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The Voice of the Multitude
posted by Chris on 2013/8/8 (Comics)
Hello hello, it's Thursday and it's time for a one week delayed follow up to Keriss's unintentional and unplanned little trip.
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But, again, having both the artists who make the comic in a state of stress and serious real-world problems doesn't speak well as to the future of the comic.
we are mainly meta comenting the comment, self ironising on our hopes or fatalism
We know that the author have either real life roblem, or expensed the original notes
Those readers just sound like spoiled children throwing a tantrum over something they can't control, they wish they could control, but if they could, would more than certainly be an absolute failure.
And those of you who think this webcomic is already an absolute failure are more than welcome to start your own, with your brilliant ideas of how comics should be! I will be part of the fanbase, throwing snarky comments at every single comic, nitpicking every single detail and complaining over every delay, no matter what happens in your personal lifes.
Real life comes first, that's fine. I've seen many webcomics end as the authors move on to other things, and it's generally even harder to start again after a break, so it's probably the only way this story will ever get finished.
As for now, I'm removing this from my bookmarks. May check back once a month or so (if I remember).
I mean - look at Erfworld. At some point, they started having real life troubles preventing them from drawing the comic frequently enough - so they added text-only updates, which could be done on schedule a lot more reliably and which proved a lot more popular than the creators expected.
It's just my opinion, though... DyPen already exceeded my expectations when they did keep the comic running, so I can't really ask anything of them.
All existing author notes probably were first created in electronic format, it might not be that hard to roughly trim them into a semblance of synopsis, just for closure.
That's all I hope. I'm not even asking, just leavin that idea to bitrot here.
do you think the total number of comment is convergent?
if the comment decrease in n^2 even with immortal robots, they will never cross a certain number.
if they derease in n, it will reach infinity, but very slowly.
well the real question is how many pages will be addedbefore the next hiatus? sorry to be pessimistic.
i hope it is not one
Or, you know, Dypen will come back. One or the other.
(The above was exaggerated for comedic effect, and all readers are eligible for one free grain of salt to take with it.)
What's probably going to happen is either DyPen suddenly decides to pick up the comic again (after quite the hiatus), or it'll simply languish and die, getting fewer and fewer comments, hopeful or otherwise, with each passing week.
For some reason I keep trying to find ways to apply songs to this situation.
I'm about to lose my mind,
You've been gone for so long.
I'm running out of time
I need an author
Call me an author
I need anAuthor, author
To bring me ba~ack to life
You told the world, one day you would pay it back, said it in the comments but now they say you're laying back.
But what they didn't know was that they were laying you two off, but you two were never that soft, you two just got back up again, because you are team DYpen.
Hope, they just need a ray of that, half your viewership just left and the other half be saying that you two are wack,
Just pick this comic up, back from its lowest, breath new life in it, it owes it's life to you, but for the life of me, why won't they see as you do, maybe it will dawn on them that you just lost a job, and I know it's hard, but you will get through it, nothing stopping you, just prove it, and show these ****ers they were wrong, do I have to say it in song, that.
I'm about those my mind,
You've been gone for so long,
I'm running out of time,
Call me an author
I need an author, author,
To bring me ba-ack to life.
Bad lyrics change, ho!
Anywho, that's a pretty good reason for an absence. IRL always takes precedence over things just being done for fun, after all. With that said, I have to wonder given the circumstances if the comic will /ever/ return to a reasonable rate and quality of posting. Stress and pressing IRL issues aren't very conducive to keeping a webcomic going.

Sorry about the jobs though...
Note:An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument.
But hey, who wants to pay attention to FACTS when they're trying to scapegoat someone. Yeah, sure, blame me. Because that makes so much ****ing sense.
maybe, it will never be continuated. maybe it wil be filler, but 'next please' comment for example, is far too aggressive, and ad hominem
If I had ten thousand, I would bet Dypen's excuse holds no water.
If I had a hundred thousand, I would bet that we'll have another month until the one after that.
If I had a million, I'd bet that the next installment is filler with no entertainment value that does nothing to advance the plot.
Dypen, it's been fun. Okay, not really, but whatever. You came up short. Next please.
If this were a television series, it would have been cancelled long ago. The only real hope for this story is a good and true reboot of the entire series with a writer and artist who is truly dedicated to providing updates in a regular and timely fashion.
To watch the comic now is like watching a mortally wounded animal go through its death spasms. Someone please get a gun and put this poor creature out of its misery. The team should admit defeat and Jordan should decide if he is just going to opt for plan B and reveal the entire planned storyline or go for plan C and release the intellectual property (aka story resources he has in his possession) to another writer and artist and allow for a reboot of the comic, likely on a completely different site.
At least this way, we can hope for a successful reboot free of filler and free of a collection of useless characters that have little to nothing to do with the main story and characters.
That's the way I see it. Like it or lump it.
What kills me about this is that this is exactly why we got new people to work on the comic in the first place, and to be completely frank I kind of can't believe that people are still feeling optimistic that this comic will ever get done when Dypen's leading contribution (besides finishing up that one plotline Zara was in the middle of when he quit) has been tons and tons of filler, before completely disappearing and thereby recreating the exact same problem they were meant to fix. The irony is just staggering to me.
The thing is, even if you've liked their work thus far (most people that have frequented previous comment sections probably know that I haven't, but that's beside the point), this honestly seems like a pretty dismal situation for the comic that I'm not sure it'll ever fully recover from. Even if Dyluth and Leakingpen come back I think it's kind of over -- because whether you think they've done a good job or not, the plan to pass the torch so the comic would continue at a reasonable pace has clearly failed completely. Besides that, the fact that there are over a hundred comments squabbling about whether the comic is worth reading anymore just screams to me that something has gone horribly wrong. I'm sure people are going to disagree with me for saying all this, but I really do feel like this comic is sort of just done -- if not literally, then at least in the sense that I don't see it ever recovering from this awkward limp that it's been doing for the past four years or so.
I mean, I'm not really sure what I was expecting to find when I came back here, but it wasn't this. I've always tried to find reasons to keep giving Dypen a chance, because I really liked the original story and wanted to see it continue, but...I dunno, it might actually be time for me to give up on this comic for good. It's been so long that I almost don't even care about the original story anymore, and my interest in that is really what kept me coming back after the switch.
I know that being generally pretty negative about the comic since Leakingpen took over writing probably hasn't made me particularly popular with the current fanbase (or Leakingpen himself, for that matter), but I do want to mention that I really did like the comic at one point and as pervasive as the "don't like it, don't read it" mentality is around here I do genuinely feel bad letting go of the comic, because I really did want to see the conclusion to Zara's story.
Still, it'd be nice if they proved me wrong and finished this up for the folks who are still waiting and interesting to see where they go with all this.
if the comic had been bad, there wouldn't be 100 comment on the last page, or hopeful people keeping coming.
i believe myself this webcomic to be one i am most looking for the restart.
@Night templar : they did : those who come back want more of it, other left
...On second thought, we might very well hit 1000 comments at this rate. Never mind.
At any rate, yeah, I agree. A lot of the people claim to hate the comic, but are demanding the comment update anyway. I wish people would make up their mind about whether they wanted to hate the comment or like it and want more of it, instead of hating it and wanting more of it.
It goes both ways, yes nice if author keeps audience up to date, but also nice if audience is not mostly snarking if they want more comics.
Also, to both Readers: This is the problem with such a common name and no email. It happened to Me (not myself, the commenter named Me) at one point, too.
Honestly, DyPen, if you are reading these comments, can you tell us so that we know we're being heard and not just speaking to the void?
Or did you design some sort of advanced script to make this sort of comment every so often? I'm somewhat convinced that some people are doing that. That, or they just hired people to comment every so often.
Or you mean the part of "the fanbase is smaller now"? Because I can agree to that. The comic just doesn't have the quality anymore for me to keep bothering reading it. And many others seem to think like me.
Guys, relax. They haven't left us completely. Avetzan1 basically nailed it.
They said they were backed up and they said the next few are going to be filler.
If it ended they would say so instead of leaving us without a warning. it's still ongoing. It's just taking a break.
@Gary : I think the fanbase is getting smaller now...
Not enough to have someone artistically talented enough to put in some guest strips, but just enough so that you have people to bitch and moan.
Two months since the last update. Almost a month since the last author comment. It'd be nice to hear SOMETHING from either of them.
I don't really like the art style, reminds me of old cartoons, oh how I detest them...
Maybe they forgot about us? Maybe computer problems and a budget?
Dyluth, LeakingPen... I really, truly appreciate the effort you've put into this comic for more than a year. You haven't matched Zara's writing, but I don't think anyone really expected that to happen. But it might be time to either call it quits, or at the very least tell us what's going on. You have to have noticed these comments piling up, I find it odd that you haven't said anything for nearly a month amidst all this discussion.
To people who say, "This is a free comic, they don't owe us anything!" There may be some truth to that, but don't you think they owe us a little bit, just from the fact that they are human beings? They've built a relationship with their fans (good or bad), fans who have taken the time to read, comment, and share the comic. Sure, that doesn't take as much time as writing and drawing the comic, but the point of a comic is to have readers. Without them, a comic is absolutely nothing.
So, that being said, I would at least like to see some comment from LP or Dyluth on any of these:
- an explanation for why they seem to be ignoring this comic
- a firm date that we can expect the comic to be "running" again
- or a notice that we can come to pay our respects and move on.
You owe us that much, at least. The readers and commenters who are still here have been here through thick and thin. I myself have been here for five years in January. If you should choose to do the last one, I know a lot of readers would be grateful if you or Zara would tell us how the story progresses and ends from here, for closure. Otherwise we might be stuck with more bad fanfiction (and no offense to your friends, Gary, but I would shudder in disgust if this comic were to be drawn lazily or in anime).
While, again, I really do appreciate the time and effort you've put into this comic (although it probably doesn't seem like I do), I think the original spirit of the comic deserves better than half-promises, plotless and confusing filler, and plotlines that are picked up halfheartedly, picked at, and then put down. Please.
With respect.
Now that i know that it is filler, and why they are waiting, i am reassured. Since the idea univers of the original story (zara's mind) is distinct fromthe one of dypen, why not take it into account and use an alternate devellopement as the filler? with two fate (or more) for the hero, antiheros, villains, and unmentionned character.
It has been done with fullmetal alchemist / brotherhood : same start, character, plot amorse (philosopher stone), but différent reveals explanation and devellopement.
of course, it is just a suggestion from someone not even an artist, but it would interrest me more
exept if it break some law about copyright and parodie?
Legally, it's not parody, it doesn't infringe copyright, and it's for all purposes considered its own work. Art styles can't be copyrighted, so the fact that it has the same art style wouldn't change anything, and as long as it sticks within things in the OGL, it's not infringing the copyright of D&D either.
Oh, and thanks for breaking out the "OOTS rip-off" thing. That always cracks me up, whether it's used against OLA, this comic, or whatever else. Because really, at this point, OOTS' style is so commonly used that it's just another art style, not ripping off OOTS every time it's used.
Too many fillers, jokes are not funny, no plot advancement, seriously, I do thank the effort, but stop. I'm not blaming anyone, but I don't like the way things are and I would rather have the beans spilled and let it go.
Fair enough if you want the story, but burying the webcomic?
Also,"rip-off"...not really...It copies the art style and doesn't attempt to claim it as it's own. It clearly says that it is inspired and takes the style from OOTS. Is this comic even earning money?
@Me: It still exists. It's taking a while, but it's still there. If you don't like the quality of it compared to back then: So what? Things change as they progress.
As a note: I'm not trying to start an argument (I re-read this and thought it might give off a bad tone), I'm just bored and commenting.
I continue to state that the entire plot summary should be released and bury this comic. Hell, it is pretty sad when even updates more frequently than anti-heroes these days.
As far as any discussions regarding copyright goes, that is pretty rich considering that this entire comic is just a rip-off of Rich's Order of the Stick art style. I'd love to see how that would play out in court if any creative folks decided to run their own direction with a possible storyline.
Like Breaking Bad, this series is done.
Be patient about saying things like "well, the story's never going to get done" or "looks like there's never going to be an update" because, even if you're right, it's way too early to say.
Also, it seems that the fanbase is split into people who want an update already, people who want the artist and writer to take a break from it so that they'll have good content, and people who don't want to wait for the new comic but want the artist and writer to take a break. Oh, and people who want the comic dead. This amuses me greatly.
However, if someone from the DyPen team says that they will post some story but in written format and then doesn't, then I'm just going to assume they are toying my my effections and making sport with me.
At this stage the original story is never going to be told, the board will slowly fizzle out and eventually the only place you might see Zara's work will be on google cache. In my eyes this will be a shame as the original story (without ophra and murder mystery weekends) looked like it was going somewhere interesting.
It's not about 'not liking the comic,' it's about liking the comic and acknowledging that things have taken a turn for the disappointing.
Also, lately I've been coming back to check on the chatter. It's amusing at times.
Nope, I don't see it.
If you don't like the comic and don't want to help - then maybe you can tell me why you're still here????
but i think the latest direction are a bit strange : in parallele the werewolf game, the drug induced trip , which are two non primary to the plot, sorts of filers.
honestly, i wish the strip go back a bit and recenter. The authors probably know what they do, but the waiting make it difficult to understand keep speculating on the role of thoses arcs
^Can we please refrain from that sort of stuff?
Come on, they have the stuff and they will be posting it. So what if it takes a while? Something is better than nothing.
@Talkamancer: Unless they say it's up for debate I don't think they're going to do it. And they have said about it,and provided reasons, so there is no "flagrant disregard for the readership".
But it hasn't. It's actually gotten a lot worse. The Ograh thing was pointless and boring, the Tempts Fate reference fell flat on me, and the Werewolf stuff has been probably the most painfully unamusing and incomprehensible thing I've seen from any webcomic I've ever liked at one time.
So honestly, at this point, I would really just like to hear how the story ends. Unless it's possible to get more replacements (especially a new writer, to be blunt), but I'm not seeing it happening. What this webcomic has become, just isn't enjoyable. At all.
How about a few fan panels?
For now, nobody's getting replaced. That's just how it is. Sure, you can take it to Zara, but unless he specifically chooses to replace them, there's no point trying to make plans.
I apologize if this is harsh, but I know I at least wouldn't want to read a copyright-infringing comic going off the rails from the main plot completely, especially when the comic it's supposed to replace is still going.

Comments fine on my screen now.

I'm good. You?
PS: I'm not sure if this is just my laptop, but I opened the comment section and the comic page turned into an archive by month with the comments underneath. This normal?

Still, they have said the comics are on their way and that the next few are filler. They have given reasons. The comic isn't dead, it's going through a rough patch. It'll get back up eventually. Just give it (even more) time.
Time for some written filler, has filler ever been in the form of fanfiction before? And it's still a threat, if you don't post I will keep writing fanfiction, beware the wrath a a guy bored on midnight!
"Wounds.... Closing.....crazy red girl..... Still here..... Crazy sailor suit girl.... On top of me.... Oh sweet angel, am I dead, and if not, is she still trying to kill me?"
*kaslap!* Keriss slapped aldran hard in the back of the head while Sailor Druid giggles
Sailor Druid undies the illusion that caused her costume change and went back to her normal clothes of loose white linen robes, and her pig tails fell loose and back to default messy blond hair, "I'm Jessica, I just saved your life, you are now required to take me into your party! Give me my share of gold, items, and screen time and we can get rolling!" She says while holding out her left hand.
"What is the hell she talking about? Should we just walk away?" Says Keriss to Aldran.
"No no, this the nature of things, you want some gold, here's a third of it!" Aldran says while slapping Jessica's hand,"Want some items? Here's a third of it!" He says while tearing a peice of his robes and handing it to her, "You want some of our XP? Here's a dire rat for you to kill!" He says as he cast summon monster I.
"Hurray! I'm finally part of a party, take that mom, am I a failure and a background character now? Huh, am I?!" She yells into the forest as the other two slowly walk away....
"Back then, you said we, why not just leave by yourself?" Said aldran to keriss, "... I have no where else to go, I guess I wanted company." "From the guy you stabbed?" She stabs him in the gut for was sasssing her, "MEDIC! Doctor! Crazy girl!"
Jessica comes up behind aldran and heals him with a slap,"Now do you see why you need me? Who else will save you from that mad woman?" "You sure you want to party with a bi-polar tiefling and a robed man with a dark and mysterious past?" "This is the moment I've lived for, we need a quest, to the tavern!" She says as she sprints to town dragging the two of them with her after casting bull's strength.
Gary, you are now being told advice by a current webcomic maker. Come on!

Also, the image verification says I don't need to, so it isn't a problem for me

Gary.... I'm laughing my ass off. We may get D to do that for some bonus fun!
Also, if you are on twitter, the #createcomics hashtag was set up to be used SPECIFICALLY for artists and writers to find each other. I would suggest writing an outline of a story you like, a couple pages of script, and post it somewhere, then link it on twitter with a brief description to get some artist interest, and see if any bite. (And if you make money, i suggest a 60 40 split, in the artist's favor. Doing the art is the HARD part, and most time consuming, imo. )
also.... man I hate the image verification...
Maybe you could hurry up DyPen...if not just for Gary's fiction to stop getting worryingly awkward...
Anyway, I forgot to put cat girls in here! Why oh why did I forget?! I was gonna include it in the transformation sequence?!
Somewhere else in this forest that I assume our setting was, because its always a forest or a tavern, name one time it isn't I dare ya, now, I dare you to find one that was different and didnt have that theme for the whole story!
Anyway, in a lush forest, somewhere else not far from our angsty demoness and naked bleeding man, we see two people, both dressed in heavy ragged green robes, both were females yet one was older and more calm, she had straight brown hair tied in a bun, glasses, and very pale skin, unusual for a forest elf, the other was younger and looked pretty pissed, she had messy blond hair, tan skin, and slightly more round ears than the woman she was arguing with, "I ask again, why do you want to stop your studying and start adventuring?"
"Because I want to experience life, I don't get much from finishing off a book, isn't living in the world free and without burden what a Druid is meant to do?"
"No, you're thinking of bards, and if you want to be a bard, look through that window and see the pile of them beside our pet bear" she motions to a window, "tsk tsk, they were so young, and only against a challenge rating 2..."
"I'm not gonna be a f***ing bard! I can actually heal and fight, I can actually not be useless in a fight! I'll survive, just let me go!"
"On one condition."
"Ask yourself, 'why didnt I just ignore her and leave?'"
"AUUURGBLE", she declared as she foamed from the mouth and flipped many tables.
"Now now, you can leave, have fun being an NPC and dying on the first day though, as if you could find a group to take you, you little NPC girl, Take care~"
"****! **** this forest! I'll show you! I'll find a group and be an important character!
And with that she slammed the door, "OW" boomed the sentient tree house, "I really hate it when you two fight, do you think she'll be okay?"
"Trust me, she'll be fine, now, do you want to stop possessing a tree cand come out Hubert!"
"Yes, dear."
A wisp of blue light came out the tree and into the original human body, "that tree was so relaxing, now how will I get rid of this pent up stress?"
"Oh I can help you with that, would you like me to, ahem, polish your staff?"
Back to our favorite potty mouth!
After running angrily in a straight line for about ten minutes she was finally trying to think, "now if I was an adventuring party where would I be?.... I guess it'll just hit me when it hap-" she said as she was hit by a crazy girl with red skin carrying a bleeding guy.
"F***! What the s*** happened?!" Both women said simultaneously, "Who are you?!" Again, at the same time, "Stop that! Don't you see this bleeding man?! He needs help!" Simultaneously!
"I need to find a he-" "I can heal him!" She said as she cast cure moderate wounds, She was surrounded with a bright light as her robes came off one article at a time and were replaced with an overly short skirt and blouse, she wore a ribbon for no reason on her chest and hair, she got two pony tails and a circlet, "Sailor druid to the rescue!" there was a faint green glow as the energies of the universe stitched together flesh to flesh and rapidly producing new cells....
Hmm...Perhaps if this story of yours keeps on getting posted it might become canon...
If so (long shot...but still a maybe for a cameo?...well probably not...) do you mind introducing a new character to the mix?
Thanks, is this what having a fan feels like..... It feels good.... I want MOAR!
Expect cat girls in next filler
You should make something on the OOTS forums or elsewhere (maybe deviant) saying "Webcomic Artist wanted". You could probably get a fair few replies fom something like that.

Keriss was thrown off guard with this question, and out of curiousity of where he was going with it, she replied, "That blond Mother****** was you, why do you ask?"
Alran ripped off his robes, showing a head of soot black hair and a scrawny wizard body bleeding profusely out of many holes, he was down to his last ten hit points and losing fast.
"What?! I almost killed an innocent man!", Said Keriss
"Innocent is a strong word, I prefer not guilty." Aldran said, though keriss was busy freaking out to listen to comments.
"B-But the bartender said there was a man with grey wings and looking like he was on the run."
"Like these?" He said as great majestic wings spread from his back, covering the sun and casting a shadow the same shade as the wings, "and I was in a hurry, before SOME mad woman attacked me."
"I can't even have the pleasure of killing him..... And I lost my home... Why don't I just end it here?..."
They stood there I awkward silence, wondering what to do next until..... *thump*
Aldran had collapsed from blood loss, and Keriss is running urgently with him slung over her shoulder in a desperate race against time...
I always wanted to make a webcomic, but never found an artist, so now I'm trying to learn how to draw, sorta like I learned how to play bass but couldn't find a band, and now I'm learning guitar, I feel like a damn background character if I can't find a proper rock band story or a comic buddy, I don't want to die! I need more plot significance!
As I've said before I have never ending faith in these guys, consider this filler until they get back, later folks!
I do however agree he should do something though...
Gary: Find an artist, force them to work for you, make a webcomic, ???, profit.
Keriss swung with teary eyes, making her strikes miss barely, one nicked the edge of his cloak, not that it made much of a difference, his cloak was already torn and ragged. Aldran swiftly drew a tiny bar of iron from his bag, grasped it tightly, and raised his middle finger, "Hold person!"
The magic manifested as a ring of light moved from foot to head, paralyzing any muscles as it went, she was stopped in mid swing, in the last second she spat in aldran's face before she was frozen in a look of anger and loathing, "I did not kill anyone that has never gotten in my way, and I would never harm a child, why do you accuse me of these crimes when there are so many others?"
There was dead silence for the next minute, until the spell wore off, she began swinging wildly and speaking between hits, she first struck the side of his face with her sword in a downward swing, leaving a scar for years to come, "I hate you because-", she swung her heavy dagger, leaving a deep wound his forearm as he tried to evade, "-you damn genocidal angels-", she then delivered a solid kick to his crotch, sending him back, reeling in pain, "Killed my parents, my friends, my sister, and burned down my home!"
To be continued.....
One, this comment mechanism is horrible.
Two, the updates are so far between and inconsistent that a reader can't maintain any consistent interest. Like myself, I'm sure all these other readers got into it, kept checking back only to find no updates for long periods of time, and lost interest. According to the index, this comic has gone from four updates a month last year to one a month presently.
Three, this comic has lost all coherence. Without making any significant progress on any of the multiplicity of plots to date, two brand new plot lines, the relevance of which are not clear, have been launched.
I don't know how much clearer it could be than to point out that the main protagonist of the comic is still sporting wounds that occurred in a battle from July 2011. That's right, over 2 years and the main character still has the wounds from the same battle, hasn't even gotten a heal spell or potion even though he's ridiculously powerful and access to these things is trivial to him.
This way people can stay interested in the comic and it's developments without being annoyed at the comic taking so long. Bearing in mind the wait will be long at first, but then we could get a nice flow after it

First, the crowdsourced prophecy will actually talk about the past, to further annoy people who think this is progressing slowly
Then the actual one won't be shown! Or perhaps only dramatical details of it, which we will horribly misinterpret because of the lack of other context
Wonder where this will go and how it will link up to the plot...?
The only thing that could make this more bizarre is someone hitting her with Confusion.