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Don't Go Toward the Light
posted by Jordan on 2008/9/30 (Comics)
I'm bad at this whole update thing, aren't I?
Anyway, I was tempted to make a reference to Michael and the Jackson Five for issue #123, but couldn't find any room for it. Oh well.
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“Eldhin can just cast Heal”That is if he has it prepared. He seems the type to favour combat spells, if you ask me. He may be relying on spontaneous casting to provide him with healing if he needs it.
“Who needs bonus exp when you can cast 9th level spells?”
You can never have too much XP.
It's not like there are never any battles that don't include Aldran either.
And ps, it's : Don't follow the lights!
You know you're epicly badass when... you can waste Time Stop duration to mock your foe behind your back.
Now blinded, Eldhin has only his (meager) Listen skill to pinpoint Aldran's location. From now on, this fight's going to start to swing even more in.... wait. Eldhin's a Cleric with access to at least 8th-level spells...
He can just cast Heal.
This fight still ain't over by a long shot...

BTW, treis ellines, not duo. Ego eimai apo Athina, Koukaki.
Keep up the work.
Hey Vorag, apo poio meros eisai?

Also, Time Stop is overpowered.

Sunburst. Nice. Battle of the non-core spells, eh?

neat trick, and sneaky the way i love it