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Rage Quit
posted by Jordan on 2010/5/8 (Comics)
I told you all that the comic will only end when I say it ends. ...Or when I die. Either way, I'm sure someone will deliver the message.
Aaanyway, life has been unforgiving the past few weeks. People have left work, causing my hours to get screwed up and down almost every day. Thankfully that seems to be calming down a little with the summer months coming into gear. Also, just this past week, most of my energy was spent in looking for and buying a car, which was thankfully completed not long ago. Not to mention about fifty side-projects begging to be monitored and updated with what little time I have left. Just all around, not that much fun to be me.
So here's a comic. Later than late, I am well aware, but another comic nonetheless. Consider it a confirmation that this comic isn't dead. Don't make me have to repeat myself any more.
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Also, it would be a real shame if this comic won't continue, I just think that someone sould end this storyline being him Zarah or someone else with his approval...

I know...

When is the next comic?

Now, I'm not trying to troll, and I'm definitely not taking the side of Bored Waiter and

That being said, that's an awfully tiny flyswatter to be killing a bat that size... And flyswatters are usually flimsy, are they not? Perhaps the paladins should invest in electrically charged flyswatters (I have one myself.

The guard must have "winged" him.

I wonder if Asian Paladins get a 5 holy avenger pair of chopsticks instead...
Reader:"Oh no, the comic is dead. We'll give it a great funeral. Your life was too short" etc...
Comic(in the form of author):"Actually, I'm not dead yet."
Comic:"No, really, I'm fine. Just a flesh wound really."
Reader:"But you're not updating anymore..."
Comic:"I'm just busy. I'm not dead until I say I am."
Seriously, it's kinda funny.
And Bored Waiter, if you say you are done with this comic, why do you keep coming back and posting? Just curious.
- This debate is keeping the comic on life support, i.e. still alive (just).
- Comments keep things alive. (How else do you think forums and communities work?)
- Although I don't use Inkscape, I do believe a decent-looking comic, done WELL (as opposed to copied and pasted) would take over an hour. Even on a computer, even drawing a stick figure comic, you can't do a good piece of artwork (including webcomics) in under an hour unless you're ridiculously skilled. This holds true for ALL artwork.
- Also, just how good are your OOTS-style avatars?
- Most people can't make a living off webcomics. Also, real life gets in the way A LOT, especially for students. Not to mention the fifty OTHER side projects which Zarah mentioned...
- Zarah said the comic is not dead until he says so. It's his comic. He hasn't told us it's dead yet, and he's not the kind to play mind games. Therefore, it's not dead yet.
- You say the comic is dead. You apparently believe that. If it's dead, why are you paying so much attention to it?
Oh, and Bored Waiter, ALL trolls do "social experiments", namely getting everyone to fight over something they never even considered before. The fact that it is an "experiment" does not change the fact that it is morally questionable and shows you up as the immature little prick you are when you're not trying to make yourself sound intelligent.
(NB: I insult people way too easily when I get wound up...)
does this look like he is working with paint?
try any vector arts programm like inkscape and it takes a while to make the templates. after that, one hour. tops.
did it a lot to make avatars in the oots style.
you wrote masses of text and didnt bring one valuable argument. the only thing you did was state your opinion.
if the comic isnt dead, then why are there no updates or any comments from the author? without updates, there is no comic anymore. simpe as that.
Call it a social experiment.
Oh and by the way, this comic is really dead.
Bye ****ers!

Nothing's dead except for the souls of those who insist on trying to start flame wars. (Which, by the way, wouldn't work if the comic was ACTUALLY dead. It actually takes people who care to debate back, and if they get those people, that means the comic's not dead.)
Also, that art argument is complete and total BS. I happen to know that some programs take longer than others. For example, I use nothing but MSPaint. To do a simple stick figure comic (no background, just stick figures and text) takes hours to days of my time to do. Yes, I imagine a proper program would be far better at making webcomics--but it's far more work than it looks like. I dare you--try.
REALLY, REALLY *TRY* to make a comic like this. It's a serious request. Prove to me that you can do it, and then tell me how much time and effort it took. I?
I don't think you could truthfully answer with any result which would not back me up.
You? Said one hour. Go ahead and try to make that deadline; I dare you. Heck, I dare you to even make it in TWO hours! I'm fairly confident you won't make it--or if you do, that you'll take shortcuts. Like not making the background as good as it should be, perhaps you copied the character's faces for every comic, neglecting to change them, stuff like that.
To do it WELL? No; that'll take more time.
Storyline's not really an issue, either. Every webcomic artist probably has at least some idea of where they're heading with their webcomic. What they don't know, they overcome with whatever resources they can. (Looking at fan comments, for example.) So that wouldn't be it, either.
Lost interest? Possible for some. But when the artist specifically SAYS that the comic is not dead...that generally means that they, OF ALL PEOPLE, have the MOST interest in it.
Know what it is? A busy RL. Real Life. Because only a fraction of people who make webcomics actually can make a living off of it.
We were told, if you looked, with the quote I gave. Read it again. It is exactly what anyone except for the most stubborn, stupid, or just trollish would have to accept as being proof that the comic lives.
Really. I believe I've said it before. *I* go through all this time and effort to post, to read, etc. because I still care about this webcomic. Yet people like you?
If you don't care, move on. You posting here? Is extremely hypocritical. You think the comic's dead, and yet you continue to post. If you TRULY thought the comic was gone...for'd close your tab and never come back. You'd turn your eye away. Instead? Instead, you remain, flaming away.
We got the sign of life we need in the comment for this very comic (the quote I provided). That was more than enough for any normal person.
Then again, anyone who's twisted enough to troll in the first place probably doesn't fit in the definition of normal, so go try and have some fun by proving my point further, by posting. Or, try to prove me wrong and leave your insults elsewhere. Your choice.
(Sorry if this post seems a little incoherent. I got almost no sleep last night, and it's currently 5 am, so I've been sleep-deprived for some time.)
The comic hasn't stopped updating. The debates haven't stopped raging (although they've shifted from the preferred topic of the actual, y'know, COMIC! >_
"I told you all that the comic will only end when I say it ends. ...Or when I die. Either way, I'm sure someone will deliver the message."
And we have a reminder. In the comic's comments. Learn to read. >_<
Really. I currently read 10 webcomics (the 11th I read, 8-bit theater, finished). Of them? One updates weekdays (Mon-Fri), one's MonWedFri, One's every day (including weekends), One's every Tuesday, and the rest? Not really any regular schedule. They might have one posted, but that doesn't mean they follow it.
One of them just updated--after four months of no comic.
I'd still call that comic alive, albeit inactive.
Then there are comics which update, but for some reason don't have anyone interested in them. (I know of quite a lot. Contrary to popular belief, you won't always be seen on the internet.

Comments alone, yes, would not keep the comic alive. If the author of a webcomic has stated they will stop, it's fairly doubtful comments will do anything to change their minds. (Though it's always worth a try...

But they help. We've been doing these conversations, what, for the last two, three comics? At the very least. The arguments are getting a bit...well, old. I know I've said this before. How 'bout you?
And to me, the statement still stands: comments keep things alive. They keep forums alive which were on the verge of collapsing into the interwebs. They keep games alive, they keep websites alive, they keep webcomics alive...heck, comments pretty much contribute to saving anything. At the very least, they can serve as motivation to the creator.
Therefore, even NEGATIVE comments still contribute, because the negative comments spark conversation and debate--two very, VERY healthy things for a webcomic. Conversations about what's going to happen, for example. Or there's always debating what Character X was REALLY up to, that kind of thing. Now, debate about the author is admittedly not as strong as debate about something happening in the comic...but it does produce positive comments, people showing their support even after a long absence, to let the creator know that they still have motivation to finish.
If you look at the number of people debating, it might not be that impressive right now--but go back a comic or two. And look there--you'll see different people, making pretty much the same argument, with people like me all sharing the conclusion that people like you declaring the comic is dead are just trolling hypocrites. The comic still updates. Even if it only updated once a year (hey, I know of some that do!), it'd still be alive. Even without comments, it'd still be alive. Granted, a better update schedule would make it look more lively, as would comments. But the point still stands.
The comic hasn't stopped updating. The debates haven't stopped raging (although they've shifted from the preferred topic of the actual, y'know, COMIC! >_
By the way, Chopping Block by LAH is dead, but Butch's adventures continue...
He hasn't said that yet. And I don't think he's the kind to mess with our heads that way. So until he says it's dead, I'll keep hoping for an update.
But seriously, Zarah, if you're out there, give us a sign of life...Please?
Still doesn't bode well for AH, though.
By the way, could we PLEASE change the capcha format. I have very bad eyes and I had to attempt this post several times because the chars are so hard to read. Cheers!
The End.
its true, that many webcomics stay alive with a few updates (even though, it should be at least once a week). but these comics require actual artwork instead of using templates in some vector arts programm. if we are seriously here, one comic in the oots stile shouldnt take more than one hour to produce, as long as the actual story is already layed out.
i think the author just lost interest, probably because he had a writers block or something more important came up in his life.
but he could at least have the decency to tell us instead of keeping us waiting.
I hope you're ok, Zarah, and that you update soon.

...When it's something to do for fun, for both the writer/author's enjoyment, and--more importantly--THAT OF THE READER *coughboredwaiterandsmileyfacecoughcough*--...not so much.
It updates when it updates. You need not troll, here. Besides--if it were really dead, then nobody would be commenting. The very act of you posting (albeit highly negative material I'd rather never see haven been posted) keeps the comic alive, so your posting is somewhat hypocritical and unwanted.
This one has had 8 so far, so I think it's still going ok. It just has a highly erratic update schedule. Not every webcomic out there updates every week. This isn't one of them. But it does update. It may be occasional, but it does. Therefore it isn't dead - yet.
Indeed this comic sucks and the author likes playing with our heads.
this comic had like less than ten updates within the last year.

What I disagree with is the conclusion of the comic being effectively dead. For now? Perhaps. Life-support is close to death, really. But hey, it's not dead 'til the author is (and sometimes not even then!

So, hey, any way to express that hope works for me. Doesn't mean it'll do anything, but still, it makes me feel better.

Go comic!

(Positive stuff.)
But, yea, it is possible that's their escape method. Or it can be handwaved as the unusual vampires, which would not surprise me.

Lol, best typo ever.
Sorry. I thought I'd randomly liven things up on here a little...
[goes back to hiding in the corner]
...I live in hope.
(If so, probably means he'd be nasty for our resident Anti-Heroes to actually fight. I mean, clearly, anyone using an undersized swatter to kill a bat is definitely one of the most deadly characters in the comic!

Thinking of it...that dude is a guard - shouldn't a bat be a serious monster to fight against for him with chances that the bat wins?

Anyway - nice comic

First of all it was only two months. Second, you try juggling all that and finding both the time and motivation to write and draw a comic. It isn't nearly as easy as it looks.
Come to think of it, that might be even worse.
While I'm perfectly willing to wait a long time for an update, it would be kind of nice if you could occasionally leave us a Status message just so we know you're ok.
This one's hilarious. Heh, arcade game reference.

We nedd more, More, MOre, MORe and even MORE of this great comics

But the true fans will wait.
Keep up the great work.


Poor bat...
Great comic as always!