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A Shock-ing Decision
posted by Jordan on 2009/2/5 (Comics)
And here's another page and a half for you. I'd say more, but I need to get going pretty soon.
EDIT: As for those who posted their musical opinions on the last comic, I was glad to see it. This is, by no means, a way of me saying "it's over." If anyone has any other ideas for fitting music, then let me hear them. And don't worry if you think it's too "serious," since I write out most of the plot in a very serious manner before ever even thinking about jokes.
In fact, most of my own musical choices are pretty serious in of themselves. And I figure it's only fair to show you a few of my picks, so here they are. I was going to post these with the comic, but ran into some issues with my formatting, and didn't have the time to fix it, so I edited them out. I see at least one person saw it before I took it down, though.
Recently, I got my hands on the Death Note anime soundtrack, so I've had that stuck in the forefront a lot, but one that I find particularly fitting as a sort of theme tune for the Anti-Heroes in general (or possibly Aldran, in some ways) is L's theme B ( ). Next, I definitely see Low of Solipsism ( ) as a theme for the "god" of the Ivory Veil. And speaking of the Veil, I hold a very special kind of theme for Zurie, that being Citadel of the Bount ( ) from the second Bleach soundtrack. Or any of the other similar sounding songs on the same soundtrack, as well. Another song I like to associate with her is Quincy's Craft ( ). I'd list a few more, but I need some more time to think about them.
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“So when do new comics usually get posted, the start of end of the day.”
I don't really update at any specific point in the day, other than "when I want to."
“Too bad Zara can't ever publish his work. It could get really good.”
There's nothing to say I can't. It would be highly unlikely, and I doubt I'd even accept if I ever had the chance, but there's nothing really stopping me from getting these published.
“What art program do you use anyway?”
Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Cost of christian rule was a lot of blood... on entire world. And quite frankly I would hardly call today church "by the book"
back to paladins: They are not worthless I just said it is better when they are not in command.
Imagine them ruling the country eh?
Well not very hard to do, is it, since we have that very thing in our own history. Just think of the catholic church. The managed ruling...

If elf is a Veil soldier... than he would be wearing sign of third legion- neither Zuries nor Eldhins. He even doesn´t have to be marshal himself... but mission sounds quite important... No mage/wizzard/sorcerer would entrust this to a minion.
Or they would be absolutely incapable of defeat anyone because of inflexibility they are bound to.
I definitely think that this caster is Quentas... but there is a crazy thought- what if Laris is Quentas´s man who is supposed to convince our beloved vampire by helping her?
It wouldn't surprise me that Aldran's long list of enemies would include beings other than that order of paladins.

If Laris dies and Lana does not drink the potion she is in big trouble. He's at least an 11th level druid- able to turn into a tiny creature- and druids are way overpowered anyway. That is assuming he's anything like a 3.5 druid, and not another homebrew.

Anyway dont worry, Laris cant die, hes in the cast page while the druid isnt. By the way i dont think it can possibly be Quentas because in that case, Laris would already be dead and Lana kidnapped. There is no way they could fight a guy on the level of Eldhin and Aldran.

Although his puns remind me a lot of Elan, whom I do not like that much, he is a great character.
The only thing left to find out now is his motivations... does he love Lana, as I predicted 3 strips ago?
Or does he have a more shocking reason.... for instance, he must find her because she has been prophesized to stop Aldran's prophecy?

That would have HUGE repercussions on the story... as Lana would have to decide for herself whether to stick with the Evil "good" guys or join up with Laris and really save the world from destruction...
Hmmm... not a bad idea...

5th panel: I thought he was going to say "I am a bit under the weather"
It is not spoiler, if I do not know the story for sure, is it?
I'm hoping Laris and Lana get together. It's sorta needed now. (Yes, my weird semi-fanboy side is coming out)
(Founder of the Zurie fanclub, as well as the Laris fanclub. I hope this trend catches on.)

Taiyama: i think he just tried to
Solipsism ties very closely to Descartes' "I think, therefore I am." The idea is that there is only one thing you truly know: that you exist. Everything else may exist, may be an illusion, or simply be a part of yourself, but it doesn't really matter. God included.
In any case, a solipsist believes that the universe is tied to you, and when you die, the universe dies with you (you can take this to mean that your mental understanding/idea of the universe dies with you, but a true solipsist wouldn't).
Of course, as a solipsist, if I die, the universe will die with me. To you, I will simply have died and you'll think, "Well, the universe is still here, so he must have been wrong." But that's incorrect because you only know that you exist, not that I do. So my death would not destroy you or your universe that I am a part of.
And that's your philosophy lesson of the day. Wikipedia it for a more precise explanation.
// Anyway i dont know why he chose to help her, is he in love or what?

It's a testament to your writing that you can accomplish so much while explaining so little.