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So Many Islands, So Many Mysterious Islands
posted by Chris on 2014/10/17 (Comics)
Good evening everyone, it's Dyluthus here, it's a few hours past midnight but not too late for a Thursday update of anti-HEROES! Join Aldran and his search for a mysterious island amongst many mysterious islands.
Also there seems to be a slight compression issue with the artwork in this comic when posted. I will look into this and have it fixed as soon as possible.
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If it really was something devious, a more probable and easy target for insinuation would be one of the two girls, beside, i doubt there is any people interrested in this sort of joke here.
Well, with this, we reach Meta II. (and before the goodwin !)
I believe w was referencing exactly the whole "posting with my handle" thing. and dypen reaction a few strip ago.
Sciury, I think you are dyslexic. Which means nothing I write here will help you, but I'll have at it anyway. If you actually look at the letters on the page, the word he is saying is "Hunt," not "Unit." A scavenger hunt is an activity wherein a number of people, often competing teams, scour the area for previously decided-upon objects. They are looking for a thing, therefore, scavenger hunt.
(Well really, it's not too much like a scavenger hunt, because they're only looking for one thing and they barely know what it is. The key part of a scavenger hunt is, you know, scavenging. It's more like a treasure hunt, or really it's just...following a map. But the author is a moron who wants everything to be gimmicky in some way and ends up failing, as per my many previous remarks.)

ima neer disagreed wit you man lol
Hence the fact that there are probably several "anon" and they cannot complain about the stealing of a non name.
Also, a long comment is not always a sign of intelligence, and a short one of illiteracy.

Anon . . . I think the wings were put in abruptly, if there was another intention behind it Dypen lost me. What is the "god trap," again? Also, Aldran is losing so many parts of his cloak. Didn't he once have sleeves? Maybe there eventually won't be enough of the cloak to hide his face?
This page seems to be priming for main plot, which is good, but now you've jumped into it a little too fast. It's been like a year since anything actually happened, and I barely remember what these guys are actually planning to do, or what they're headed for.
Also why the hell did Aldran rip his cloak like that? That was incredibly stupid, and wasn't even a good visual representation of a cloaking spell. Unless the tear is going to be important for some reason later, you're a moron.