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Tailing, not her strong suit
posted by A on 2014/7/18 (Comics)
Merry Thursday. I know, I know, I was rooting for her to rip his throat out too. Damn Lana for still having SOME good in her heart.
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And, JHSII, it is the same exact thing with me . . . plus I'm omniscient and manage awesome reflexes.
I really appreciate your comment Reader. It sounds like you do have a lot of experience in the setting of a more professional author. Well written.
Try; I work on a computer most of the day, and, when I am waiting for things to finish, I have plenty of time to see what's going on here and there online.
I just want to say a couple things:
One, I've been reading this comic since 145, so I'm not some new idiot come in from the wastes.
Two, Anon does have some very good advice about writing and ways the story could be improved, if you can get past the insults (and he also has some very good points about everyone just shouting "OMG TROLL" without bothering to make a defense of either the comic or their troll accusation. You know who you are). Anyway, why let a few mean words get in the way of becoming more skilled in your craft? This is coming from someone who's been writing for eleven years. I would seriously consider taking his advice, even though it came from him, because you will ultimately improve from it. Also, what he has to say is nothing compared to what an editor in the publishing industry would have to say to you.
Three, I know it has to be hard for you to keep making comics when this is the type of comment thread you get in return, but you are getting better. Not inducing climactic scenes with characters we've never met before would make things much better, as well as a return to either Aldran or Eldhin, whose storylines are much more compelling that Lana's at this point.
Four, I found it really convenient that every time JHSII had his handle stolen, he was immediately there to point out the trouble before anyone else could comment in between them. Amazing reflexes, JHSII.
In an end to this ramble, I'm going to keep reading the comic because it was once very good, and it has the potential to be very good again. I'd also like to hear what Jordan's opinion of all this is (the comic, the comments, everything), if he has one.
Yay comic!

Anyways, keep up the good work Leakingpen; I'm looking forward to the next strip.

Perhaps I should change my handle to avoid the confusion between a regular anonymous person and this entity I've become. But then I lose my thunder.
sorry anon.
Wonder how many computers X has? Could it turn out that fifty were bought just for the purpose of trolling this comic? An undying internet troll would be neat.
On the other hand, X...

**** U
Instead of rating the quality of the comic, enjoy it (as a 'nanar' if you want)
Dypen have said that they were no PC vs NPC, meaning no ain, secondary and tertiary character clearly defined.
also : BRAIN (*shamble)
sorry for saying that every body was either naive, trollish or harsh, that was not what i wanted to say. (that there were those peoples) and i dont consider naive an insult.
As for X, (the first of the 3), extrem cynisism is not cleverer than extrem naivety. Most people on internet are well intentionned. But those are shy, hidden behind the minority of lud mouthed people.
As for the fact that keriss is a ranger, this class Can be stealthy, but doesnt have to. (see Belkar as an example of ranger oriented warrior) Keriss has a god fighting build and point in commanding a group. she might be bad or not as good as hidding.
for X the second, another thing i want to say is that a perfect critic is neutral, polite and constructive, a good critic is at least polite, because people just dont take into account someone aggressive, unless they are of authority in the domain. It is a well known fact. So : please be polite and respectful. You can say negative things about the comic without saying negative things about the peoples. You already know that and wont listen anyway, but i keep hope.
On another subject, it is possible to guess one age by the pattern of speach, but this method is imprecise with that few comment. In this regard, Nona would look far older than the bunch of critics (calling them troll would insult the light faction of trolls)
I was trawling through the archives, and then I fell asleep. The dialogue got less relevant in recent panels. I don't mean there are fewer words in the speech bubbles. Before, pretty much every bubble had to contain at least one special turn of phrase that could identify the character speaking, by referencing their personality. Also, what a character said was usually plot-relevant, either creating a moment where the scene would segue into the next part of the story with the help of dialogue, or it became part of some hilarious, vital character interaction. Now, it's all just sort of generic, one-off joke commentary. I think.
Oh, and hey, Pervert . . . You're so sweet. LMAO. Out of curiosity, does this mean I can stop acting like a twelve-year-old? (Thanks for asking everyone else if I was a girl, by the way. It clued me in. I can't ask anyone their gender directly, but now I know what to do.)

Maybe Lana's developing into a total badass, courtesy of the harrowing emotional experience Alan just put her through. Since that doesn't really work, it makes Keriss look rather stupid, more than anything else.
*edit from pen* It was a joke about her tail being in panel
Also, if one doesnt want to be impersonnated , change your handle at each post : you will remain an anonimous, not "worthy" of being name stolen.
about the story : this arc (filler?) isnt finished yet, i think, and this page contain a funny(i think) situational joke. Who care if this caracter wasnt develloped? some of oots werent.
*edit from pen* This is not filler. This is main story. werewolf is filler, the heroes and laris being stuck in a town is filler. Nothing else has been filler.
To Tiri, I was going to remark on your attitude of "ZOMG Anon's trolling I'm not gonna read more than one line of all this!" but honestly, I owe Nona an apology because you are FAR more naive. Are you like 12? You seem not to understand the concepts being thrown around here. I'm making people mad? Contrary to what I believe, people DON'T like what I'm posting? Boo-hoooo! I'm so sorry, I had no idea. I beg your forgiveness. Let me just slink away, never to be heard from again. [/sarcasm]
To "a loyal reader," I absolutely adore this. I love how the Anon troll is the most insightful one in the thread, and when he dares make an excellently crafted, cutting argument with regard to the shoddy writing, the "loyal readers" (really, you couldn't have named yourself better for the satire. Well done, A ) resort to name-calling and blabbering far more quickly than the aforementioned troll. I don't even have to keep writing because I KNOW you won't have read this far, but I'll entertain you nonetheless. If you look just beyond the quote line, literally JUST after the omitted comma, you see that I remarked that the only possible place the "self-righteous drivel" is coming from is because it's the premise of the comic. Of course I remember that Aldran said something quite similar. My point in saying that the drivel has no origin is that Lana herself has never done anything befitting of that mentality. What little we've seen of Aldran's backstory suggests that his view is that those devoted to the pursuit of "good" are corrupting the world, and his actions fix their wrongs. Lana hasn't done anything like that. She's donning Aldran's mantle without any substance or basis except that it makes sense in the narrative. Much in the same way that her relationship with this guy Allen and her childhood should be powerful and filled with emotion because that's what this kind of scene is in a narrative, but it's not. Because DURRRRRR THE WRITING SUCKSSSS BAAAADDDD DURRRR. There, you got what you wanted.
“Where's this self-righteous drivel about being "the ones that clean up after the good guys" coming from”- Anon
If you actually read the comic instead of going "OOOOOH NEW COMIC GONNA SAY ITS BAAAAADDDDDD LOOK AT MY FLAWLESS ARGUMENTS ABOUT HOW IT'S BADDDDDDD DURRRRR", you'd remember the last panel of this comic strip and know this is a self-reference to a past comic, and sort of shows how Lana feels part of Aldran's way of thinking now.

*edit from pen* Someone caught the reference! YAY.
Let me just say...*you're.
*edit from pen* Honestly, I've STOPPED taking the comments seriously because whenever we do try to alter based on feedback, people complain about the new way of doing so, often the same person complaining about both ways of constructing. If a mass of people say that something is confusing or badly written then we certainly go back and look it over. But random, I don't like x style of writing and drawing, yeah, those are starting to get ignored as noise.
Gicko, I agree a little, but . . . you shouted down the actual advice that cropped up, too, while telling Anon to be polite. At the beginning of his paragraph:
%u201CAtristain, you make an interesting point, but I maintain that any potential character development is wasted because such a development would happen as a result of previously established connections between characters. Connection that did not exist in the comic, and are now being shoehorned in so they can be broken.%u201D
I don%u2019t even care what the point I%u2019m making is, about this. But could someone please respond? Maybe tell me why I%u2019m being stupid, or it could be about why my older comments were helpful? I don%u2019t care which one, I just want to know if there%u2019s a rational group making a consensus about this comic%u2019s quality anymore.
"Please, tell me how I'm trolling because this is high literature. I implore you"
one page ago.
"Hey! This guy! We care about this, because we know who this guy is and his backstory (and for that matter, Lana's) has been fleshed out enough that I'm invested in seeing its resolution and am not just outright bored by all of this. Oh, wait. Sorry, not that, the opposite of that."
You seriously could not have said this in any kind of polite term? My problem with you isn't that your a troll, it's that your an asshole. if you want to critique something, do it politely, it doesn't hurt you, and it makes the other readers and the producers actually willing to listen to you. if you want to say "we have no idea who this guy is" say it in a polite way, "look, i'm sorry, but i don't know who this guy is. can you maybe try and give a bit of an explanaition?" see how easy that was? Be polite, and rather then/while also pointing out the flaws, offer suggestions! Critiquing is far from pointing out what is wrong with something, it's also helping make it better, give your own opinions and suggestions how to make it better, talk with the producer about it and if he disagrees with you, either accept that it is his creation and that if he is unwilling to change it then there is nothing you can do about it, or try to come to a compromise about it. it's seriously not that hard, i don't understand why people don't do it more often.
just... don't be a dick. that's seriously all you need to do.
From this very same comment thread, the last time you asked the same question, I replied "I keep reading because I thought this comic's premise was a good idea, but it was honestly never executed very well, and I want to see how hard it crashes. Plus it's in equal parts amusing and irritating to see how an OotS knockoff can be so inferior to the original. "
Is that not an answer? You didn't say it had to be a good answer, but it's an answer nonetheless, and a direct one.
At least he kept it short this time.
I have to ask though, are you like 12? You seem really naive.
And yeah, your comments are good? You seem to be one of the most fair-minded people here, though I can't tell if you're just being sarcastic most of the time. When did you start acting the part of a prick? I don't see where you say anything particularly obnoxious.
It looks like the troll can't defend his actions so he's going to continue to post trying to make it appear to be me.
That's definite proof that they are just here trolling and have no desire for any kind of honest conversation.
Although, by your own argument you lost by answering at all. Poor form, mate.
Let's see, if we respond, we're the ones accused of starting flame wars. If we don't respond, then we're not "doing much to defend it".
Nobody's forcing you to troll a comic you obviously don't like.
Atristain, you make an interesting point, but I maintain that any potential character development is wasted because such a development would happen as a result of previously established connections between characters. Connection that did not exist in the comic, and are now being shoehorned in so they can be broken. Where's this self-righteous drivel about being "the ones that clean up after the good guys" coming from, except that it's sort of the premise of the comic? Perhaps she's not overtly evil, but what has Lana ever done that actually suggests she's got that "lot of good in her heart" that you said? Similarly, and this is the focus of my earlier criticism, we're being told that she has good in her heart in contrast to this new guy who doesn't, except we've got little to suggest he's such a douche. He was reasonably cowardly as a child, and self-interested as a thief. That's not a Joker/Batman kind of evil/righteousness dynamic, that's pretty plain.
Please, tell me how I'm trolling because this is high literature. I implore you.
I meant to say "character" and it say "car%uFFFDer"?
And "Kinder" tot turned into "K%uFFFDer"?
Is it that I didn't removed the accents? (My KB is latin American and my Windows is in Spanish BTW)
Allen's appearance importance is not that we care about a new carácter, but that he's helping to prove that Lana, even as left for dead twice and turned into a monster, still has a lot of good in her heart still, that's why she's turning her back to her past (again) and acting more decent than Allen did or would do.
And I can't believe that you guys had to have Kínder garden explanation about Kerris sneaking behind Allen.
For example, look at this comic's author comment. " I know, I know, I was rooting for her to rip his throat out too." See, here we see exactly what the author wants us to be thinking, and the emotions we're supposed to be having. Except we aren't having those emotions. We're meant to see this new character as some totally insufferable douche or something? Because that's the characterization that's convenient for the archetype? Except the author's never actually built that up for this character. We've seen him as a child not rushing into a burning room, and here being as self-invested as pretty much any CN character is meant to be. Honestly less so, actually. We know next to nothing about this flimsy character, no prior backstory nor motivation, so we cannot possibly have the strong feelings the author wants (and tells) us to have. It's nonsense.
Was that trolling, what I just did? Or was it, you know, actually reading the comic and remarking on it? As I said before, prove me wrong, and tell me WHY my analysis is wrong as opposed to just telling me THAT it is.
Nobody's forcing you to troll a comic you obviously don't like.
I keep reading because I thought this comic's premise was a good idea, but it was honestly never executed very well, and I want to see how hard it crashes. Plus it's in equal parts amusing and irritating to see how an OotS knockoff can be so inferior to the original.
(Also when you fixed the two "of" typo, you left it wrong. It says "What, did you become of the good guys?" when it's meant to say "What, did you become one of the good guys?")
Oh, and one more thing, take a look at the far superior Order of the Stick to get a grip on how speech bubble pacing is meant to work. If you have multiple sectioned bubbles at different levels, and two characters speaking, then people read the bubbles back and forth in height order as opposed to all of one before the other. You didn't work it out very well in panel 10.
And, who is this guy and why should we care about him?
W, i love that you called them by name! I think I may work the names in again, heh.
My guess is that Allen was saying "That's ridiculous", but they misspelled "ridiculous".
For something that might fit "redi...", maybe "redirection"?
What was allen trying to say at the end?

Though good strip. It's neat seeing Llana being badass for a change
Great strip, nice use if character and powers!