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A Crushing Blow to Morale
posted by A on 2012/4/19 (Comics)
All those plans just crumble away to nothing...
NEXT WEEK! Your favorite minor character makes a comeback. Betting and idle speculation here as to WHO?
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Did not see that one coming.
Robert, thanks for the support!
Ertai, the reason behind us taking over was Zarah's schooling preventing his ability to work on the comic. We have used up all the plot he gave us. He will be writing up more of the next set of story for aldran and co when he is able, ie, summer. I am just as eagerly awaiting that as you all are! I get spoilers!
Thaxan, CLOSE! very very close....
Night Templar, I am thinking of running a Quentas short storyline, need zarah's approval first. He is quite awesome though!
Also, I'm betting it's Quentas who's returning. He's barely done anything, but he's already been established as awesome.
Honestly, I'm not as big a fan of this as I once was, but theres still the occasional gem worth reading it for. If you really dislike it that much, just stop reading it dude. These guys put effort into trying to keep a project they love as much as you did going, and I think they're doing a good job
I smell a certain Lich Illusionist in our future...
(Besides, if a rock did land on her, she could just fail her Spot check and refuse to acknowledge its existence. Hurts less that way...)
Also, it appears Andil took the "break a leg" suggestion a little too seriously. Hah

Think the Goblins are just being insulting for the sake of being insulting!