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I think I can't
posted by A on 2011/7/3 (Comics)
Alexander here, better known as Leaking Pen. This is the first of the comics to be made by the new DYPEN team. I wrote the script for this comic, and Dyluth, who has been doing the art for the last several strips, worked his magic. I hope you all enjoy my take on the characters and story, I am trying to stay as true to the comic as I can, but of course, wording and action choices will be different. Please, be brutally honest in comments guys! It is a pleasure and an honor to be assisting in keeping this most awesome comic going!
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Your comment made me lol. That's actually a very positive outlook.
I think the new comics are great. Different than Z's but still good.
As to Quentas, I've always felt that psionics were a bit too powerful (my opinion, don't attack me for it), but psionics that can ignore some of the rules? Scary. And cool.
It is actually cool to see trolls around here. Still makes you think that this comic is alive. Trolls are a meaningful part of life. They keep you on your toes all the time

Uh, as I understand things, the last two comics WERE written by Zarah (but with art by Dyluth), with this being the first Leaking Pen one. Now, in all fairness, I will admit that the quality of the writing is not quite up to par with Zarah's, but I'm willing to give him a chance to improve; after all, this is apparently his first AH comic.
That said, if you're not following the comic anymore, I guess you won't see this comment, but whatever.
And the last thing I can say, is that all the books are a little distracting from the plot, or at least to me.
But good job.

However, that raises a new problem: Energy Adaptation only adapts energy damage, i.e. damage from fire, electricity, acid, ice or sonic. It can't be used against force damage like Magic Missile.
If this keeps up Antiheroes will be updating more often than OotS.
In any case great did Aldran poke some holds in Quentas's mask and is that light coming out of said holes or am I misinterpreting that last panel?

First of all, capitals. The title here is "I think I can't", whereas it's always been along the lines of "I Think I Can't" on previous comics.
Aldran would never say "ARGGG". In fact, all of his expressions of dismay come across as weird.
A spell casting should have its own bubble, like here:
I may have said "They look stiff." But I also added that "Practice makes perfect." No doubt he will get better as time goes on.
First, I have to agree with everyone when they say characters are a bit stiff. Not that it's a great problem though, but it can be improved. I don't worry too much about this, art needs patience.
Second, the books Aldran lands on have no movement at all, unlike the berry or Aldran himself. It's like they're simply floating. Also suddenly more books appear out of nowhere in the fifth panel, too many of them to be the ones floating in panel three.
Third I think you rely too much on copying the characters from panel to panel, though I'm not gonna be too picky about that because the main offender is Quentas and he is supposed to be stiff as you said in a previous comment. Besides this is something every artist does at least once in their life, you're not the first and you won't be the last.
And last I think the berry got too much attention. Panel six could be easily avoided and summed up in panel seven, and this way we can understand better that Aldran wanted Quentas to waste time with it.
I hope this all helps you with the comic. I'd like to know if you have any plans on setting an update pattern (e.g. Sundays), so I know when I should check new updates. And after my rant, keep on with the great job, I'm grateful that you continue with the comic.
Yes, the characters seem stiff, but again, readers should review the first few strips drawn by Jordan. Aldran was very stiffly drawn there too. With the sleeves torn off, you don't have much to work with except the bottom of his robe at the moment.
Abotu the 2nd panel, to me, it wasn't about the movement; it was confusion about whether Aldran was casting a spell or being affecting by a spell.
I also advise not revealing too much about the mechanics of the characters via the comment thread. I think Leakingpen may have given away a litle too much with his detailed explanation of Quentas' powers. It's like a poet explaining their poem. Not necessary. I am sure that the art and the storytelling will improve over time. Cheers!
Nerd. 1. He IS being pushed, flung backwards back into the library he just left. 2. Yes, but he didn't CAST delayed blast fireball, he flung a berry he had (leftover from the forest where he fed a berry AND a delayed blast fireball to the druid) in order to try and make Quentas waste time and energy dealing with a fireball in the library. It failed. 3. He was just crushed under a bunch of heavy books, text books ect. 4.Quentas is using a power that literally converts incoming spell damage into bursts of light. Again, its a Psion thing. Hope that helps.

1: It's confusing what's happening in the second panel. Took me a couple read-throughs to figure out that Aldran's being pulled, not pushed.
2: Delayed blast fireball doesn't create a berry, it creates a bead.
3: I still don't understand the second to last panel. What does whether something is light reading or not have to do with his?
4: The way it's a written, it seems like Quentas's light power is more of a mild annoyance than anything else %u2014 which I assume was not intended. Try using capitals and exclamation points.

nice strip BTW