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posted by Jordan on 2010/1/22 (Comics)
A little lighter on the humor side this time, but some necessary plot to get out of the way. Things are heating up down in Tydaris, and they're only going to get hotter.
Unfortunately, the next update won't be until next week. Enjoy this in the meantime and good luck with your crackpot theories!
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Apologies accepted. Now let's keep hoping.

Also, I don't think anyone has said (in this discussion) that they are quitting, only that Zarah may not be coming back.
And let's face it, as long as the topic stays this civil, there's no need to bury our frustrations. Compare this discussion to the one in #204, and you may be astonished. Ironically enough, my position here is the exact same as it was on #204, so I'll here it is.
While I don't agree with his tact, Little lamb ded isn't entirely wrong. As a college student I can certainly agree that it gets in the way, but this does not free anyone from the responsibility of being honest with his readership. If he says we'll get a comic on Saturday, we should get one of two things on Saturday: the comic or a message here simply stating that the comic won't be coming. The latter takes only a negligible amount of time to type.
I love this comic, and will continue to read it as long as Zarah makes it, but this lack of communication with his readership is simply inexcusable.
(I apologize if it came off as bad form to quote myself, my intent was not to exalt myself merely to relate a still-relevant opinion).
I belief Ref's merely asking for us to trust Zarah to--eventually, be it tomorrow or a year from now--update. To have faith and just check back once a week or so.
Heck, I read somewhere around ten webcomics. Very few of them update regularly, so I naturally don't refresh them that often. So, when I do, I'll either be met with a nice surprise (update), or go on as I had been before and wait 'til my next attempt at refershing.
A similar strategy works just as well for this comic. There was a massive gap, and a hiatus, but after that, there were updates fairly regularly...and now we're back to having a massive gap. It happens. We can't change it. So we live with it. The very fact that you're commenting on this page is proof you haven't truly given up; anyone who DID truly give up would just close the window/tab, and never come back. So, just bury the frustration. Don't be annoyed, just let it play out.
And rather than just rant i figured i would throw in my reasons why he is "irresponsible", and WHY i think we will NOT see an update.. since that was in fact what i was replying to.
Also included what kind of motivation that he may or may not have in continuing, so really based on observations.. he has none...
So yes Frustration
1) He doesn't do this for money.. So no motivation there. IF he was making money on this he woulda been dropped by whom ever was paying him in the first place / fired
2)He doesn't do this for personal fame/glory because if he did .. the only notoriety he is getting is a reputation as being someone that really doesn't care about his fan base, and shows that he is incapable of following thru with a plan ( a GREAT skill for future jobs eh!)
3) And lastly he doesn't do this becuase he enjoys it or loves the artistic merits of it. If he did he WOULD in fact update and follow his "passions" or at least update his fans that he built on this adventure.
So why he does this comic anymore.. I have no idea.. however it does reflect on his character more than he thinks and if this is how he conducts himself in future.. good luck asking people if hey want fries with that..

I'm kinda wondering what kind of person Arderas is--what gambit(s) would best describe his moves (Batman [can fail], Xanatos [probably won't], you get the idea), how many of the types describe what he is (definitely at least a Chessmaster with tints of Manipulative *@$7@%^, from what I've seen in this comic), like if he planned to be imprisoned (MyDeathIsOnlyTheBeginning), or if in order to ascend to godhood, he needs Aldran to kill him (Thanatos Gambit). Stuff like that.
I think that either Zurie is going to be playing a significantly higher role in the near-future (I'm not talking about "leading the troops"-type. I'm talking "key to the plan without her I fail"-type, the same kind of vibe I get when Aldran talks about Lana), or that we're *supposed* to think that, and she'll...well, continue to just be useless. (AKA, Red Herring. Be it by the author, Arderas, or both, meh, also not sure yet.)
...Yea, I know, that's pretty much the only two options, really, but the first is somewhat predictable, the second is becoming more popular, and I can't see Taking a Third Option (ideas?

So here goes one for me:
Arderas obviously struck a deal with Eldhin in some wicked kind of way and is using the mother as a leverage. Which means that their mother is still alive and we are probably about to see her sooner o later. And Arderas must have a hunch where is she hiding or where has he hid her himself, Im not sure on that hiding by himself part tho, because Eldhin pointed out that Arderas doesnt know, which now gives me the impression that Eldhin actually hid her. This might be the reason why those two are in a disagreement, because I cannot imagine anything else than a family tragedy that could split up two brothers (maybe even twins?), but Im basing that on my own family relations. Of course, if Aldran screwed Eldhins gf at any time, that would make a lot of sense too.
So, we now have an imprisoned Aldran, on purpose, surely. He wants to get to the library for the charts and the location of the island where his father bound Arderas to his little cage. Then I expect some kind of "Pirates of the Carribean" journey into nowhere, or somewhere, where that somewhere cannot be found (Im getting lost in the somewhere's now, some OOTS somewhere and nowhere paradox apparently...) But Im just thinking big here, no details about the pressing matters of the imprisonment and stuff. Im sure that Keriss would be able to break free of her chains without sweating Kaal has also the anti magic bracers on his ectoplasmatical body? Wtf?
Anyway...feel free to comment

They almost all express their unique opinion, and most of those opinions speak virtually nothing but positive about you.
For the most part, the advice is basically saying "continue", "go on", "don't quit", etc., but in its own unique way.

Another one of the universal opinions I'm witnessing...
Is comprehension. Understanding what you're going through.
We all know what it's like (well, most of us probably do) to go through some sort of tough time.
Work, School, School AND Work, death of someone you're close to, etc. Things happen, and we can't stop them--but we can relate to them.
Hence, I think almost everyone here is going to agree when I say that you'll always have our support (no matter your decision--although I think we all know that we'd prefer you continue...

Sure, some fans will die off, killed by inactivity. But others will replace them.
So, take your time. Do whatever you think is right, and I'm sure you'll find very little objection.

--Also, side-note, but commenting on here would probably do loads to help people.
A simple "Sorry, RL's a killer right now; won't update for a while, but not ending comic" or something along those lines, to, well, let us know that you're not dead, would be appreciated.

And while I respect FoE, I don't think giving up on the series is exactly necessary. I understand that it's been awhile but it's a good comic that I'm willing to check everyday regardless if new posts are months in between. I figure you post when you can, but I'll keep checking, everyday, even when you say the comic's dead just to make sure. I love this comic, sometimes even more then OOTS, and I understand that posting takes time. Regardless of how long it takes for the next comic, I'll be there when it comes up.
-Kyler, a loyal fan (:
I also read OOTS and Erfworld. OOTS in the last several months has started to annoy me because of the super irregular update schedule. Erfworld on the other hand has been releasing every 3-4 days at the slowest with either text updates (still a part of the story) or comic updates and have been thoroughly enjoying the frequent updates - so Erfworld has gone from my number 3 webcomic to number 1 - just by updating regularly (I prefer traditional DnD so I'm more inclined to OOTS and Anti-Heroes). But either way - no pressure, just thought I would share.
If you did this, then we'd know when to check it and wouldn't feel like we're left hanging.
I think people just get cranky when they don't get the rush of endorphins from checking something and finding an update. Certainly true for email...
I'd understand if your life is too busy/complicated to continue updating. Keeping up a comic like this and balancing RL ... well, it's hard. I'd totally understand if you just posted a quick message saying, "Sorry, show's over folks." I'd love to hear a quick synopsis of the remaining plot.
Although, it does get a little irritating when he says that he'll update at such-and-such a time, and nothing pops up at said time.
At this point, I am afraid that this has now become an orphaned comic and that the author is not going to finish it.
In fact, I am starting to suspect that failing to meet proposed posting dates is one of the running gags of this strip.
(Good comic though.)
What else to say?
Is it just this newest one, or all of them?
Updates Sporadically-ish. Maybe.
But a terrific comic and one of the better, if not the best, OoTS-alikes.

I look forward to the Ivory Veil diagram!
I'm absolutely loving the Aldran & Zurie dialogue; I really hope those two will be together (in one way or another) more in the future.
I take it 'next week' meant 'in a week'?
“Zurie doesn't seem like she would do something like touch Eldhin.”
Or so she says.



I'm betting Zurie is rogues and Quentas is either druids or spell casters in general. I've got no clue what Rallut is.
It's funny how the Ivory Veil is supposed to be good and all, but Anderas seems to be such a !@!^%@!$@&.
it's nice to establish arderas with some character as something other than just a laid back dude...