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Liberty White
posted by Jordan on 2008/7/17 (Comics)
Once again, I apologize for my update tardiness. I was stupid and managed to waste all the free time I had on my extra days off by playing Civilization IV instead of working on this. Curse you, Sid Meier.
Anyway, on the subject of today's (rather late) issue. The title comes from a jar of paint I found in a local store a few weeks ago. There were so many different shades of white with ridiculous names, but I think "Liberty White" really just takes the cake. There's stretching words to make them fit in a certain context, and then there's "Liberty White."
As for the content, I don't think this issue comes as much of a surprise to many people. Most people I saw assumed it was Aldran's brother in issue 100 and onward, but for anyone who had their doubts, here's your proof.
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Now, I have a question for the more Internet-savvy people out there. I'm trying to advertise for a website of mine, but I don't know how. Its a fantasy based story that updates like a webcomic. My problem is that I can't find a decent way of advertising that doesn't involve pay for "pay for clicks" which I'm not doing. I've posted "advertisements" on various forums. Anyone have any suggestions?
Also, I guess while I'm on the subject, the site is
[QUOTE=Rawhide;4563492]The problem is with DNS propagation. Many DNS servers will have the old IP address cached.
I haven't had much sleep, so I will let this site explain:[/QUOTE]
Maybe this was your problem as well FC?

Oh guys? Check out my topic I posted in the OOTS boards please.

YIPPIE YAY! *subtle note to send everybody back to the gitp boards while keeping track of this*
Err, anyways... good comic Zarah.
In OOTS news, I'm so excited to see the new book is out. I'm preording it ASAP! ^_^

I always pegged the hunchback as a stereotypical Igor-eque servant.
V-man! V-MAN!!! There, that's settled.
He looks too much like his master. I wonder what Roy's thinking.
But yes, that is most likely A flesh golem. With a element of Frankenstein-ish which Rich I added for fun I think. And yes, Celia is grappled by it in winow 8 and 12.
And not THE flesh golem, since the one who carried Roy is also, I suspect a flesh golem...
WHAT THE HELL DO YA HATE HAMSTERZ(What did they ever do to you?)!!!!!

Also as for plot twists go, I have to say I was one of the number who realised who it was, although confomation of theories is a nice change

Ps. It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!

Gah, awesome-allowance levels are dropping....
Or is it just the scent of a new reoccuring nemesis. So what's the current list at
The Hero's
The Paladins
The Vampire Hunter (Recently Vamped)
Boo the hamster?
A ninja cookie...hmmmm....

"oohhh.... and aldran is realy a fugitive paladin on the run from the ivory veil, and wants to tell the world all about their lies!!!!" - ninja
Of course. ^^

*eats V*
Nevertheless, my point stands: although Aldran's brother is in town to find Finx (likely to punish him for not reporting in for a while) he will very likely try to confront Aldran once he finds out he's alive.
Ps. I'm a centaur!

But the Grand Marshall's overall goal is to find Aldran, which is why he forced Finx to try and find him.
The Grand Marshall doesn't know that Aldran is in the city, but if he finds out, he probably won't pass up the chance to confront his brother. And I doubt that will be a pleasant meeting.

This made me a bit happy(Bit depressed with gitp down, so that's good!)
I thought you were throwing in a random villain.