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Together Again
posted by A on 2011/8/25 (Comics)
Aww, Aldran, being nice to Kaal? What's your angle?
Just a reminder, you can find us on Facebook. Hope you've all enjoyed the ride so far, we'll be finishing up this story arc and then peeking in on some other familiar faces coming up soon!
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That is neither here nor there. Typical DMs merely represent statues with a simple drawing or a figure from their collections. Not an accurate portrayal at all. The players would have no way of knowing whom the statue was a reference to, if at all. The mere fact that it is a statue makes it a trap, which must be smashed or fireballed in an amusing manner before being checked for rubies which once served as eyes.
I've been reading the comic and I enjoy it a lot. If I may make a comment about the switch and smoothing it a bit...
I've noticed that now the comic uses all capital letters for stressed words, but I cannot remember that ever having been the case previously. Before, stressed text, to my memory, was done with bold text. I think using too many capitals is rather jarring and also doesn't seem to flow as well.
Other than that, good job and keep up the effort. I'm sure the work will improve more the more you become accustomed to it.
Correct so far?
So why in the name of the Nine Lords of Hell, the DM-Knows-How-Many Lords of the Abyss, The Godhead of Celestia, the various powers of the Astral Plane, and the Lady of Blades do the PCs not blast the statue?
It's a STATUE! If there is a statue, the DM is always up to something nasty. It could animate, it could be a golem, it could be a trap, it could shoot Maximize Empowered Heightened Fell-Weakened Scorching Rays out of its eyes! As a DM, whenever there is even a RAT STATUE in my dungeon the PCs know to smash it on sight.
Anyway, this is just something to think about. I don't mind Kaal as he is; I'm just not sure what to think of him at this point.
Just my 2 cents.
Forboding anyone...
Also, for those bashing Kaal, please, go back and reread the first few dozen comics. He has a lack of processing power, no imagination, and does stupid drunk jock in college stuff. But he's not an idiot, and can figure things out as they occur. He's the bumbling idiot. He's only REALLY stupid when its FUNNY.