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They Get Us All
posted by Jordan on 2009/7/27 (Comics)
Uploading a bit early again today. So it seems like I caught more people off guard than I expected to with the last comic, which is always good. I like to keep the fans on their toes and give them something unexpected. And that's exactly what I have in store.
The Valley of the Night mini-arc will be ending here really soon, and then we'll be moving on to see more of the Ivory Veil. Specifically, of two certain commanders who haven't had any time in the spotlight as of yet.
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i must say, Lana just doesn't have what it takes to intimidate...

But can't Lana just morph into a bat whether or not her hands are tied behind her back?
Or, she could just try to escape. As a Rogue, she probably has a good chance, especially if she keeps trying every round. forget what the skill is called but you get my drift (Escape Artist maybe?).
Either way, it sees really easy for someone like Lana to beat a lowly NPC guard.
Remind me never to piss of the Ivory Veil.