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Original Recipe
posted by Jordan on 2008/12/10 (Comics)
So I've seen a lot of comments asking what Aldran's race is, mostly from people who don't play D&D. So, in order to clear up any confusion: Aldran's race has no name. Like Aldran says himself, no such race is supposed to even exist. Fiends and celestials are sworn enemies and are forbidden to associate, but D&D is a very diverse subject, so there probably is something akin to a half-fiend, half-celestial. However, even if there is, I'm just letting everyone know that Aldran's race is my own creation.
So in short, don't worry if you're not a D&D player and you want all the details. Other than what I offer, there pretty much are none.
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I won't flame though I am curious if you actually typed each one out, held down the "o" button, or used copy-paste.
I'd guess that a lot of people haven't been commenting because there was an alignment discussion. Most sane people try not to get hooked into those

The new posters are probably posting due to both the slow update and increased popularity, I'd guess.

Is it the very slow update that is contributing to this, or is it just increasing popularity?

Oh, and I post here... Rarely... So take that, Amaretto!
Let's first get to 150...don't rush things, Amaretto. ^^
And, the way this is going, this comic WILL have 200 comments.

Also, one and only, never in the comments have I done this before or will I say this again but : NEW COMIC PLEASE ZARAH, or I'l get kneenibble to hump you...

But if he has a life he should spend his time on that, this 'time of the year....
and we are waiting for a new comic
and we don't have lives

Then there is an occasional post by Dooplis... and nada...
Does this ean that we are wierd? lol
lol. It's just a lame attemtp to counteract the all-powerful boredom...

I need a comic ZARAH!!!

Merry Christmas!

it is really quite boring now

but i am seriously bored with this alignment debate :annoyed

But it is till a fun game .

Because that would mean a week or so without an update.

Btw, I didn't make the game to win it. In fact, I knew thqt I was leaving the computer for the day and at the rate these comments are posted, would not make it to 100th...
Your post 99 was quite funny.

However, I suppose you were mistaken somewhere, as the postings haven't died a bit.
However, this one might take a very, very, long time to complete... First person to make comment 100 in any comic after this one wins. A little harder yeh?

Chaos / Law: Want to / Have to
Good / Evil: Care / Don't care
Ex: A CG character does whatever he wants, while avoiding hurting people he cares about as much as possible, while a LE doesn't care who he hurts, unless it does against the rules that bind him (In other words, he wont get a fish bigger than him angry. At least not at HIM.)
And don't worry I realised you were joking, it just seemed kinda funny when you said only an idiot would do exactly what you were doing- but that would only be if you were playing Ameretto's game! So, well done on the ninja joke- it's kind of funny now that i get it!
And I was kidding in Post 99.

And I entirely agree with post 101.

A LG character probably follows actual set rules of a country, not just his own rules.
Chaotic people just do whatever they feel like - screw the rules!

But that doesn't mean they can't think about stuff and plan it.
Neutral people are just like lawful ones - except they just break the rules more often when it suits them!
This entire debate is kinda dumb really! i think it's time for a new comic! We need something new to discuss!

And I think it's hilarious that Doopliss said only an idiot would make post 99 - in post 99!!!

amaretto loses
Law/chaos can be tricky to define. I guess it depends on DM's and players more that solid written rules.
if you are chaotic then you do thinks spontaneously
that's what i mean when i say your own laws
here is a game we can play!

Person to post comment 100 wins! No double posting is allowed from now on until we pass 100.
Sounds like fun no?

It is more along the lines of whther you have any morality/ethics rules in you...
they could be the law of a country or your own, separate rules
I'm not really sure plans can be treated as codes of conduct, since they're "laws" simply to accomplish an objective. It seems to me, it's not ethics or morality if it's nothing more than self-serving.
“Btw, is this the most posts per comic? It might of even topped the argument about whether Aldran has wings!”
Of course. It's an alignment debate.

Ethics, in my opinion, are closer to the good/evil axis... I believe that everyone, including evil people, have ethics... just depends on which ones they follow... I think that someone with no ethics is closer to Neutral, as they do things just for personal gain... or maybe that is morality...
There is a very thin line between "morality" and "ethics" so it is not good enough to describe these two very different axes... (or maybe "axises" lol)
Take someone like Nale from OOTS, for example.
Nale is clearly EVIL. This is witnessed in his goal (kill Elan) which is clearly lacking morality. I agree with you on (Dooplis on "Morality=Good/Evil". He is also clearly LAWFUL as he goes about fulfilling his goal using elaborate plans, following "laws" that he has set up for himself. This is not entirely ethics I think... as the laws he has set up are not very ethical (if they allow him to kill randomly).
Good: Helping others with no regard for yourself
Neutral: Helping yourself with regard for others, and helping others with regard for yourself
Evil: Helping yourself with no regard for others.
Of course, those are just actions. Few characters can be expected to adhere to any of those entirely. The PHB seems to support that view. If evil did require actively working against good, it would be a ridiculously rare alignment by all reasonable standards. Most non-supernatural villains wouldn't even classify. It also makes the two alignments more-or-less pointless aside from contradicting one-another.
“The scheming barren who expands his power and exploits his people is lawful evil. ... The criminal who robs and murders to get what she wants is neutral evil.”
-PHB 3.5.
As for Law/Chaos, I'm pretty sure there's more to it than written law. That would make law and chaos, "forces that define the cosmos" (PHB 3.5), entirely dependent on situations, as well as bringing up ulginess about what constitutes "worthy" laws. Evil tyrants are just as capable as leaving power to their kids (assassinations involved or no) than any other king, and a Paladin would just have to sit there and take it if royalty is an acceptable excuse to make laws. I'm pretty sure it's more about personal laws than those enforced by other people. That's not to say always obeying laws doesn't make you lawful, it's just not the only way to be lawful. Similarly, having no ethical principles doesn't stop you being one of the goodest-aligned people out there. It just means that your goodness manifests in more unpredictable ways. Similarly, just because you're a supervillain that refuses to kill in cold blood, lie, etc, doesn't stop you being a supervillain. Morality = good/evil, ethics = law/chaos. Planning doesn't have anything to do with it.
At least, that's how I see it.

People who help anyone just for personal gain (ex: mercenaries) are NEUTRAL. People who are out to stop evil are GOOD and people out to stop good are EVIL. lol
The Chaos/Law axis is harder for most people to understand... CHAOS is doing things on the spot, without much planning going into it. LAWFUL means putting a great deal of planning into something or being part of some hierarchy (ex: A theives' guild). NEUTRAL CHARACTERS do whatever they want, whenever they want, looking only for personal gain. Therefore, they have absolutley no morals...
This is how I think of it anyways...

And as for the complexity and playing out of alignment...people acting out of their alignment should "gain points" towards the alignment they really are and, if necessary, lose their class as a result...remember Miko Miyazaki from OoTS?

Forces of Good/Evil and Law/Chaos are not a subject to philosophy in D&D as they are in our world (RL campaign setting, lol) but are solid facts.

I made my most recent character NG so he could be a Druid, but he'll play more like a CG.

(I've probably only played about seven myself)

And good job Miles! We own those flamers/trollers/whatever.
I used to play DnD and have played about 7 sessions of 3.5 but I do not actually have the books. However, am familiar with the rules and mechanics.
As Miles guessed, I am just into RPGs in general and they are all basically similar.
It happened when she was in her guild's building, if that helps. I can't search it down.
But anyway, that DEFINATELY suggests lawful neutral. Poor fourth wall.
B: We can still argue their alignments in a D&D context. Doesn't make them particularly canon either way, since everyone seems to have different ideas of alignments than everyone else, but it's still fun.
their alignments could change pretty much when ever they want
“Neither does it suggest that it IS evil...”
You, yourself, said...
“Keriss worked as a mercenary and presumably helped any type of character.(This is typical of mercenaries who are just in it for the money).”
D&D, and RPG's in general are a hobby.
You should look up hobby in the dictionary.
And, yes, he owned you.
“ Seriously, Amaretto...
I always lol at people who read and post in a webcomic just to say that person X should spend less time having fun with it....
“ -PHB. None of that suggests that helping goodness for entirely selfish reasons is non-evil. ”
Neither does it suggest that it IS evil...
Lawfulness is basically the thinking of things BEFOREHAND and making intricate plans. It is not a chaotic trait.
Although I suppose Keriss could be TN...
I still think of her as LN, for reasons previously stated.
“A lawful nvil villain methodically takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regards for whom it hurts.
A neutral evil villain . . . is out for herself, pure and simple.”
-PHB. None of that suggests that helping goodness for entirely selfish reasons is non-evil. They don't care about the value of life, but that doesn't mean they feel a particular drive to kill. I'm not arguing with your conclusion (Keriss is Lawful Neutral), just your reasoning. It might be better not to get into the whole What Measure is a Non Human/Always Chaotic Evil thing.
“ Whuh?
I meant that Keriss helping a good party (Lana's old party) for money is very neutral and that if she was "EVIL" she would not of done so.
“ Aside from the whole "indescriminate killing" thing?
Random killing is very much a part of a Neutral outlook. Neutral characters do what is good for themselves and free xp is definately good.
RPGs in general revolve around the idea of random killing, and DnD is no exception. Heck, since the goblin in that comic was most likely evil, evena good character could have killed him. You are forgetting that "indescriminate" killing is what DnD is all about, at the core, and we have yet to see an example of Aldran killing a good character just for the heck of it.
I think I have made my point?

Even if they did the author is like all the players and the DM combined, so basically the characters can do whatever they want.
And it's all good cause the story would be a lot less interesting if they actually had to follow laws and alignments.
I was just wondering what people thought really.
You can work out alignments and stuff but you'll always go in circles because somebody will argue the example when the author broke the rules just to make the story better!

Doopliss: Eldhin is more obsessed with killing his brother than anything else, but leads a group of 'good guys' who associates wit ha lich. I would say that qualifies for a fallen paladin, a.k.a. a corrupted good guy.
That's just my pair of two cents. (Four cents?)
“This shows a very neutral charcetr as an EVIL one would not help a good party.”
“Aldran could be Netutral and has so far demonstrated actions more befitting a TN character.”
Aside from the whole "indescriminate killing" thing?
“You have the Ivory Veil, The corrupted 'good' guys...”
Well-intentioned extremism isn't corruption.
na stands for not applicable
If you go by rules, Aldran cannot be Good (Necromancer). However, he just threw a Fireball four feet away from him and didn't burn up instantly, so I think the rules are as dead as Kaalinor: technically gone but still hanging around looking at Lana's chest.

and plus
anti heroes more points to neutral
i think
It's easy, really. You have the Ivory Veil, The corrupted 'good' guys, and you have Aldran & co, the bad-looking guys out to save the world. Alignment doesn't enter into it! You can't classify these people on a character sheet! They aren't LN, they're NA. None of the Above.
It makes the whole twins thing kinda lame if they're not good and evil. I guess they could both be neutral maybe?
Also the name of the comic does point to at least one person in the party being evil, and Aldran seems the most likely. Well who knows really!

Keriss is most certainly Lawful Neutral. I am not sure if you were also wondering about the Law/Chaos axis but I will answer anyways.
Keriss behaves in a VERY lawful manner. She always plans beforehand and regards Aldran's chaotic tactics with disdain. When she worked as a mercenary, she kept tabs on her targets, also showing a lawful atitude.
Now to the main question: Good/Evil. You say that Keriss can't be good as she hangs around Aldran, but this just isn't right... Aldran could be Netutral and has so far demonstrated actions more befitting a TN character. Also, Lana hangs out with him fine, and I am presuming that she was at least GOOD until she died... and is now most probably neutral as well.
Anyways, back to the point.

This shows a very neutral charcetr as an EVIL one would not help a good party.
Phew... long post... Hope I cleared things up a bit.

I guess she must be evil or neutral to be hanging round with Aldran (he is evil, right?) and a vampire but has it ever said?
Just wondering cause she doesn't really seem to fit with the rest of the party in evil-ness


I also have a comment to direct at V, who, as already pointed out, has a VERY unoriginal name. STOP TROLLING FOOL!


But does it really matter!!?? And I do find it kinda funny that you call me a moron and then tell other people to stop flaming in the same post!
“ are a moron...and stop flaming!”

they are already back in the material plane

We never saw the crow with cross eyes so it is not 100% dead. What if it IS a spy for the Viel?
Rouge means red in french....

And stop flaming! The comic was certainly not one of the most epic but was definately not the worst. Liked the ending...

"Argh, I have so many questions!"
"And so little room for them."
= Laughing out loud, literally! Hilarious comic. Plus, last 2 panels = Aldran wins.
V is for you don't know what you're talking about; the comic is awesome.

i just thought about what tarrasque said
I always assumed she was but does it actually say anywhere?
- Able to cast Wind Wall and Entangle?
- Bio calls her a Ranger?
I can see where you got Rogue/Warrior from Niley.

Another lol-out loud comic - keep it up.

Great comic.

I lol loudly.

do not bite the hand that feeds you
or draws comics for you
On the non-trolling side, wicked comic, man! I can just imagine Lana's mind right now, "Wrong! Wrong! Sick and Wrong!"
“Crap comic.”
Obvious troll is obvious.