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Operation: Birthday Cake
posted by Jordan on 2008/8/10 (Comics)
Once again, Finx takes the award for best expression in that third last panel. Red pupils are fun to work with.
And this update is not late. Somewhere in the world, it is still Saturday. So, take that... world.
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Anyway, Love the comic. Love the style. Lots of love from sweden.
I just noticed that this comic is the first comic where Eldhin is looking directly at someone BUT is not confused/angry/annoyed at them. Congrats, Eldhin!
Also: Kick his ass, Finx!
Also, note that Eldhin also cast Disrupting Weapon. That's another spell that Paladin's don't get, but clerics do.
I'm more inclined to think that he's simply a straight Cleric. Going by core-only, it's very concievable that he got proficiency with the longsword via MWP or the War domain. It's not like there's really many feats very useful to a Cleric in core outside of Improved Initiative, Power Attack, and metamagic feats. He also needs to be able to provide a decent challenge to not only Finx, but his brother as well. Only a pure Cleric (or Druid) and the raw divine power that comes with it has a chance of doing that without resorting to arcane spellcasting.

Also, Hold Person isn't a paladin spell, so Eldhin might not be a paladin at all, more like a fighter/cleric.
It's a stretch, but could that be Kaal?
Anti-Heroes is blazing trails in the field of lich facial expressions, I tell you. BLAZING TRAILS.

Nice comic, Zarah.