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Use The Nondescript Magical Energy of the Galaxy!
posted by Jordan on 2009/6/13 (Comics)
It's almost 3:30 in the morning and I'm uploading a comic. What is wrong with me?
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“You know, I just noticed that the gnome doesn't close his mouth even once in this whole strip. Weird.”
Aldran probably doesn't either, you just can't tell because he's wearing that hood.

This was a fairly talky strip, after all.
The final panel made me laugh, so very true!
I'm still imagining this guy with a squeaky, helium-ey gnome voice. It's pretty funny.
With a capital P.
Great to see you started updating again, Zarah!

In Panel 6, Turrick says "Playing with prophecy is a dangerous business". I believe it should be PROPHECIES (plural) instead of prophecy over there, since it doesn't really make sense.
Sorry for beiing nitpicky, just thought I'd point it out so you can re-edit it. =P
Peace is lie, there is only passion, through passion I gain strenth, through streng I gain power, through power I gain victory. through victory my chains are broken. "The Nondescript Magical Energy of the Galaxy" shall set me free
“So when do we got the know about the Prophecy with a big P?”
Well, Aldran says he'll explain it tomorrow. But even if he's telling the truth, that's an in-comic tomorrow, so who knows how many strips away it is.
But this is so gonna bite him in the ass...
I think I missed something.
(Founder of the Laris and Zurie fanclubs)
Turricks comment on revenge reminds me of that quote from Spiderman III:
""Revenge is like a poison. It can take us over. Before you know it, it can turn you into something ugly."

Now you've got us all wondering what this prophecy is. Hmm...

And the reason that advice is in pretty much every fantasy epic in existance, is because it's such great advice that can be used in nearly any quest. It's a classic