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Seven Percent, Right?
posted by Jordan on 2009/1/8 (Comics)
Maybe the stable-boy isn't very good at what he does. Did ya' ever think of that? Huh?
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I was originally going to go with Halfling-Barbarian but I think that was taken already.
I wonder if he has teevo...
(Apparent Founder of the Zurie fanclub) (Just put this in your comments on the newest AH comics)
Great comic once again!
No I have never played it. If you're referring to Deekin I think he's called (my girlfriend loves the games) I didn't know about him until I was looking for an avatar for GitP and came across a pic of him on google.
As for swede's comment, just watch the first bit of Reservoir Dogs. It'll explain it all for you.
About tipping, I suspect many non-Americans won't understand what the big deal is. In the US (and Canada), tipping is expected, because people working as, say, a waitress generally has a low salary and need the tip to survive, more or less. In Europe, tips isn't as important and is only given if you're pleased with the service. In some countries in Asia, tipping is considered rude.
As an alternate theory, perhaps this is the big brother of the guy who turned himself into a gem in Finx's airship. Call me razy but they have the same eyes.
Also, a thought I had from my preious number crunching regarding Ardran and Eldhin's levels.
Since Fiends and Celestials aren't supposed to breed it is possible that their offspring would be unnaturally powerful, possiby mking them the only two Gestalt characters in the world. This would keep the within the normal levels for bothering to even have allies (ie. mid 20's rather than 30 or more. Aldran obviously went Wizard/Cleric, while Eldhin went Fighter/Cleric and started calling himself a Paladin.
Once again just thinking out loud, feel free to inore my crazy theories.
Why isn't the grand pu-bah of the Ivory Veil more... Ivory-y? Why not the Sapphire Veil? (Oh, right, The Sapphire Guard!

"I will uphold the laws of my master and allow the world to see his ways.
Whether or not they request it.
Whether or not they refuse it."
Heh, she says hi. Says hi by telling the big uber-guy that Eldhin didn't really kill Aldran... she seriously needs to figure out a better way of greeting someone.