to see what you've wanted to see regardless of what's actually there. If there's been any anger, then it's been a direct reaction to the trolling of you and your friends.
You say you have more important things to do. I doubt it - or else you would have either not done it at all, or you would have stopped long ago.
Okay? Also you don't seem to understand that passive aggression while not being complete hate like yelling "Ay, **** you" to someone is still that, AGGRESSION. So you say you don't hate. Ha. Anyway, please don't say more words 'cause honestly this is not important and I am guessing that we both have more important stuff to do. Well, I do.
I'm not the one throwing out insults and cloaked vulgarity either - that's YOUR problem. At least you admit that the only reason you're still here is because you're trolling.
You claim intelligence when you simply have two... no actually one mode: Hate on anyone who says anything negative ever.
Under most circumstances I am not what could be considered a troll. Here I am merely because ****ing with you is fun. really really fun. well was fun. Now it just feels as though I have to do it because like I made some sort of commitment.
I want to have an intelligent conversation with you because I don't want to hear what you say because you have nothing to say. So in short, go do something mildly unpleasant (I don't care what so I'll let you decide) you stupid little imp.
Sorry, that was inappropriate but I felt as though it needed to be said. Anyway, those are some good comics anon (though I am not very far on any of them) thank you for recommending those comics, this is the third time I am saying this but it still stands true, read Hero oh Hero. it is good. Also stfu JHSII.
I have to ask, is there no better use of your friends time than to troll a comic that they hate so much? Talk about wasting time!!
I might as well plug some other webcomics, better than this one in all ways. For a non-D&D-but-still-fantasy feel I highly recommend Unsounded, it's a masterfully crafted work with a rich world and dynamic characters. For laughs, Paranatural is very good, about ghosts and spirit interactions and things, though every now and again he misses an update and that's annoying (though hey, if you're on this site you wouldn't even notice it.) Cucumber Quest is also very good, charming and cute but with complex characters. Those three are my favorite comics to follow these days.
The reason I still come here is the comments section. Also the comic is still enjoyable despite its death.
But let's not let this great comic's discussion end with arguments.
(Keep reading.)
And yes, those last three were meant to offend you, buuuuut the comment that I was referring to was not intended to offend.
(Keep reading)
Anyway imma gonna be more positive because admittedly you have a good point 'cause all this negativity suck balls.
(Keep reading)
This comic is great, it sucks that it has stopped updating.
(Keep reading)
What was your personal favourite moment from this comic that you so blindly defend JHSII? oh sh*t, imma being rude again. Sorry about that. hey bro, do mind if i recommend a comic in a gesture of positively, look up a comic called "Hero Oh Hero". its good and I think you would like it. (it updates frequently)
(Honestly you can skip this next part.)
Kay cool, ttfn and have a lovely day.
And no, you do mean to offend me, otherwise you wouldn't have made such an effort to do so.
(also again THAT was trolling, use it for reference in future instances of stuff you might think might be trolling)
But I find you annoying. (actually I think that most people here find you annoying with your blind praise of everything that the writers/artists do and how you merely show up to be needlessly passive aggressive and pointing and saying "TROOOOLL"(read that in a stereotypical butt-hurt nerd voice))
sorry I didn't mean to offend you. And you do have to agree that it is good that the comic is archived and stuff because this site will likely expire because of the general inactivity of the comic and the site in general.
You might try thinking before you post something next time.
Well, at least annoying buttfaces like JHSII are gone.
Take extra care at the extras page. That's where most of the non-comic stuff is.
But imma toooo lazy though. someone else do it.

More people is better.
If anyone is feeling up to binge-reading the whole comic, go do it in the web archive instead of here.
As I said, I don't have the time right now to do the archiving myself, but I have determined that comics 320 and later are probably NOT archived yet.
The site is going to expire on 21 September, if I understand the whois lookup correctly. This has to be done before then.
yes, someone really do that
I'm too busy to do it myself, or I would.
I don't want to see this disappear...
I think what Subzero008 said roughly 23 days ago is a good idea, see some of you guys may have of heard of a comic called "Hero oh Hero", a comic that updates quite regularly. Why do i mention this you may ask? because this comic is a reboot of another comic called "a path to the greater good" that was plagued with the same problem of infrequent updates. The creator cancelled Aptgg because of this problem and rectified it with something that I honestly think all web comics should have, a buffer.
Anyway, in short i think that anti-HEROES should be rebooted with an update buffer. I hope my ramblings made sense.
I'm thinking of deleting that bookmark.
That author's comment is one week short of 3 months old.
Last actual plot-relevant strip was 8 months ago.
For all practical purposes, the evidence suggests that they've quit and we are simply waiting for the prepaid time on the hosting package to expire for the site to disappear., what if Dyluth quit, and leakingpen has been working on everything solo?
They are so dead.
...fanfiction? This story does have great worldbuilding.
(let's see if I get attacked for literally copying and pasting)
I guess that's what you have to do when you can contribute nothing positive.
If so 26
Else 6
That's true, you also work very diligently to drive away everyone else who had interest in this project.
Regardless of your willingness, I seriously doubt you have anything substantial to contribute. But feel free to tell us all what your wonderful contributions might be.
Saying that the people who still love the comic are "defending its death" is more a reflection on the person making that statement than it is on those of us who still love the comic.
How is this so hard to understand? I like the characters, I like the setting, and I like the story.
I'D LIKE TO HAVE MORE OF IT That is the problem I have here. The comic is dying, to my great regret, and the authors don't seem to care enough about it to even give us closure. That's the whole point of my entire set of gripes.
Why would I be here complaining that the comic is dying if I didn't enjoy it?
Telling the readers to abandon the comic because it's not as thriving as they'd like is as ridiculous as telling someone to cut their tree down when they complain that it isn't growing fast enough.
Complaining that there isn't enough of something is no different than asking for more of it.
Stop accusing me of hating this comic when all I want is to see it flourish.
If you love the comic so much, why are you still here defending its death?
"the people who are doing the work"
"doing the work"
That's exactly the problem; they aren't doing the work.
Or at least, they show absolutely no sign that they are.
What could we possibly do about that?
And why should it be our job?
As for the comic, I happen to believe that raking the people who are doing the work over the coals is probably not the best way to encourage them to continue with the comic. I also have to wonder if the people complaining the loudest have ever actually done anything to help. It's easy to complain and criticize when the people doing the most complaining and being the most critical have done nothing to help.
As for a redo, who would be doing it? Do you have any suggestions?
In any case, criticism is not flaming. Don't treat it like flaming. There's a difference between criticism and flaming or trolling.
In my opinion, this comic needs a rehaul. I'm not sure if this was a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth or simple incompetence, but I think this comic got a drop in overall quality a while ago. Now, what updates we do get are filler, promises that they'll update with a better one next time.
I get the feeling that the team has a writing block, or they wrote themselves into a corner, or otherwise lost all motivation. A redo might reinstill that.
Unless you're not interested in what's actually posted.
It's a fairly common way of adding emphasis to a conversation.
I'm still really curious as to what constitutes "trolling" in your eyes. Brushing my question aside didn't change that.
Trying to explain to someone how a situation is less than ideal is not trolling either.
Expecting authors to deliver on their promises and provide slightly more work than a literal corpse is not trolling either, and is in no way an indication of non-adult behavior.
I would really like to have an explanation of how everyone here is "trolling", because I don't see how legitimate complaints and worries about the comic's future are a disrespectful act of provocation.
When you want to stop trolling, then the problem you have with me will end. All you have to do is to start acting like an adult.
I seem to have a problem only with you.
You seem to have a problem with EVERY OTHER PERSON who comments here.
It doesn't take even an average IQ to do the math on this one.
You don't like the comic? No one's forcing you to be here.
You're personally far and away the most responsible for that happening to this very here comments section. The phrase "clueless f*ck" comes to mind.
>I'm here, still reading the comic.
And yet the fact that not a thing has changed in months doesn't seem to have fazed you or struck you as abnormal in any way.
> I still like it, and I'll continue to be here until they decide that they don't want to do it anymore.
Two comics in the last six months might just be a clue that they decided just that - long before you started arguing with anyone on this site.
One thing I've noted in my life is that a constant barrage of insults and attacks is unlikely to get anyone to improve whatever it is that they're doing. It's more likely to make them want to quit altogether than have to put up with more and more of it. If you want to ruin something, just give nothing more than insults and attacks. Pile it on.
But if you like something, then be supportive. Give them a reason to continue.
I'm here, still reading the comic. I still like it, and I'll continue to be here until they decide that they don't want to do it anymore.
The whole point WAS to ride the coattails, wasn't it? Nothing wrong with that, that's what a lot of people came here for in the first place anyway.
I pretty much said everything I wanted to say, really. The last time I posted a comment on this site was when the vote was had to choose between getting the infodump and finding people to continue the comic. I don't expect my average comments-per-year ratio will increase noticeably.
I definitely agree, and previously it was very entertaining. Much more so than the comic, and also unlike the comic we can rely on JHSII to reply promptly and dependably. So it's certainly worth it to pass the, I dunno, MONTHS between updates. But as much fun as it was, it's kind of like eating your favorite food every day, it gets repetitive and tiring. Especially since JHSII is definitely not putting the same spluttering anger into their responses as they used to. At the very least they would read and misinterpret my remarks, but now they just stick on an almost copy-pasted reply of "hurr you're trolling, you're flaming, hate you, stop reading" to literally every post regardless of author or content. So that's why I'm bored of it.
I'm glad to see that it looks like Destrustor is picking up my torch of the ruthless-but-justified constructive criticism garnished with a sprig of "JSHII what even are you" that adds to the dish. Good on you, Destrustor.
If you say that I've advocated "apathy and stagnation" then it's proof that you haven't read anything I've posted. I've never posted anything even remotely like that.
In fact, if those are your interpretations of what I've posted then you probably have no intention of reading what I've actually posted.
What I've seen is countless people urging the creators to step up their game, to either live up to their own promises or offer the readers a clear point of closure.
They have raised valid complaints and justified concerns about the comic's future.
You have only made redundant blind praise and empty rebuttals, and pleas for everyone to leave this comic for the oh-so-terrible crime of wanting it to flourish like it once did.
Let me make this clear: The people who complain about the current state of things do so specifically because they still care about it.
I do not hate the comic; I just hate to see it dying like this. I complain in the hopes that doing so will provoke a change in the current direction.
I still love this comic, and I want more of it; which is exactly why I'm dissatisfied with the current situation.
It's possible to love something yet still find faults with it.
Your advocacy of apathy and stagnation is doing more harm to this comic than anyone's complaints.
Doing anything else would be too hard.
No, that would take too much effort.
I also don't see how saying "if you're not happy just leave", which, in this situation, is functionally indistinguishable from saying "just let all the readers abandon the comic instead of fixing the glaring problems at hand" to the authors, is helping anyone in any way.
Flame the comic = good
Flame the authors = good
Flame the artists = good
Point out that the person doing the flaming has never actually done anything to help and doesn't need to come back if they hate the comic that much = is the problem
I want to thank the trolls for proving me right.
He was decent before.
Filling page of JHSII vs world is not completely useless : it pass time, can be agreable in a weird masochistic sens, fill our flat lives with misplaced righteousness
And mainly,
we cant let someone be wrong or agressive on the internet
I just want to see something done about this slow death before I actually lose interest for good.
What I said specifically, and the logic I used was "If you no longer like the comic, then no one is forcing you to come here."
If it's "just wasting everyone's time", then why are you still here?
I do believe that the people who complain still like the comic, which is why they even complain in the first place; we want to see the comic stay alive, and we're doing what little we can to try to shake things up, if only to precipitate some kind of closure.
I am personally close to doing just what you suggest and leave, but I still have hope for this comic, which is exactly why I feel the need to complain about the glacial pace; This comic is dying and something needs to be done before it's too late.
And it needs to be done on the creator's side; I hope I don't need to remind you that having people offer their time and skills to sustain this comic has already happened once, and we're right back to square one in regards to that.
It shouldn't be the reader's job to live up to the creator's promises. It's not a solution.
The logic of "most of the people who can't help need to just leave, and those who can help should shut up and do it" just means that no one has any right to complain about anything ever. I don't agree with this. I still like this comic enough to keep checking on it, but I don't want to see it continue to wither like this. I have nothing of use to offer to this, except my voice as a reminder to the creators that their audience is slowly dying like their comic.
So I'm complaining right now: Something needs to be done, and it's the sole responsibility of the creators; shape up or pull the plug, because this is just wasting everyone's time.
How much 'help' would actually do any good, and would they even listen?
Flame the comic = good
Flame the authors = good
Flame the artists = good
Point out that the person doing the flaming has never actually done anything to help and doesn't need to come back if they hate the comic that much = is the problem
Yep, that about sums it up.
Nobody's forcing you to come here.
So, for any sane person that says the project is off track. If you're shouting down people who note that fact, then you are obstructing the actual helpfulness - in this case, constructive criticism - that you claim to want so much.
If the authors are so horribly upset as you are at this audience feedback, they can turn off the comments section on a whim. That they haven't says they aren't.
"If the people who once liked the comic now hate it - and they've proven that they do by their posts - then they can do what I did with the comic that became insulting. They can delete it from their bookmarks and not return. It wasn't - and isn't - that difficult to do. Let the rest of us enjoy the comic."
"As for this comic, people like you complain a lot, but I have yet to see any actual effort at helping with anything."
Nona Reverse (that%u2019s me!)
"If Dypen threw Finx, Eldhin, Zurie, or Rallut in the last panel, they could work it into the story and move things along. The last hundred pages morphed into filler, so the amount of disruption it will cause might be offset by the opportunity to derive drama, and create a plot-heavy moment for at least a couple strips."
I%u2019ll think of something original to add, eventually. Give me a minute, please?
I follow a number of comics. One of them, which used to be funny and updated every week or two, became decidedly less funny as the author has chosen to take the comic off on a bunch of anti-American ranting. It stopped being funny and started being insulting. So, what did I do? Did I harangue the author with a bunch of insults and criticisms and complaints? No. I simply deleted the comic off of my bookmarks - and I haven't been back since.
Another comic that was usually updated every week had a strip in mid-December and then nothing for months. In late April, the author posted on the comic blog that he had been busy, but he had several months worth of comics to post. A new one would go up every couple of days. About 3 days later, the next one went up. Then nothing - up until about a week ago. Now, are there a lot of complaints and attacks posted to the author on his blog? No. The people posting are generally supportive. We know his life isn't based around the comic. I still generally check his comic every day, because it's in the bookmarked list of things to check, and I do await the next posting.
As for this comic, people like you complain a lot, but I have yet to see any actual effort at helping with anything. Chris, Alexander, and Jordan stepped forward - and the people most who complain the most didn't.
If they don't like the pace of the postings, then how about some offers to help? But no, that would take too much effort, wouldn't it?
I stand by my original statement. Nobody's forcing anyone to come here. If the people who once liked the comic now hate it - and they've proven that they do by their posts - then they can do what I did with the comic that became insulting. They can delete it from their bookmarks and not return. It wasn't - and isn't - that difficult to do.
Let the rest of us enjoy the comic.
In the last 12 months there have been 15 comics total, and this is being generous and treating filler as full comics.
Compare to, say, Our Little Adventure (another OotS-inspired comic) which put out 61 comics in the same period of time. That works out to a little over one comic per week, so it's not like it's on a particularly aggressive publication schedule, yet that author is still four times more productive than this team here.
I assert that it is time for some philosophical questions to be answered definitively; questions such as "why bother continuing AH when the story will never reach a conclusion?"
One thing I know for sure is that getting mad at people who are interested in the comic but understandably frustrated by the glacial publication schedule is not a route to a resolution of any outstanding issue.
They still can't answer why, since they now hate the comic, they still come here? I guess asking why they still come here to continually attack the comic is flaming them too.
Trash the comic, trash the authors, that's acceptable. Respond to those trashing and I'm the flaming troll.
Fair enough.
As for your precise question, you were answered, and ignored the answer. To sum up : somes critizise the slow pace, other the lack of update, other the lack of structure. any group has reason to appreciate the comic and vocalise what they thinc hinder it.
I call you flaming because you (now) attack the people, not the contents, are dismissive and come of as authoritarist. Descending on any negative comment, without clear description of why you are upset by them.
And, I do read entire comments. Of course, since I don't respond to each and every word and line in the comments, I guess you could read into my comments anything you want to read into them.
Assuming we're only halfway through the whole plot (and I would guess we are not halfway there yet), it will be another 46.7 years before the strip wraps up. If we're only 1/3 of the way through the plot, then the end of the story is scheduled to occur sometime around the year 2108.
There's the elephant in the Anti-Heroes(tm) room. Either step it up or shut it down, all this 8-strips-a-year stuff is doing is disappointing everyone who has any interest in the project.
Can you precise a bit ?
Nona criticize a lot, but offer what he think is a solution : dropping or delaying the filler and switching to a villain arc, because those character are richer and less used
Prowl is not a regular poster, so you cannot judge him on just that
The other since your last post did not critic.
On the other hand, you keeps flamming the commentor, with vagues, generic and insulting statement. While often only reading the last line of their comment ("proven" convincibly by anon)
they are always hungry"
(NWN, description of troll)
OTOH Dypen have probably reached the end of what Zara gave them (hence the filler and slow update) and cannot add there own idea for some reason. So there is nothing to release.
Am i wrong?
I still enjoy the comic, although a rewrite to concentrate, center it could be nice (except in the fact it would impede even further the progress).
Sorry for the wall

I love this

As for the commenter, my current theory is that Anon and JHSII are in fact the same person, or know each other.
Good to know you triumphed over this obstacle.
On the other hand,the current arc is a bit unstructured, maybe you could cut it earlier , add a skip and restart another with a clear (|sound) point?
Oh wait.
Secondly...oh my god. Jesus Christ. This is just deplorable. I've argued for a long time that this comic has been largely ripping off Order of the Stick (in terms of art style obviously and meta-humor) and doing a poor job of it, and have been met with vitriolic responses of "IT'S INSPIRED BY IT AND IT'S A HOMAGE THAT MEANS IT'S NOT SHAMELESSLY COPYING FOR THE SAKE OF POPULARITY!" Dr-oe, Dr-ow, po tae to, po tah to, but I digress. This isn't homage. This is directly saying "Hey, remember that comic that is much better than this one? The one we draw all inspiration from? Well, we can't really think of a joke right now, so let's just take an established joke from that better comic and let you remember how funny /that/ is by applying it here." This joke can't even work if the audience hasn't read OotS, and if they have then they know it's just not a funny joke. What the hell are you doing here?
Given its a comic that was directly inspired by OOTS and the last time I can remember Banjo being mentioned was over well 100 strips ago, I think your comment is entirely unjust.
Admittedly however it is filler and has been for a while. I maintain hope that the webcomic will pick up again when the authors have returned to the main plot. As they mention they are attempting in the authors comments