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But Does it Have a David Bowie?
posted by Jordan on 2010/8/14 (Comics)
Blah. I was going to have this up yesterday, but alas, Minecraft. If you haven't already bought this game, do so. Before it gets more expensive. It's well worth the money. The only problem is you can't get a good feel for the game unless you spend the money. The free version has got nothing on the actual Alpha. However, do some research and you'll be able to see the differences. Once again, I highly recommend.
Anyway, comic! I don't want to sound too sure or anything, but... I think I might be back.
Add Your Comment

At this rate number of comments wil soon hit 1000

“I was just wondering this but how come the author of the comic pays less attention to this comic than his friends do.”
Maybe he's just busier with real-life stuff.
And 200!
It doesn't matter. The copyright notice isn't even necessary. Copyright, at least in the US, is automatically granted. It requires a work being released into the public domain for copyright to not apply. I think most websites use copyright notices to deal with morons who think if there isn't one that means that it's fair game. It isn't.
Is it really hope? Or is it just desperation?

“Can't help but notice that since my comment the comics copyright has updated to 2011.”
Actually, I was in Italy and without access over the New Year, so I didn't get around to updating it until I got a break from university.

“Jordan could set up a system where until he gets a certain amount of donations he does not make another strip. But that would require him to actually be paying attention to his comic, which he does not seem to do.”
@Jordan: if I buy somehing from the shop how many updates will we get. Probably a hoodie.

“If the copyright at the bottom of the page is only until 2010, does that mean the comic is up for grabs or something?”
Eh who cares, use it however you see fit.. not like he cares about the comic anyway so doubtful anything would happen since its abandoned. Would like to see someone actually put some effort into it again that cares
"You're argument is flawed due to there being Trolls about."
The author will get back to it when he pleases. Until you pay him to do it no one should feel entitled to anything from him xD
While I didn't suspect you, "what would I gain" is a pretty weak defense in view of the 5 or so trolls apparently just spamming here for the lulz.
up for grabs or something?"
No. Copyright lasts for 70 years after the author's death, regardless of what the notice on the page says..
“Sadly, it appears that Crazed was just making the whole buffer story up. The "Lack Of Time" excuse was also false, as the winter holidays are over and nothing happened. I think he likes the attention given to the website, but lying is not the way to do it.
I wasn't lying about anything. What in the world would I have to gain by lying? I'm just telling you what I know. I can't whip Jordan into action.
up for grabs or something?
I mean, it won't continue the story, but at least we'd get some updates perhaps.
Trolls are the reason why all forms of forum require moderators.

That out of the way, while a lack of comics over the holidays is disappointing, I'd like to once again point to the definition I gave of "dead"--
It's "dead" right now, sure, but won't be forever.

*cue the troll coming in* (I'm assuming it's a single Troll until they can prove to me it's multiple.

This is Jordan Quigley's webcomic, not Sarah Palin's.
That is all.
Be honest, Crazed.
Ha! A real troll! Nice oxymoron.

2) Jordan, this forum needs an admin. It's got popular enough to atract trolls.
3)If our "precious troll(s)" think this comic is dead, why do they bother to put their comments here? So nobody would answer them?

"Please do not feed the trolls."
Happy new year!! xD
BTW this is a D&D- based comics. Random encounters with trolls on the forum should not be surprising. Melf's acid arrow, anyone?

Anyways, I'd like to wish everyone here a Happy New Years. If you've celebrated it already, you suck for being in the future. :3
If you haven't, well, consider this my greeting. Lets all hope that the new year brings us lots of new pages for this comic, too! ^_^
Anyway, have a nice New Year everyone! I'll be away in Venice for a week starting tomorrow, so take care and keep your eyes open for updates.

January - 6
March - 1
May - 1
August - 3
That's right people we have gotten a total of 11 comics this year. So about 1 per month...if Jordan posts today or tomorrow it would actually be 1 per month...
That might be a little too much to ask from Jordan though since he has taken a 4 month break. *sarcasm*
And if it isn't an Antiheroes comic, one of Crazed's Anti-World ones would at least give us a comic... (unsubtle hint)
But yeah, still waiting for updates, and hope everyone had a great Christmas. Here's to the new year, and hopefully 2011 will give us more comics than 2010. Because that would be awesome.
How not cynical of you Cynical Kid.

Crazed basically said what I was thinking was happening, that it was a demanding university/job/both. And gave me exactly what I needed: a comment. Also an apology, admitting that there was too much space without a comment. Which was nice.

I quite frankly was thinking that a new update would *probably* be given around this time, possibly by January 1st, but while it's nice, I am in no way expecting it, and understand the decision to wait. Crazed's posts were enough assurance for a year, quite frankly.

If he had a stock of comics, he would have posted them...and comic....
If he believed that what Crazed was saying was true he would have posted...and POST!!!
It is even more annoying having hopes raised and then killed all over again! Quite simply, I believe Zarah has lost willpower and interest. Crazed's reassuring are all great until no more excuse can be found...and Crazed isn't Zarah anyways.
Basically, I going to keep looking at this until the end of break but no new comic after that and I give up.
I am working on my Master's of Library Science. I am taking six credits per semester.
I have yet to meet a single person who had difficulty with the school work at university. There is less of it than in high school, university focuses more on the examinations than on the assignments.
What kind of university are you going to? I breezed through High School like it was nothing. How many credits are you taking per semester, or whatever system your university runs on?
“Plus, if it WAS highscool, their excuses would be the lamest crap ever.”
I'll let you in on a little secret, Amaretto: university programs, even the very demanding accelerated ones, actually take up less time from the average day than high school. The more you know!
I believe they are university/college students; not exactly sure which. But I am almost positive they are done highschool, since I am in my last year and this comic came up quite a while ago; the odds that they started this at the same age I was like 3 years ago is not impossible but is rather unlikely. Plus, if it WAS highscool, their excuses would be the lamest crap ever.
If the former, I'm greatly impressed.
“Have you talked to him at all? I mean its great to have some assurance that the comic might start having real updates again, but it appears that you don't know what is going on with Jordan either.”
I talked to him on Sunday, but as I said, until the semester is over (which is today) I don't get an opportunity to talk with him every single day. I know he was in the process of making more comics and I'm pretty sure he finished some when I last talked to him, but I'm not sure how many.
I believe Crazed's avatar is an ewok, not a dinosaur/hamster guy.”

“But I'm not sure if he has or not.”
Have you talked to him at all? I mean its great to have some assurance that the comic might start having real updates again, but it appears that you don't know what is going on with Jordan either.
I believe Crazed's avatar is an ewok, not a dinosaur/hamster guy.
... What? She's a vampire! The concept is a bit amusing at least!
By ze vay: Guys, seriously; what's the point of taking this off your bookmarks? It is a great comic, and I'm all for spring cleaning -- but let's be honest here. A bookmark, all in all, does not take up a gigantaphon of space on your computer.
Am I the only one that finds it really funny that Jordan still hasn't commented even after the amount of comments asking after his existence has reached a century? ... and a decade?
Crazed, question. Is your mini dinosaur/hamster guy going Chucky with a spear or a really big paintbrush?
Building up a batch of extra updates is nice, but I don't think that is necessary at the moment. Post at least one update and the fans will be back. ”
Well, building up a buffer gives some insurance against the months-long lulls that seem to happen.

[q]Hope both you and Jordan enjoy a happy holiday after exams are done.
Here's hoping that the new year isn't as rough for class schedules.[/q]

Heck, I think most of us would be satisfied with a rough pencil storyboard sketch to keep us inspired. (BTW Joab, I almost coughed up my coffee at the thought of a Lana pic sunbathing! LOL)
Building up a batch of extra updates is nice, but I don't think that is necessary at the moment. Post at least one update and the fans will be back.
And then even a weekly comment update as short as a tweet will keep the audience feeling that they matter.
Hope both you and Jordan enjoy a happy holiday after exams are done.
Here's hoping that the new year isn't as rough for class schedules.

“And I'm not buying it that there is no time in the average day for a quick post. Four months of ignoring the fans is not acceptable.
If one doesn't have time to post new art, that is one thing, but at least engage the fan base via the comment board, at least then they feel like they aren't being neglected. ”
Again, I can't offer any excuse for why we didn't post. It won't happen again.
I can assure you new comics are in the works. I don't know when they'll be out, but Jordan is building up his buffer of comics (in fact, I believe he has some already done).
“He posts an update every few months or so which means that he is only doing it when he feels like it, which is becoming increasingly rare. ”
Well, he does do it only when he feels like it, yes. Like I said, voluntary things go by the wayside when you're busy. I know when I get home after an 8 hour day in classes I don't feel like sitting down to make a comic; I just want to relax.
Jordan certainly wants to get more comics out, and I can understand why you guys are frustrated (remember, I read this comic too!) But the rarity of updates isn't from lack of caring; it really is from lack of time. Try to look at it from that perspective.
I'm sure Crazed means well, but the fact remains that Jordan doesn't really care about the comic any more. He posts an update every few months or so which means that he is only doing it when he feels like it, which is becoming increasingly rare. Which is sad, because it was a good comic and it leaves me wondering how it ends.
It's still in my bookmarks file for now, but for how long I'm not sure.
And I'm not buying it that there is no time in the average day for a quick post. Four months of ignoring the fans is not acceptable.
If one doesn't have time to post new art, that is one thing, but at least engage the fan base via the comment board, at least then they feel like they aren't being neglected.
If there isn't an update posted before the new year, I'd still be inclined to call this web comic dead or at least neglected long enough that most previous fans have forgotten about or stopped caring about it.
Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Please make more.
Crazed made a post and neither of them is dead! Huzzah!

My hopes have been somewhat reignited.

Oh, and to boot this is the 100th comment! Lucky me.

But apparently not quite
Please stop complaining
(not addressed at anyone specifically)
“I'd wait until a round six months before declaring it dead. I've seen a comic come back after seven.”
Ahem. Told you so...

I am so sorry that such a long time passed since either Jordan or I have commented. I had a double whammy of insane university honors English courses, and I'm just getting a chance to metaphorically catch my breath. There were times in the past few months when I went two weeks without talking to Jordan because our schedules were mutually exclusive, and I usually talk to him hours a day.
We both still care about this site, but unfortunately, when we get saddled with real-life work, the only place to steal time from is the voluntary stuff we do online. I used to have hobbies that occupied a good chunk of my free time. But now, they've fallen by the wayside. I think this is what happened to Jordan's updating of this comic, and if you are in a very demanding university or hold a job with ridiculous hours (or both!), I'm sure you can understand why things here have been slow.
Still, there should have been something posted here sooner, and I really am sorry for keeping you guys hanging for that long. I can't offer any excuse for not even posting a short check-in here. I also have been annoyed at great comics and projects that have gone silent; Jordan and I both know how you guys feel. Thanks for continuing to check the site for updates; we'll make sure such a long period without any comments doesn't occur again.
“This and the fact that even Crazed, who always used to assure us and who was responsible for the website, has also stopped responding leaves me to believe that this comic is dead. ”
As Jordan has always said, the comic isn't dead until he says it's dead. He's not dead, and neither is the comic.

*ahem ahem* Presenting the curious surrealist!
This fine category checks every day believing that someday, somehow, the author reincarnate Lazarus and either reassure, quash our dreams, or actually publish the next comic in the series. It doesn't actually matter which one it is -- they float around in oblivion, lost in the curiousity that sparkles everytime they click on the antiheroes link. Will today be the day?
And, if not, this just feeds their surrealist attitude in which the reality of the event doesn't really matter all that much.
Then again, how much would it really, truly suck if Mr. Jordan was struck by a blimp that had unfortunately caught on fire, was left with severe brain damage, and here are all of us bitching and moaning about his lack of appearance?
And who also knows that comics can come back from the dead.

And, hey, whadda ya know? More comments on this comic than any other, and lots of replies since mine. Heh. For people who declare the comic's dead, you sure have a lot of interest in it.
To answer Amaretto, I believe the author *is* too busy to make a comic. I know, all the claims that it doesn't take long have been said before, but quite frankly, it takes some time you might really not have, and there's also that mindset. You have to have a certain mindset to make a webcomic, and when that mindset is being swamped by real life, there's simply no way it's going to be strong enough to produce a comic. So, time constraints plus pressure, not a great mix for a webcomic. Do you know how many comics have gone on permanent hiatus due to stress? Too many, but the author of this one has promised a return.
As for why there are no comments...well, that, I honestly can't answer. It might be their choice to not comment regularly, because they prefer not to. You'd have to ask them. I personally disagree with this policy and think we fans should get some kind of reassurance at least every month, if not every two weeks. But, hey, if the author chooses not to, I'm not going to force them to.
I find that it's kinda nice to see the two extremes in this debate active even to this day. "This comic is SO dead, it's sososososo overkill'd dead!" versus "I check here every day! I have faith!" Sadly, I think 90% of cynicists are broken idealists. (In other words, I bet most of the people like me in the middle will stay, but most who're checking every day will fade eventually to the "The comic is dead" side.
Evidence to support this theory: a cynicist who wasn't once an idealist won't leave a comment, or if they do, it'll be brief. They'll never come back. A cynicist who was once an idealist will keep posting, and most likely mention having their faith shattered.)
Me, I like to think of myself more of a realist with a slight idealist lean, taking the optimistic route while acknowledging the pessimistic route.
So, where do you think you fall?
Idealist checking every day?
Realist who still has faith but doesn't check often?
Realist who has given up and left but hopes to eventually come back?
Or Cynicist, who says the comic is dead?

Just kiddin

Is this just me?

And I used to be a die-hard fan too, but now there is little to be a fan of...
Brian, you say that you think the author has been really busy. So too busy to post a single comment a week? I've almost done two long ones in under 5 minutes...Too busy to draw one comic panel (3 months/12 panels on average) a week? Too busy to announce that he is too busy for any of the above and that someone else should continue the story as comic, text, or even videos?
To keep up such busyness for 3 entire months is not only extremely implausible but probably also impossible, unless he joined the army or somesuch, which I again doubt.
This and the fact that even Crazed, who always used to assure us and who was responsible for the website, has also stopped responding leaves me to believe that this comic is dead.
It really sucks, as it was quite good, but neither the author nor the manager of this website give a crap about it anymore or even about their the fans' anxious minds. Those of you denying this death are only trying to convince yourselves....Why can I, a random guy who enjoyed this comic last year, take time to post something but the actual creator of the comic cannot post anything??? If he cared at all about this comic's popularity or his fans he would have given regular assurances or maybe at least one comic a month...Or et least had the decency to say that it is dead and run a quick contest to decide who should continue it.
I am just interested in this: does Zarah still go on OOTs and post? Or has he quit all of these things together?
I quite frankly have no problem with the updates. So, I'll continue checking back every couple weeks or so until the author says the comic's officially dead. If the comic's declared officially dead, *THEN* it's time for a fanfic.

However, I do recognize how many people, even long-time viewers, have begun to lost faith and many are removing bookmarks, leaving the site dead forever. It's sad, but who knows, maybe they'll come back, eventually.
True, the author's lack of comments has hurt the reputation. And, yes, a "sorry, still no update" in the comments here every other week or so would be nice to let us know the author's still around, but, well, we'll have to make due. I believe--short of an Author Existence Failure--the comic will continue. Perhaps not for three years, but eventually. And when it does, it'll become more popular again. The fandom will rejoice, and I will be able to smile, knowing I stuck through it, I stayed there and waited, becoming a long-time fan compared to almost everyone else, and if anyone comes back, I'll be able to say, "I told you so."
...But that day is far off. Not today, not for a long time. But eventually, eventually...
Everyone starts making fan-fiction to see what happens next, and the best writer continues if Jordan returns.
“I'm pretty sure there've been longer gaps between updates than this. No need to assume the series is dead yet, I don't think.”
That's all well and good, but whether or not the comic is dead is not the issue. A comic that is after a gap is okay, and there are many webcomics that have went on longer hiatuses before. However, what is happening is that it updates so rarely that the story gets killed.
What webcomic readers do is read a page at a time, usually one every three or four days. This is unfavourable and breaks the immersion, but it is how webcomics are so we just live with it. The longer the gaps between the pages, the less likely a reader will keep up interest. It is like reading two lines of Shakespere every several months. It might be a perfectly good play, but it isn't any good now because the flow of the story is broken.
At this point, I think even the author has lost interest in this story. I'm sure he intends to finish it "someday", but if one is drawing a page several months after the last one any inspiration one might have had is forgotten and wasted. With gaps this wide I expect any coherence to be lost in future updates as they become one-ofs rather than parts of a story.

On a side note, so far it has taken 7 attempts to enter this silly Image Verifcation. I guess I'm obviously a spam-bot.
notice the donation button near the bottom. lol
The more people look forward to the next issue, the more they are inclined to donate, which might positively impact the product quality as well.
I'm sure the author would say it's not about the money but I'd love to pay for his efforts if I'd had the assurance that something would come out of it. I could donate right now but there's still no guarantee there'll actually be another comic anytime soon.

"Oh Great and Powerful Jordan! Keeper of the Mystic Cube of Rubik, Guardian of the 64 Commodores, and Oracle of the Mighty 'Gax! Hear Our Prayers! We bring tribute of toasty Bites of Bits (the original ones because the Store Keeper was temporarily out of the highly sought after BBQ variety) and bottles of the (highly tasty) elixir gleaned from the root of the sacred beer tree in hopes of appeasing your Greatness and as your humble servants, we beseech you to bestow upon us your wisdom (or a comic update, or whatever you happen to have around at the time)."
Hey, don't laugh, this kinda stuff works for THIS dwarf, well, sorta...

I'll see if I can send some guys trained to deal with this over there... Only I don't know where "over there" actually is...

I wonder if we'll have an update prior to Halloween?

Not a lot of activity in the comic, either. Hmm...
Mesthinks the two might be related. I know! Talk more!

"I am the bone of my sword..."
This episode contains vanishing swords, is it possible this trick can be exploited in the inverse? Making swords appear out of nowhere! Beware the spontaneous sword, it bypasses all known armor, MWAHAHA!

Also the plot is thickening...
I'll eagerly wait for the next comics also if they will took months to come online!

Congratulations for Anti-heroes comic, it is one of my top list!

I didn't think that after only 2 weeks of not checking any webcomics there'd be more than 1 update here.
I have decided to avoid such long gaps in webcomic-checking in future. Catching up on all of them is taking some time.
However, one flaw: Labyrinths can be solved.

as refference for my previous post

Well given ho Lana became a vampire in first place one would say she would know the value of searching for traps correctly...
Btw On cast page Ralut is missing