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Ladies Man
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/22 (Comics)
Vampires get a pretty cool deal. They hardly ever have to do any fighting themselves if they time things right...
On another note, the fifth season of Lost premiered last night. After watching it, my general opinion was "cool, but meh." It was definitely interesting, but after leaving on a note like the season 4 finale, it was hard for it to live up to the same level. On the plus side, it looks like we'll finally be getting some answers to the mysteries about the island. Of course, I've pretty much said that with every season, so I could be horribly wrong once again. I suppose only time will tell.
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I saw someone present the theory that Laris is a lich. There are two reasons why I don't think that this is the case: 1) we already have a lich in hiding 2) I am pretty sure liches don't have blood.
On that note though, it would be cool for him to be a werewolf or something like that. Can you imagine what he would be like with both werewolf and vampire abilities???
Perhaps he is a wereraven(or werecrow, whichever is more appropriate), thus can't become a vampire. Also, he might be that raven, which seems to have a high reflex save for a standard raven. Well, okay, it is a bit... absurd but, it still is possible. I mean, they live in an universe where ghosts can't pass through walls if they can't contact the other side!


Lana, Lana, grow a Sense Motive...
Reverse Twilight!
(Founder of the Zurie fanclub... And the vampire hunter fanclub.)
(Still waiting for that to catch on...)

Anyways, nobody has still solved my code!!!!

I worked hard on it and I expected better from you guys....

I'll post it again and give a hint.... to help you out.

lol. Good hint?

Pergon: Your right, I completely forgot he was a Bard. He wouldnt have to be a Wizard Illusionist after all. If Elan in OOTS was able to do it so could this guy.
But then I still think there are too many dam Illusionists in this story, its as if everyone has something to hide about themselves... Oh.
Pergon: Undead are immune to both nonlethal damage and sneak attacks, so him having already been a vampire seems unlikely. And the ability to fly still doesn't explain how he could track the crew through their rapid-fire teleports.
Bob the Ninja: Either Remove Curse or Remove Disease if you haven't become a vampire already, but the idea was that he was in no condition to down a potion or run for help. Once he transforms, Oblivion requires a contorted "Cure" quest and D&D requires a death/resurrection to get back to a human state.
Laris seems to be acting kind of strangely... For one, he wasn't exactly being subtle about "impressions in my neck" for quieting Lana down so quickly. Secondly, did he ever actually lie to her?
Most notably, "If I'm lying, then your bats can eat me" seems like a weird (albeit successful) bluff, or an admission that Lana could kill him without too much difficulty.
I still think there's a new plot-reason for his survival and tracking, but if not, I'm inclined to agree with Lying's theory.


So my prior theory of him dying was evidently incorrect, so he's probably drawn to Lana as his Mistress and is using some bardly disguise magic.
He should be a Vampire now, right. Lana says as much. And he pops out of nowhere, finding her although a great distance should between them. Now the theorie is...
That would explain the fact that he is here (batflight), why he isn´t one now and still quite fit and that his blood tasted like hell. He just disguises himself, using the illusions given ´him through him being a bard.
Please discuss this.