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He Knows She Knows He Knows
posted by Jordan on 2008/6/21 (Comics)
I'm alive! So, it's been over a week since my last update, and I do apologize for this. As was already stated by me on the previous comic, I've been pretty tired lately, and haven't had nearly as much time as I would like to work on this, but there was a third factor. I've had a sever case of writer's block for this little section, especially with the dialogue. Nothing I come up with flows the way I want it to, which may be kind of evident in today's issue. It didn't turn out as well as I would have hoped, but I really wanted to get something out, if only to try and conquer this blockage. Some of it is still lingering, but it's not as bad as it was. I'll try to get myself back into the swing of things over the next week or so and hopefully be on track (or at least close to it) soon enough.
I've also noticed there's been some talk of whether or not my comic is converting to fourth edition D&D or not, etc etc etc. Allow me to say this: I've never really been following much of 4e since the beginning, so I know very little about it, and I've certainly never played it. 3.5e is what I currently know, and it's what I'll be using for a while yet. If Anti-Heroes is "converting" to 4e, you can be safely assured that it won't be for some time, if at all. Frankly, I'd sooner see myself taking a stance much the same way as Rich Burlew, in that the comic world exists in a sort of state between editions, cracking jokes about both, and things entirely unrelated. So there you have it.
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However, I saw one or two people claiming that he's not violated the paladin code. Maybe they have a different code, but he's sure as hell broken the standard one! The first thing in it is "Respect legitimate authority". Such as, oh, the gatekeepers of a major city? It was made pretty clear that they don't have the legal authority to march troops into the city, yet he did so by force.

sigh... The serch for a 4e web comic gose ever yonder.
Get ya nose outta that book. This webcomic and so many others don't follow it 10% if not not even 50% or at all!
"s making people realistic is what it is.
*paladin slashes a few time with his katana*
* victim cries out in pain*
Victim : I'm of the (bla bla bla). I am a paladin!
Slasher : Oh sorry mate, I'm a paladin as well.
Victim : Oh well, no harm doen then. Say, shall we help some commoners for free while taking a break from our respective important assignments?
Thats just unrealistic.
One thing it mentions is that any two paladins from anywhere would see each other as comrades. I doubt that, for instance, Paksenarrion, Don Quixote, or Sir Galahad would look favorably on someone like Mr. Ivory Veil.
That's the thing, see: a paladin is supposed to be a Galahad, but more often they're (perceived to be) played as Lancelots - pompous, overbearing, petty, and divisive.
She knows that he is a vampire hunter, but she can't know that he knows she's a vampire.
Does this make any sense at all?
Look through all of history and you will find that this is more common than you think.
Just because you think you have (100/100) Lawful Good score does not mean that he has to be to maintain the LG rating (85/85) is all that is needed.
Also, I want regular comics again! I have 3 comics that update M/W/F, one that updates M/Thur, and and one that updates randomly. Now that AH is random, what do I do with my Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays? I'll just focus on appreciating the comic, I guess. It's well worth the wait.

In this strip, he actually didn't get on my nerves until "Stay out of my way". The rest seems like legitimate indignation about being interrupted and treated as if he was inferior.
Anyway, as far as I know she'd never played, but she heard about how people were playing their paladins and said, "That's not how a chosen warrior of the gods would act!" So she sat down and figured out how such a person would act, and wrote a book about her. As this was published twenty years ago, it's not exactly a new problem.
If I were to DM for someone playing a paladin like Mr. Ivory Veil, here, I'd have some serious concerns to bring up with the player. Depending on the circumstances and situation, I might let them continue as they were, but I'd still be worried.
You are, of course, free to disagree with me, as long as you don't expect me to agree with you when you do.
I don't know how many of you are familiar with The Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon, but this is the reason they were written. As far as I know, Moon had never played a game of D
Plz answer!!! It is bothering me.
Thx anyways!

Or is that plainly being a cliche now?
A Paladin's personality, much like every other character's, comes from his own beliefs and faith. A Paladin raised in a non-militaristic community worshiping the Sun God isn't likely to act like the Paladin of the Ivory Veil above.
On the other hand, a Paladin/Cleric raised up there in the mountains trained to kill all evil is less likely to be nice to you. If at all.
And now, to drop my own attitude, guys, it's the Paladin above is an antagonist. If he was all "goody-goody", as people often make fun of my favorite class, we would've been calling him gay, stupid, or whatever. Zarah gave us an interesting character that can actually pull his own weight.
Now, that said, this is an excellent comic. Keep it up, Zarah.
Someone agreed with me!
You are the man dallas!
But really, what is wrrong with this comic?
I agree with Waffle that the ironic "rude Paladin theme" is funny.
This reminds me of all of those Miko-Haters on the OOTS forums (who hated Miko simply because she didn't fit their description of "Paladin").
Grow up guys. Paladins are people too, not some Almighty Presence like God.
P.S: I would be mighty happy if someone agreed with me again lol.
Second, I think people may be taking the whole "mean paladin" thing a bit seriously. There's irony in having a rude paladin. Irony is humorous, and this is a humorous comic. I can't help but think that this author was just making a humorous character, and not trying to further some secret "anti-paladin" agenda.
Zarah is working his ass off to make these comics for us!
So shut ur traps (especially those with a very formal text) and enjoy!
On a side note: whine/ I want my 3 comics a week/ end whine.
Please don't stereotype all (or even most) paladins. *points to Hinjo*
As such they don't have to act like a saint, thats what the saint template demands.
Although I can see the hunter being quite a thorn in the partys side.

2. Crusaders. Spanish Inquisition. Witch hunters.
3. That, that there, that thing he displayed? That's called "personality". People have them.
4. I think this one needs stressing again: Just because you're Good, doesn't mean you're nice. House from House, Dean from Supernatural, Constantine... Damn, I should have more examples than this. Anyway, you can still uphold Good without being a particularly good person. And to say that a Paladin ought to be like Christ to be believable is ridiculous... I mean, everyone knows He was a Favoured Soul ;P
I really don't know what you are complaining about... this one is great in many ways... I like how it shows how conceited are palladins in their "we-are-the-good-so-don't-even-look-at-us-if-you-don't-want-any-troubles-with-our-superior-and-superb-superiority" attitude and I definetly like the vampire-hunters dramatic monologue in "to be continued..." style - absolutely looking forward to another page
Paladin's are typically portrayed as holier-than-thou in attitude, sticks in the mud, burning at the flaps to lay down some smite-evil over any bread-thief and lash out at anyone they don't like as long as they have an evil aura. I've run games where the Paladin thought it was okay to start a war with a neighboring nation because a lieutenant leading a cohort from that nation had a slightly evil aura.
Ergo, the Paladin tagline of "Lawful-Stupid"
He's a man, man!
Wait. You mean, most in a certain setting, or most on the internet? Because the latter doesn't really seem like a good reason at all, and I'm not sure it's the case.
I also support Zeku doing his own web-comic if he dislikes this one so much. It's very obvious his high-and-mighty, "you're all stupid" opinion isn't that welcome here. Being that he is an expert, I'd like him to point out the great literary works he's created, so we may compare them to anti-Heroes.
In addendum: I thought Zarah was a girl :?
And just another thing- drop the official language. gets boring to read. this is the reason people fall asleep during lectures.
Zarah has original and likable characters. They draw you interest, and they are at least fun to read about. Besides, I think most of the paladins have a "I-do-good-and-you-don't-so-keep-out-of-my-way" personalities. This is why I never play paladins. They're annoying.
Um... yeah, okay, Zeku. You don't know Zarah in the slightest, and that doesn't describe him in the least way possible. There are a lot of "fight the machine" idiots in the world, and he surely is not one of them. You certainly don't need to be lecturing him on how to form a story, a character, or a dialogue, much less when the formula of which you're speaking can be learned in any basic high school English class. It's especially true for Zarah who can make a character and a story about as good as anyone I've ever met.

I enjoyed the comic. I'm sure Zarah's quite aware that the paladin doesn't fit the stereotypical format, and I'm positive he has a good reason for differing (although I've always perceived most paladins as extremely self-righteous and condescending anyway).
and a grumpy Paladin.
We're allowed to like his Miko-style paladin if we want to.
The fact that the juvenile nature of this character doesn't instantly raise some questions about the author's perception of moral authority can only be explained one way: the usual passive-aggressive rebellion typical of all teens / tweens.
Some advice, don't write about things you're still angry about: it's going to sound really stupid a few years from now.
Seems to me, running for it is already Lana's plan.
If I were Lana, I'd put as much distance between a vampire hunter as I could. I mean, eventually he would've figured out. Not sure how he already knew. Don't know enough about rangers honestly.
We don't know what the Ivory Veil teaches to it's initiates. Every sect of a religion teaches different things, and maybe being a jerk is on their list?
I wonder when Lana figured out he knew about her subtype?
Respect legitimate authority
Act with honor (Examples are no lying, chating, and using poison?)
Help those in need (Provided it's not for evil or chatoic ends)
Punish those who harm or threaten innocents.
I'm not seeing any infractions and, even then, the paladin only falls if it's a gross violation.

Oh, and Zeku - she's the author, not you. Regardless of guidebooks - many people play paladins differently than what guidebooks and popular literature show. Hubris and self-importance leaks in to every role in life. Be it a paladin, a priest, or a webcomic heckler. It may go against the basis of what Paladin's should be, but I see alot of Catholic Priests, and U.S. Armed forces members that fall very far from what their guidebooks tell them how they should be.
But for those of you who say the Bard knew all along and he is tricky, I think you should re-read the comic.
He stated out loud that he was Vampire Slayer!
That is about the least tricky thing he could of done.
So no, he is still a moron in my book: even more so because at least if he didn't know that Lana was a vampire, he has an excuse to say he is a Vampire Hunter.
Anyways: Thx for makin my day Zarah!
XD at "You don't have to be a jerk about it. Even if you are a paladin."

Paladins are so arogant... even in the D
Tricky bastard, that vampire hunter.