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The Great Outdoors
posted by Jordan on 2009/11/9 (Comics)
Alright. I apologize for disappearing for over a month. I'll admit, that was pretty stupid of me. So now that I'm back, allow me to comment on some things.
As most of you have probably already noticed, the main banner has changed. I'm ditching the Tues-Thur-Sat update schedule and basically going to an "update when I feel like it" model. The fact is, I can't keep a schedule anymore, no matter how much I try. Since that seemed to be a sour point that I continually heard about, I'm not going to promise any future updates anymore. I'll try not to disappear for another month, but I'm not going to say it won't happen.
Things pile up, and unfortunately, this comic is not a priority. It is and always will be a hobby of mine. If I could make a living from this and this alone, then I would take it much more seriously, but that simply isn't a reality, so it gets pushed to the back shelf a lot of the time. Not to mention, it gets more and more frustrating to have to be at work for eight hours, then come home and know that I have to work for another four to five hours on a comic or I'll have fans snarling at me for updates. Sometimes I need a break, and apparently, they tend to come without warning.
So again, I apologize. Thanks to the readers who have stuck it out, and I'm sorry if any of you have decided to pack it in. However, as I've said before, and will say again right now: Unless I explicitly say that this comic is dead, it isn't. I do tend to disappear for extended periods of time, but that's just me being a jerk.
Anyway, in short, I'm sorry for not updating, I'm getting rid of an update schedule, and here's a new comic.
Now, I have some sleep to get.
Add Your Comment
I'm angered.
Kidding. You're updating far more regularly than I ever could, so I figure that I can't complain.
Is that a thre...ooh look, squirrel? excellent comic.
Random is fun, thatnks for the update, most of us knew youd come back!
I'm guessing more LOL from the "good guys" Laris. I wonder exactly what Laris wants from them anyway?

and certainly, an interesting turn of events...
Anyways, I am genuinely glad that you do this at all, because of all the crap you've received for doing a free service to its readers, you still go on.

we are all happy that you let us read your work, 1 time a month or 3 times a week, in the end it's way better then 0 times a year
and your work is great

Oh, look! A squirrel.
Don't worry about the updates: I know many other web-comic artists that for long periods of time updated only every 3-4 week!
Random & seldom updates are good: the only important thing is that the comic won't die forever anytime soon! ^^
PS: Great comic as always

Nice to see the comic back

Thanks for the update

If you stopped by once in a while to say Hi (doesnt take 4-5 hours

Also, laughed out loud at "multiclassed to captain obvious" and "a squirrel just ran up your pants leg." Nice.

That being said, I'm glad to see an update. And one that has Laris in it, to boot! I'm liking the way fate clearly wants to thwart the Heroes ^.^
Keep up the good work (in the comic and elsewhere

Glad to see Laris back

(In all seriousness, take your time. As an engineering student and a stick webcomicker myself, I fully understand the stresses involved here.)

OMG, Laris with the rest of the crew! This has just took an interesting turn!!
On another note, thank you Mr.Goat!! Good to see you back!
Please don't leave us alone!!

So, in short, thumbs up!
Thanks for the update

Vampire squirrels?