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His Insurance Policy
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/20 (Comics)
Wow, what a weekend. I wanted this issue done on Friday, and I probably could have had it finished, but I was interrupted, and pretty much didn't have a spare moment since then. First, I hung around with a friend and went to the movie Friday night (more on that in a second), then had a wedding on Saturday, then had to work this morning at 6 AM, going on about 3 hours of sleep. Fuuuuun. So I sat down and forced myself to finish the comic tonight, and upload it.
Next topic: The Dark Knight. If you haven't already seen the movie, do so. Now. I loved Batman Begins, so I suppose I can be biased that way, but even putting the fact that it's Batman aside, it's still a very good standalone film. Heath Ledger's Joker is absolutely stunning, and I thought Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent was another good casting call. I would be surprised if this movie doesn't win an award in the future, since I'm quite certain that this will be the best movie I'll have seen all year. Even if you're not a Batman fanboy, see this movie. It's worth the money.
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2. One of the main characters has died.
3. One of the main characters uses a sword.
4. The MITD may be a balrog.
Why, Rich Burlew ripped it off completely and just changed the names.
1. V and Gandalf both wear robes and weild magic.
And who cares? It's awesome!
Especially the last panel... lol
I haven't been posting in a while causes i was on vacation.
Oh well, the 5 comics today made up fo it lol.
Kepp it up Zarah!
It has a paladin in it. Its a clear rip off of OOTS! OMG! OMG! I hate to break it to you but there are so many things in OOTS that have been ripped off from other books I have read. From LoTr, to many dragonlance novels. The genre only has so many ways to go with it.
"Watch me make this pencil disappear! It's magic!"
Either way, fan comics are supposed to reference their parent comic, it makes them funnier.
Stop being such a ****ing troll, and shut up.
Nice comic, Zarah. I liked the punchline at the end.

So, until now, we had the Miko/Belkar chase similarity, the cloaked Miko/Aldrin similarity, the white veil/azur city similarity and now the main charactor happens to have an opposite twin (surprise surprise!)
I wonder how long it will last for the vampire to loose her speech and for the ghost to find a female ghost that he leaves when he finds out she's still married...
But no, you are right, there are no similarities LOL
I'd love to see what you do with the Dark Knight there.