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You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Agry
posted by A on 2011/8/4 (Comics)
And the dramatic conclusion of Battle Femme Royale! Dyluth is taking a much needed vacation, but never fear! We now have a buffer! The next comic will go up next Thursday, rain or shine!
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I'm surprised Lana hasn't tried the classic "Look deeeeep into my gorgeous, sexy eyes" trick, thus utilizing the Dmoniate special attack vampires also have. Zurie & crew, being of a fighter subtype, can't have Will saves that high, so Lana could have her own Rapier-Wielding Army of Harlots.
As for energy drain, yeah, that slam attack SHOULD have done an energy drain. Weird. We'll have to keep tuned, I guess!

That weapon of his is WICKED!
Also, I thought I would just clarify what's going on with the comic as a whole. I've put my faith into Dyluth and leakingpen to take the reigns of the comic. I'm not particularly involved in the creative process anymore. They're the ones in control now. If you're for some reason under the assumption that they're a temporary replacement until I come back, well... It's not going to happen. I don't have the time to invest in this comic anymore. Not on a long-term scale like this, anyway. However, team Dypen are doing a fine job so far, and I don't expect them to drop the ball any time soon.
“Just one little thing... Will you update the "CAST" panel?”
It may be happening tonight; if not tonight, it should definitely be up by next weekend.

As for the cast page worry not my friends an update is on the way so stay tuned!

Great comic as usual, loving how this team has kept this going.