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Book Worms
posted by Chris on 2011/5/30 (Comics)
Good evening once again friends! I have for you now issue #222, my first time illustrating Aldran and Kaal. Though I have to say thank you for all the positive feedback that we received here for issue #221, it means quite a bit to have the approval of the fans that Zara worked so hard to earn over the years.
I'll do my best working with Leaking Pen, Zara and company to keep up a consistent schedule down the road, but for now enjoy our comic about a couple of lovable book worms!
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I'll send you an email. Maybe it would be better to have your bot check our RSS feed, which updates every time there is a new comic and is consistent.
Thank you very much. Looking forward for new pages!
Anyway, good job Dypen! Keep up the good work!
Love the idea of the two of them reading the whole library, nice break in the story pace!
“Why isn't my Gravatar working anymore??”
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Great comic!
Of course, now I guess I should go back and re-read the last 20 episodes so I can remember where we are in the story.

I think however that Aldran figure is a bit too high respect to the door and, above all, in his second panel his feet are emerging a bit too much from his figure, looking odd.
Second panel aside, you made a very good work with the books and maps.
Good work!

Your arms look a bit inconsistent though. I dunno why.