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Must Have Been Count Chocula
posted by Jordan on 2009/5/4 (Comics)
Holy CRAP.
Holy crap, it's been a while, hasn't it? Yeah. Far too long. First of all, let me totally apologize for my sudden disappearance. I... really don't have a good excuse. It all started with being sick right after Easter, and from there just went totally downhill. No, it wasn't swine flu, but rather a combination of writing final exams, being stuck with writer's block and having to move out that just sapped any will I had for doing a comic. I felt bad about not updating, and I got a few emails from those asking if I was alright. Thanks for the concern, everyone, but I can assure you all that I'm fine. I guess I just needed a break for a while to recharge my batteries. In any event, I'll thank everyone for being patient enough to bear with no updates for a month and with my general selfishness, but that's in the past.
So here's a comic for today (technically this is tomorrow's update, but I'm doing it early since it's been so long), and I'm hoping this whole regular updates thing can continue for a while at least...
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Welcome back!
And welcome back, Jordan.

Really nice that you've done all this work for our entertainement.

Hmmmm.... I wonder how much longer the Wizard of Oz Costumes and Plot will be going on....
If the gnome tells them to kill a witch and then come back, it'll be perfect! XD
Heck, Zurie could even be referred to as a witch... who knows, maybe she's allergic to water too?
EDIT: Nevermind, we saw her bathing I think... too bad.

it's great to have u back zarah. anti heroes lives again!

And an awesome comeback! When he said "This changes everything", I thought he was actually gonna pay Aldran. But his reaction was so much better. Now I want to know what the prophecy has to do with the scroll, if there's any relation
Anyway, you take care, Jordan! I'm glad to see you back, and don't worry, everyone needs to take a break once in a while. I hope your newly recharged batteries work OK!

Thanks for the awesome update, too.
haha How I've missed the witty titles.
(People say stuff like ^ all the time, but there's really no predicate...)
Love the direction the plot is headed. This should make for an interesting story arc, whatever it leads to.

A bet!

Great comic. It's hard to take Lana too seriously holding that balloon though!

j/k seriously though, I love the latest turn of events and so glad to have anti-heros back!
This explains how Lana turned into a Vampire! And it was a bet!

And dont worry about being late, Real Life is more important. Besides, all the best web entertainment takes time to update. Red vs Blue hasnt updated in months - they make Rich Burlew looks like Speedy Gonzales!
Other than being a smart-ass I'd like to say welcome back and thank you for a wonderful plot-revelation

And I like it how the bet was based on her becoming a vampire. I feel it explains some of the early comments some of the characters made. And why he hadn't already collected his money

everyone deserves a break every now and then.
@ Salokcin: Now I feel bad for only checking every 2 or 3 days

i just got the title
...awesome. Good to have you back.
But its also nice to have you back updating.

Xykon found his Cloister headband in a cereal box too, didn't he.