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One Way to Ruin the Moment
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/31 (Comics)
It's really amazing how diligently I can work if I already have the entire scene mapped out. And considering I've had this scene (and accompanying punchline) planned for months now, I'm amazed at even my own work. Hopefully I can keep things going at a fairly steady pace now that I'm back in writing territory that I already have planned well in advance.
And, as always with this comic, the twists and turns never stop coming.
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Um.... I was kinda paying attebtion but now looked through sokme of them.
Do they all have a Big Panel?
Crowning moment of awesome, anyone?
The only thing I don't get is how Morty got them all together and convinced them to listen. Maybe I missed something.

Good to have maybe 1 more comic b4 i leave to France. XD
And that line in Croc Dundee made me lol.
You cant't say that here or you'll be lynched by the mass

Glad to hear your back in the swing of things Zarah

And since nothing ever goes well in this comic, they are probably gonna team up to kill Aldran.