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Always On The Move
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/14 (Comics)
Just a heads up for everyone: I'll be heading home for a week, which unfortunately leaves my comic-making here at school. I have one more comic already made and ready to go, which I will update on Tuesday with, but after that it's anybody's guess. I have some ideas for some filler material that I can use for Thursday and Saturday, and maybe even get a guest comic up or something. Either way, I'll try to update something on those two days, but I figured I should just let everyone know that it could be some filler material.
In any event, enjoy today's comic and I'll see everyone on Tuesday.
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I just noticed that his face was actually darker than his "body"

For the same reason, he put red and blue peircings all over his body, which we have mistaked as Ivory Veil Symbols. The grayed shape is a burn which he put on himself, as he is also a Satanist and worships the devil by branding himself and drinking blood.
He knows Aldran's name because he is his next target for branding and Aldran is scared of him because.... well, aren't you?

That isn't necessarily a shirt! It is his skin!
See, the druid just has a slab of fat which bulges slightly over his pants/skirt. It is also slightly darker than his face because he went to the beach and started applying sun screen only to find out that he only had enough for his face. Nevertheless, he still stayed outside a got a Tan everywhere but his face.

Because it actually made me lol...
even a fireball would be a waste of resources...
(Founder of the Zurie and Laris fanclubs... Still waiting for it to catch on...)
Also, a bigger question for me than rankings in this strip is... what happened to Laris? Anyway, this was great (as usual)!

My Theory: the colours are the ranking system of the IV. Back in #100, we see Eldhin w/ 3 gold dots (highest possible rank), a Captain w/ 2 red, 1 gold and 3 soldiers w/ only 2 blue dots. #141 we see Zurie w/ 3 gold, and another captain. So really there are 9 ranks (1xblue, 2xblue, 3xblue, red2xblue, blue2xred, 3xred, gold2xred, red2xgold, 3xgold). So this gy is 2 ranks below captain.
We can onli tell what captain is and what grand marshall is... not much data to other guessing
As speaking of Quentas... he is probably another multiclass... Druid/wizzard, it seem all veil marshalls are... Perhaps Rallut could even be a paladin but I do not´t belive so... Zurie could be Bard/paladin... plates could be sexy if made right
So now we know the symbol of every division except Rallut division. It could be good if you could tell us in the extra what are the ranks in the ivory veil too because that druid isnt a captain but hes probably close.
Also when he revealed his uniform it was obviously meant to be a big deal. Which is probably also pointing to him being Ivory Veil
Ha ha, if that's the case, then the crow WAS a spy from the Veil!
The women here
have a different separating line and red and yellow dots. I would expect there is an entire system of rankings with associated symbols within the Veil.

This was a pretty good comic... I think Aldran should smoke him anyways... even though he has already sent the report... It would eliminate a somewhat powerful enemy who although inferior to Aldran, has shown himself to be able to take both, Lana, and Laris without too many problems...
No, my money says that this guy is with the evil deity that Aldran told the nameless mook about in the earlier pages.
Although i still dont think he is Quentas - he just said he had sent back a message to his "superiors"; from what we was seen of Zurie and Eldin I doubt a fellow Grand Marshal would have said such.
Maybe "compatriots", "my forces", or perhaps "my associates" but not "my superiors".