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Their Parents Were Hippies
posted by Chris on 2013/4/5 (Comics)
Hello hello! I say that's it's time we had another anti-HEROES friends and here she is for your enjoyment
My only question now is how the heck can I get MY dental plan to buy me a tooth like Keriss's
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The new issue should either be up later tonight or early tomorrow (Saturday the 13th). Take it easy until then

Also, out of curiosity, why LeakingPen2? Was there other leakingpen's?
Oh, and this is much more acceptable than the werewolf stuff. That was painful. I fear the return to that mess.
That isn't my view on the comic though. My view there is that the comic has an aversion to the "poison tooth" trope, however, adds little to the plot. But LeakingPen says that they haven't got to the main plot yet, so I'm still happy they're still actually doing a comic rather than leaving it entirely.
One thing I don't like about this comic: Those two last lines. I just don't think they really fit. Ok with describing what the "oldest trick" was, but I just don't like that line.
Also, why with all of the comparing to OOTS? Yes it was inspired by it, but it's been around long enough that you don't have to keep comparing the two.
P.S. I don't agree with Loki on the whole tooth thing. That's fine, and a nice revalation about Keriss. This scene's only real point is to reiterate that Keriss is a BAMF, and show the tooth to us. This scene is foreshadowing to be honest. The fault lies more in the fact that it took more than half a month to get to that revelation, and that is was too damn wordy in the end.
That's just me venting, ignore it, or take it into account as you wish.
And thus the tooth here makes equal amount of sense despite equal amount of lack of foreshadowing.
(I was curious on OOTS forum not because of the "sense" but because default DnD does not even seem to have an idea as a spell that can be canceled so is a rule change/homebrew addition with no foreshadowing, wondered how the DnD people would act)
And really, something to heal people is a totally reasonable thing to bring when you know you're going to be combating a powerful group of adventurers.
Of course, you are not completely wrong. The vampirism had two bits of foreshadowing before Malack showed it blatantly, and really, one of those didn't really hint that something was off. So yeah, I think that after a certain point Dypen can't be faulted for doing things that are let to pass by other comics. There's a lot of unreasonable stuff featured in comics that gets passed by because it's so widespread (wizards having access to every spell they need even though, reasonably, they'd have no spells left to prepare if they used divinations to try to figure it out, and they are usually caught off guard), so I don't think we should think any less of a comic for its flaws if those are common enough, unless we're also willing to judge comics wrong for other common flaws.
So, in essence, if a wizard prepares Control Undead once in a comic and it's on the day they fight an undead monster and it's okay because of other comics doing it, why shouldn't we let a lack of foreshadowing (something that is actually relatively realistic and necessary at times) pass by if it's common?
And Loki, it's a minor gag. It's not supposed to be a massive revelation, no, it's a throwaway joke for the purpose of more info later. Don't worry, be happy, and enjoy the ride! We aren't even cranked up to the top of the first hill yet.
Never before in OOTS history was it shown that a spell given could be canceled with a back door.
It is only an "ass pull" here and not in OOTS because of a bias that this is "not great comic". No one on OOTS forum complained.
The only thing I'd like to argue is that because he's saying "this comic KEEPS proving itself a shameful imitation of Order of the Stick" and not that it IS proving itself to be, it seems like he hasn't liked the recent comics for a long time.
Now that being said, if he continues to show up strip after strip, then yeah, he should probably just stop reading it if he's not enjoying it.
If you want more "valid" reasons to complain about the comic, though, I'd offer up the fact that the ending monologue was way too long and expository to sound "cool", since we already get a general idea of what the salesman was trying to do with the poison.
Also, the whole tooth thing, as someone else pointed out, appears to be an inversion of the trope where a tooth has poison in it. So really, it seems like it's mostly there as a little gag. The only alternative is that this quickly set-up scenario is meant to give her a reason for surviving poison later, and this one has to feel a bit like it's pulled out of nowhere because this is the only way of showing she can resist poisons other than it is having her just casually bring them up for no reason. Also, tieflings NEVER have any resistance to poisons at all simply for being tieflings. That's just not how the race works, and ignoring set D&D rules just so that she gets out would seem even worse.
I'm not trying to say "this is a great comic". I personally think it's good, but not great, and I just think some of your points aren't valid reasons to judge the comic as bad. You can have your own opinion, and it has its flaws, sure, but it really seems like your reasons aren't really looking deep enough at the issue.
She's also not being clever or smooth right now. "This is Free and this is Sample." Really, just going to threaten him? If you know you have the upper hand, pretend that the poison worked and let him take you elsewhere, only to overpower him at that time and steal whatever he's got on him and whatever's at his base at the time.
This is poorly executed, a letdown for a buildup and promise of random magic, and this comic keeps proving itself a shameful imitation of Order of the Stick. Antiheroes is also Anticlimactic, it would seem.

That was amazingly done.
I guess it also wouldn't occupy a magic item slot.
So, this guy has drow contacts, hmm? Interesting,,,
Lastly, I would totally drink that potion. Yeah, I'd pass out each time, but minty stuff is great.

Ps. those image verification work terribly, must write it like 12times...