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Failed sneak check, failed sense motive check, just not her day
posted by A on 2014/9/5 (Comics)
Sorry for the day late all, wanted to make sure a background gag was clear! Enjoy. And please remember to keep it civil in the comments. There is no need to insult each other for differences in opinion. (Unless someone insults Rush. Alex, Geddy, and Neal are geniuses and rock gods without peer. all blasphemers WILL be fed to the Red Star)
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So... Soda bread? Is that a thing?
And the next person to ignore my illuminating discourse shall be really FREAKING sorry!
And yes, I think the background "joke" should have been left out entirely, since there was no setup and no explanation, and it really didn't add anything-- rather like the "Lavakport shake" comic of God knows how long ago.
By the way, with regard to the title, no such thing as a "sneak check." Hide check and Move Silently check, yeah. Stealth check in Pathfinder, okay. Sneak check, not a thing. Are you a D&D webcomic or aren't you?
(I am thinking of "Me")
Well. There is also a trope about eople like me...
Even through the background was hard to understand, the foreground is very clear. So i think calling the strip "failed" is bad faith.
I'd also like to voice some more, non-constructive criticism. As long as they%u2019ve stood there taking, why is no one discovering the guy Lana hypnotized? Didn%u2019t she ransack a room?
her sword is free, her dagger is sample.
Or is that her dagger?
(i believe)
(I cant fly)

(about the debate on whether the lizard was Kaal)
Also, thank you for the advice, Leakingpen. A lot. Now that it%u2019s been said, I%u2019ll have to not insult Red Star. But now there%u2019s a compulsion.