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posted by A on 2013/2/25 (Comics)
So sorry, I thought I uploaded this last week. Things have been a bit nuts at Casa De Pen. A combination of moving twice in two weeks and me and Mrs. Pen, as well as both our little golf pencils, catching some horrid nasal and lung destroying ick has caused me to... well... misplace the last couple of weeks. I literally lost a couple weeks of time somehow. But I am scripting, and Dyluth is doing a wonderful job deciphering my sick bed scribblings of fantasy and oddness, so here you go. Some of Lana's backstory is about to appear!
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On the dialouge, she's trying to be nonchalant. She's playing it cool. Nodding, saying, so... thieves' guild. (and i'll ask Dyluth to get that typo fixed, thanks for pointing it out. my bad). as a way of implying he's part of the guild. Saying, "So you are in the thieves' guild now" would to me be more stilted. Enh.
And no, no Malack! (totally shocked by that turn. glad I wasn't reading the WMG threads)
Also, I have to say that I like Paul. As far as I can tell, he's fairly nice, has an actual reason to steal (orphan who therefore wasn't exactly wealthy when he got out of the orphanage, from the sounds of it), and I doubt he's going to turn out to be an enemy since it wouldn't make any sense for the Ivory Veil to recruit a thief for them.

To follow up on Red XIV's comment, insert Malack here.
Please don't - he's too powerful in OOtS, here he would be...
Plus I went right off him after the Bloodwart incident!

“So is this guy completely oblivious to her glowing red eyes and "undead" voice?
And the fangs in her mouth?”
Vampires are supposed to be able to blend in among humans, so maybe that stuff is only obvious when she wants it to be.
I guess it's implied that he's saying most of the people from the orphanage are now in the Thieves' Guild, but linguistically speaking it makes no sense. Paul didn't actually say that they "are" anything, nor did Lana say anything for him to logically follow up on in that manner. The result is that Paul's grammar and word usage is based on what Lana meant ("So you're in the Thieves' guild now"), rather than what she said ("So, Thieves' guild"), which doesn't really work. I guess it's not so horrible because it's at least obvious what he's talking about, but I don't think this kind of thing really happens very much even in casual conversation.
I'm also kinda with FrankNorman on this one, you'd think he would at least acknowledge that she's a freaking vampire now. I mean, it really just doesn't make sense for him to completely ignore it, even if it's made immediately clear that he doesn't care (in fact, that would probably even make his character a little more interesting than it's been up to this point).
That all said, this strip is a lot more palatable than the last one, so credit where it's due, I guess.
Yeah, well, I think he was a little, um, distracted by her vampiric... assets. See comics #3, #4, #5 and others.
And the fangs in her mouth?
"Dude, I can't join the thieves' guild. That was in a previous life"
How long before she drains all his levels by mistake? ;P
Sorry, Laris... you're displaced.