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And She Wonders Why She's Single
posted by Jordan on 2010/1/8 (Comics)
Well, since I won't be online tomorrow morning, I figured I should get this up tonight. It's midnight here, so technically, it's still updating on Friday. It works either way!
So, remember that story arc I promised a while ago in which I'd focusing on the Ivory Veil? Well, here it is. And yes, I will finally be revealing the other two commanders of the Veil, even though you've technically already seen one.
Also, I think the guard in the background disappears in the next comic. Stay tuned to find out!!
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The strips are excellent, as usual

Keep them coming!
...I hope it doesn't take five years to get out. *cough*Bleach*cough*

Eldhin is regular military,
Zurie is Special Black-Ops,
Quentas is in charge of the spellcasters, and Rallut is, I dunno...
I mean, he's working with the Veil, after all. And look at the Ivory commander between Eldhin and Zurie! They have almost identical hair, identical eyebrows, identical arm position, and even similar capes! It MUST be true! [/Wild Crazy Conspiracy Theory]

Because of his intense staring, trying to look inconspicous, and Zarah's hint at the end, I believe it is an imposter.
Perhaps a new main character, Finx's previous assitant, or one of the Heros or Laris.

Also, nice comic. Lots of background elements and you still do a good job emoting and detailing that it isn't too much to take in.
I was insulted that you don't have a wikipedia page. (New viewer.)
Great to see the comic rolling again.