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Bringin' Down the House
posted by Jordan on 2008/10/25 (Comics)
Whew. Sorry for the delay in uploading today. I was going to finish it last night, but got caught up playing LotR Online for far longer than I probably should have. Oh well, I still managed to finish it.
The next update may not be until Tuesday too, since it could end up being another double-issue. And I believe I have an assignment to do this weekend as well, so I won't have as much time as I'd like to work on it. Either way, here's today's comic.
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ALSO: The D&D wiki (well, one of them anyway, googling reveals at least three) has a bunch of homebrew stuff, including actual rules for being a DS. Apparently a DS needs such an immunity to do dramatic smashing-through-window scenes.

need new comic....
I also agree with the "Guestimate Plot-Need bonus," theroy. They have enough hit points to achieve the story. My psuedocalculations are an attempt to quantify those story totals by a person who sometimes needs to have concrete numbers.

although my bet is they have Hit points = Guestimate Plot-Need bonus.
I would take a guess that both Aldran and Eldhin are high twenties to low thirties, same level. Since they are obviously "PC" rather than "NPC" we assume they have more gold(and by this, better magic items), better stats, and more hit points per roll than the average character. Based on my hand-wavium calculations I would estimate that Eldhin has around 300-350 hit points and Aldran 175-200 hitpoints. This would give Eldhin around 10 hit points per level and Aldran around 6.5 per level, which is a perfectly acceptable range for epic level characters.
(Fighter/cleric- average (PC) roll of 6-7 with a 3 or 4 con. Wizard/cleric, average (PC) roll 3-5, with a 2 or 3 con)
This would probably give the correct amounts of hit points to damage recieved viewed in the comic, give or take a few tens of hps.
This is a seriously epic comic.

...Of course, we know he's stronger than that due to his higher-level cleric spells, and he also took a point-blank Sunburst and Empowered Fireball, just trying to point out that hit points aren't particularly hard to come by.
Also out of those, the level 32 option for Eldin makes sence considering he took 2 direct hits from meteor swarm at 20d6 damage each, due to the shear amount of HP you'd need to still be standing after that, but thats just my opinion.
Oh, and Aldran has no ranks in bluff, remeber?

I thought the dialogue suggested none of the Ivory Veil were actually Paladins, though...
From the Comic we confirm that he is at least level 21 because he can revive the dead as vampires. We know that has at least 19 wizard levels (1x Time Stop, 2x Meteor Swarms) and if the third Meteor Swarm wasn't a bluff then he has 20 levels.
We also know that he has at least 13 Cleric levels because he can use Destruction.
This means that he is a minimum of level 32 (19 13), unless he has dual-caster class levels. Wiz 3/Cle 3/Mystic Theurge 10/Wiz 6 gets him what I suggested above for a character level of 22.
Eldin on the other hand must have a minimum of 16 Cleric Levels (1x Stormrage, 1x Earthquake) and would make up the difference in levels in a martial class (explaining his higher Hit Point total).
Meaning that if they were the same level when they fought last they would have been a minimum of 6th level because Aldran didn't know about Eldin's Cleric training. However since this seems quite low for such an important duel I am guessing that they must both be higher level than I have suggested as their minimums, possibly Aldran has no Dual-Caster training and they are both in fact in their level 30's.
I personally believe that rather than being a Fighter, he would have started his career as a Paladin, otherwise why would he be in a Paladin group. But thats just me thinking out loud.
Sorry that this wasn't particularly succinct. Its just my theory on the matter of levels.
Eldin must not be very good..... Because he should be higher level than Aldran (right?) and still lost. Also, he has healing, so why not keep healing until Aldran runs out of spells? From my experience, Clerics can own Wizards if they are half-decent...
Love that line.
Long Time reader
First time writing
Great fan of your work!
...Of course, Ivory Veil isn't made up of paladins, so it's moot. Also remember that every OotS Paladin aside from Miko was cool.

“Was this intentional, or just a happy accident?”
Actually, just an accident. When I open the Illustrator files in Photoshop, it converts black to that off black. I was going to change it at first, but it's kind of grown on me, so I stuck with it.
“Was this intentional”got in there twice. :/
Anyways, nice new comic!
… so what happens to the airship?
I just figured out what it is about your style that seems different then any other OotS style author out there (in a good way). All of your lines (and your "blacks") are just off black! Look at the intersection between any line and the panel borders – it's subtle, but the difference is definitely there.
Was this intentional, or just a happy accident?
Was this intentional,

Also, it looked like Aldran was taking his brother seriously for a moment there, which suggests he has an at least partly legitimate reason for trying to kill Aldran. And I suppose that Aldran doesn't particularly want to kill Eldhin, since he had plenty of time for a finishing blow instead of the speech.

Another great comic, Zarah.